Page 6 - aruba-today-20171223
P. 6
Saturday 23 december 2017
MIT janitor calls his jail release a Christmas ‘miracle’
“My first daughter came on illegal immigration has
home from school, and swept up not just hardened
she didn’t expect me to criminals, but also other-
be home,” he said Friday, wise law-abiding, contrib-
speaking in a park near uting members of Ameri-
his home in Chelsea, Mas- can society.
sachusetts. “When she saw Rodriguez-Guardado en-
me, she jumped on me, tered the U.S. illegally in
she was so happy.” 2006 but has been granted
U.S. Immigration and Cus- temporary authorizations
toms Enforcement released to continue to live in the
the 43-year-old after a fed- country as he seeks asylum.
eral court in Denver put his He says he fled his native El
deportation on hold, pend- Salvador after a co-worker
ing an appeal of his asylum was murdered by gang
case. members, but gaining per-
ICE had taken Rodriguez- manent status has proven
Guardado into custody in elusive. Rodriguez-Guar-
July after revoking his tem- dado was denied asylum
porary authorization to live in 2009 and had a subse-
in the country. The case quent appeal rejected in
sparked protests across 2011. He has no criminal
Boston this summer as labor record. Rodriguez-Guarda-
unions, the MIT faculty and do’s case looked bleak un-
MIT janitor Francisco Rodriguez listens to speakers during a “Here to Stay” rally at the Irish Famine prominent politicians, like til a few weeks ago, when
Memorial in Boston. Democratic U.S. Sen. Ed the Colorado court pro-
(AP Photo/Charles Krupa) Markey, rallied his cause. vided the “extraordinary
By PHILIP MARCELO how he’d spend the holi- cry for opponents of Presi- Supporters say Rodriguez- and rare” order to put the
Associated Press days away from his family. dent Donald Trump’s im- Guardado’s case — and deportation on hold while
BOSTON (AP) — Sitting in Instead, the Massachu- migration crackdown was many others like it across it considers his case, a pro-
a Boston jail for nearly six setts Institute of Technology able to surprise his wife and the country — highlight cess that could take up to
months, Francisco Rodri- janitor whose deportation three young children by re- how the Republican ad- six months, his lawyer John
guez-Guardado wondered case became a rallying turning home Thursday. ministration’s crackdown Bennett said Friday.q
Deputies shoot, kill 6-year-old boy at Texas trailer park
SCHERTZ, Texas (AP) — Four Salazar said. The woman ily. several times, Salazar said. It’s not clear if she lost the
sheriff’s deputies firing at was shot multiple times and “I can definitively tell you The events unfolded Thurs- weapon or discarded it as
a wanted felon shot and died at the scene. The boy that myself and all the day morning when a man she was being chased.
killed a 6-year-old boy was struck in the torso and deputies involved, there’s reported that a woman he Salazar said the woman
when at least one round taken to a hospital where not a single one us of that knew had stolen his car, the tried to break into several
went through the wall of his he was pronounced dead. wouldn’t trade places with San Antonio Express-News homes at the trailer park in
San Antonio-area mobile The Bexar County medical this child,” Salazar told re- reported. Deputies found an effort to evade authori-
home and struck him, sher- examiner’s office on Friday porters late Thursday. the woman hiding in the ties before she came to
iff’s officials said. identified the boy as 6-year- It wasn’t immediately clear closet of a home where she the home where Kameron
The woman, sought for of- old Kameron Prescott. Sher- what prompted the depu- pointed a gun at them be- was inside with other family
fenses including car theft iff’s officials a day earlier ties to fire at the woman. fore fleeing on foot, Salazar members.
and who was being chased had said he was 7. No weapon was found on said. The San Antonio Express-
by Bexar County deputies, Authorities have not re- her after she died. One of At one point she swam News reports that Kameron
was attempting to break leased the name of the the deputies who was in- across a creek before run- was home because his el-
in to the trailer Thursday af- woman. Salazar said she volved in a two-hour search ning into a wooded area ementary school let out stu-
ternoon when the shooting had no apparent connec- for the woman said she next to the trailer park dents at noon for the Christ-
happened, Sheriff Javier tion to the child or his fam- had earlier pointed a gun where the boy lived. mas break.q