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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 13 June 2020

            Trudeau: police video of aboriginal

            chief arrest shocking

            By ROB GILLIES                                            very  worrying.  The  events
            Associated Press                                          of  the  last  few  days  and
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Cana-                                   weeks have ignited a very
            dian  Prime  Minister  Justin                             important     conversation
            Trudeau  said  Friday  that                               about the use of excessive
            black and indigenous peo-                                 force."
            ple in Canada do not feel                                 The  RCMP  said  in  a  state-
            safe  around  police  after                               ment  that  the  dashcam
            a  police  dashcam  video                                 video  had  been  reviewed
            emerged of the violent ar-                                by  supervisors  and  "it  was
            rest of a Canadian aborigi-                               determined that the mem-
            nal chief.                                                bers'  actions  were  reason-  In  this  May  6,  2020  photo,  a  man  begs  at  a  roadside  during
            The  arrest  has  received                                able and did not meet the    a  lockdown  to  help  to  contain  a  spread  of  coronavirus  in
                                                                                                   Peshawar, Pakistan.
            attention  in  Canada  as                                 threshold for an external in-                                         Associated Press
            a  backlash  against  rac-   This  March  10,  2020  photo   vestigation."
            ism  grows  worldwide  in    provided  by  Chief  Adam,   Chrystia  Freeland  said  she  Study warns of poverty
            the  wake  of  the  death  of   shows  the  bloodied  face  of
                                                                      found  the  images  in  the
            George Floyd, a black man    Athabasca  Chipewyan  First   video  "incredibly  disturb- surge to over 1 billion
            who  died  after  a  white   Nation Chief Allan Adam after
            Minneapolis  police  officer   a  confrontation  with  Royal   ing." "This is a moment in our
                                         Canadian Mounted Police.
            pressed a knee to his neck.              Associated Press  country  when  we  need  to  due to virus
            The 12-minute police video                                confront  the  really  horrible
            shows  an  officer  charging  publicly  as  part  of  a  court  reality  that  systemic  rac-  By PAN PYLAS         the report’s co-authors.
            at  Athabasca  Chipewy-      application to get criminal  ism  exists  here  in  Canada,    Associated Press        Because millions of people
            an  First  Nation  Chief  Allan  charges  against  Adam  re-  anti-black  racism  exists  in   LONDON  (AP)  —  Global  live just above the poverty
            Adam with his arm and el-    moved.                       Canada,    anti-indigenous   poverty is set to rise above  line, they are in a precarious
            bow  up  as  he  tackles  him  The  video  earlier  shows  a  racism exists in Canada. It is   1 billion people once again  position  as  the  economic
            to the ground. It also shows  different officer approach-  systemic," she said.        as a result of the coronavi-  shock  of  the  pandemic
            the officer punching him in  ing Adam's truck outside a  The  statement  from  the     rus  pandemic,  which  is  re-  plays  out.  In  a  worst  case
            the head.                    casino in Fort McMurray, Al-  Athabasca     Chipewyan     ducing  the  income  of  the  scenario,  the  number  of
            Trudeau  called  the  video  berta, early on the morning  First  Nation  called  for  the   world’s  poorest  by  $500  people in extreme poverty
            "shocking."  "I  have  serious  of  March  10.  Police  have  officers involved to be pun-  million  a  day,  according  - defined as earning under
            questions about what hap-    said  Adam's  truck  had  ex-  ished and criminal charges   to new research published  $1.90 a day - is forecast to
            pened," Trudeau said. "The  pired plates.                 brought.                     Friday.                      rise  from  about  700  million
            independent  investigation  The video shows Adam get-     Mark  Mendelson,  a  for-    The research by King’s Col-  to 1.1 billion, according to
            must  be  transparent  and  ting in and out of the vehi-  mer  Toronto  police  detec-  lege London and the Aus-    the report, which was pub-
            be  carried  out  so  that  we  cle, removing his coat and  tive,  said  the  officer  flying   tralian  National  University  lished by the United Nations
            get  answers.  At  the  same  taking a karate-like stance  at  Adam  with  his  elbow   points  to  poverty  increas-  University World Institute for
            time, though, we also know  and  using  expletives  as  and  punching  him  on  the    ing  dramatically  in  mid-  Development  Economics
            that  this  is  not  an  isolated  he  complains  about  be-  ground  was  unnecessary   dle-income   developing  Research.
            incident.  Far  too  many  ing harassed by police. His  and egregious. Mendelson       countries, where millions of  Researchers  are  calling
            black  Canadians  and  in-   wife  and  niece  get  in  be-  also wondered why he was   people live just above the  for  “urgent  global  leader-
            digenous  people  do  not  tween him and the officer  being arrested.                  poverty line.                ship”  to  address  the  crisis.
            feel  safe  around  police.  at  times.  Adam's  lawyer,  "You  can  see  him  being   Asian  countries,  such  as  But hopes are low after the
            It's  unacceptable.  And  as  Brian  Beresh,  has  filed  a  verbally  aggressive.  My   Bangladesh, India, Indone-  Group of Seven meeting of
            governments,  we  have  to  court motion to have crimi-   position is that if you can't   sia,  Pakistan  and  the  Phil-  world  leaders,  which  was
            change that."                nal charges dropped over  take somebody yelling and       ippines,  are  considered  to  due  to  take  place  June
            Pictures  show  Adam  was  violation  of  Adam's  consti-  swearing  and  screaming    be  particularly  vulnerable  10-12  at  President  Donald
            left  bloodied  with  his  face  tutional rights.         at you, then you probably    to  the  pandemic’s  eco-    Trump’s  retreat  at  Camp
            swollen.  Alberta's  police  "All of this resulted from an  shouldn't  be  a  cop,"  he   nomic  shockwaves  with  David,  was  postponed.
            watchdog agency is inves-    expired  license  plate  tag.  said.  Adam  held  a  news   lockdowns severely curtail-  Trump  now  aims  to  host
            tigating.  Police  charged  The video speaks for itself,"  conference  last  weekend   ing activity.                an  expanded  meeting  in
            Adam  with  resisting  arrest  Beresh said in a statement.   to  talk  about  excessive   “The  pandemic  is  fast  be-  September,  also  including
            and  assaulting  a  police  Opposition     Conservative  force  and  racism.  He  has   coming an economic crisis  leaders from Russia, Austra-
            officer.   The   Athabasca  Leader     Andrew    Scheer  noted  that  although  ab-    for  developing  countries,”  lia, South Korea and India.
            Chipewyan     First   Nation  said  he  was  troubled  by  original  people  represent   said  Andy  Sumner,  a  pro-  How  much  development
            said  the  Royal  Canadian  the video. "It's very difficult  5%  of  Canada's  popula-  fessor  of  international  de-  issues  will  be  addressed
            Mounted Police dash cam-     to  watch,"  Scheer  said.  "I  tion, they make up to 30%   velopment  at  King’s  Col-  at that summit remains an
            era  video  was  released  found it very troubling and  of the prison population.q     lege  London  and  one  of  open question.q
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