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U.S. NEWS Saturday 23 december 2017
Trump signs tax overhaul, spending bill ahead of holidays
anathema to Republicans moved it up on the spur of
for years. the moment after watch-
Passage of the tax bill ing media coverage Friday
marked a significant victo- morning about the legisla-
ry for a president hungry for tion. After finishing the bill
one after chaos and legis- signings, he was off to Mar-
lative failures during his first a-Lago in Florida, his plane
year in office — including leaving Joint Base Andrews
an effort to repeal former in Maryland just before
President Barack Obama’s noon EST.
health care law — despite The first major overhaul of
Republican control of Con- the nation’s tax laws since
gress. Trump also ended 1986 could add $1.5 trillion
the year with his sights still to the national debt over
trained on the way the the next decade, accord-
media treat him, tweeting ing to the Congressional
that the mainstream media Budget Office. Republican
“NEVER talk about our ac- leaders have said they’re
complishments in the end willing to take that step in
of year reviews.” pursuit of a boost to the
“We are compiling a long economy.
@ beautiful list,” he tweet- But some in the GOP worry
ed. their party could face a
President Donald Trump displays the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul package he had just signed, Friday,
Dec. 22, 2017, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Trump touted the size of the Trump said that he origi- political backlash without
tax cut, declaring to reporters in the Oval Office before he signed it Friday that “the numbers will nally planned to sign the an aggressive public rela-
speak.” tax bill early next year but tions tour.q
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
By LAURIE KELLMAN law will give big cuts to
JONATHAN LEMIRE corporation and wealthy
Associated Press Americans and more mod-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- est reductions to other
dent Donald Trump signed families. Trump continued
the $1.5 trillion tax overhaul to pitch it as a win for the
into law Friday, using his middle class, insisting that
last moments in the White even though polling in-
House before flying to Flor- dicates the tax cut is un-
ida for the holidays to cel- popular, “the numbers will
ebrate a much-needed speak” for themselves.
political win. “I don’t think we are going
He also signed a temporary to have to do much sell-
spending bill to keep the ing,” Trump told reporters in
government running and the Oval Office.
provide money to upgrade The tax law is the largest
the nation’s missile de- since 1986, but far from the
fenses. The tax cut, which biggest in American history,
fulfilled a long-held Repub- as the president repeated-
lican goal, was at the fore- ly claims. It also is project-
front of Trump’s mind. ed to add to the nation’s
Starting next year, the new debt, something that was
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