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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 23 december 2017

            Catalan vote does little to clarify Spanish region’s future

            By BARRY HATTON              weeks ago to avoid being
            ARITZ PARR                   arrested on possible rebel-
             Associated Press            lion  and  sedition  charges,
            BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —  ex-Catalan  President  Car-
            Spain’s  worst  political  crisis  les  Puigdemont  said  he
            in  decades  showed  few  would  talk  with  Rajoy  un-
            signs of abating Friday after  der  one  condition  —  their
            Catalan  separatist  parties  meeting would have to be
            clinched  a  parliamentary  outside  Spain.  Even  with
            majority  in  an  exception-  Puigdemont  campaigning
            al  election  called  by  the  from  Belgium,  his  Together
            country’s  prime  minister,  for Catalonia party snared
            who remained steadfast in  34  of  the  regional  parlia-
            his refusal to consider inde-  ment’s 135 seats, making it
            pendence for the prosper-    the most popular separatist
            ous region.                  party. As the leading sepa-
            The outcome of Thursday’s  ratist  candidate,  Puigde-
            election,  in  which  an  anti-  mont could try to become
            secession party also made  president     of   Catalonia
            its  best  showing  to  date,  again. The new parliament
            did yield a sign of possible  would not be able to elect
            movement:  Prime  Minis-     him  for  the  post  unless  he
            ter Mariano Rajoy and the  returns  to  Barcelona,  the   Ousted  Catalan  leader  Carles  Puigdemont  speaks  during  a  media  conference  in  Brussels  on
            pro-independence  region-    regional  capital,  but  he  is   Friday, Dec. 22, 2017. Ousted Catalan president Charles Puigdemont addressed the media on
            al  president  he  removed  likely  to  be  arrested  when   Friday, a day after regional elections in Spain.
            from office said they were  he turns up on Spanish soil.                                                                (AP Photo/Virginia Mayo)
            ready to talk.               The  election  results  none-  embarrassment   for   the  mont  said,  referring  to  the  based  on  dialogue”  was
            However,  the  two  men  theless  strengthened  Puig-     prime  minister  who  took  election results. “Recogniz-  beginning in Catalonia. He
            made  clear  they  were  demont’s  hand,  as  sepa-       unprecedented  steps  to  ing  reality  is  vital  if  we  are  also set out a condition of
            working off different sets of  ratist  politicians  won  70  of   put  down  the  Catalan  in-  to  find  a  solution.”  Rajoy  his own for any talks: sepa-
            presumptions  for  a  poten-  the  parliament  seats  alto-  dependence  movement.  ignored      his   adversary’s  ratist  officeholders  must
            tial dialogue.               gether.  Rajoy’s  conserva-  “More than 2 million people  appeal for a meeting, de-    abide by the Spanish Con-
            Speaking    from   Brussels,  tive  Popular  Party  secured   are in favor of Catalonia’s  claring  instead  that  the  stitution,  which  says  the
            where he fled nearly eight  just  three  seats,  a  major   independence,”   Puigde-   election  show  a  “new  era  country is “indivisible.”q

            Johnson on first Moscow visit by UK top diplomat in 5 years

            By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV       desire  to  work  together  that  they  are  obstructions  terference in the June 2016  cessful.”
            Associated Press             when    national   interests  in  our  relationship  at  the  vote.                    Unwilling  to  yield  ground,
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Brit-       align.                       moment,”  Johnson  said  “Not  successfully,  I  think  is  Lavrov  snapped:  “Lack  of
            ish  Foreign  Secretary  Boris  Johnson  is  the  U.K.’s  first  at the start of his talks with  the  word,”  Johnson  imme-  action  can  never  lead  to
            Johnson  visited  Moscow  foreign  secretary  to  visit  Lavrov. “But we mustn’t let  diately intervened.           any  result,”  adding  that
            Friday,  mixing  calls  for  co-  Moscow  in  more  than  five  ourselves  be  defined  by  Lavrov retorted that his Brit-  Moscow was waiting to see
            operation  on  global  secu-  years.  Russia  and  Britain  these problems.”           ish  counterpart  needed  to  Britain’s  proof  of  Russian
            rity challenges with sparring  have  collided  on  a  range  Their   news   conference  publicly  argue  with  him  to  meddling.
            over  allegations  of  Russian  of issues, including the 2006  gave the two diplomats an  safeguard his reputation at  Lavrov acknowledged that
            meddling in Britain’s vote to  poisoning death in London  opportunity  to  spar  briefly  home.                     relations  between  the  two
            leave the European Union.    of ex-Russian spy Alexander  over  the  allegations  that  “Sergei, it’s your reputation  countries are at a “very low
            Despite  an  acerbic  ex-    Litvinenko  and  the  Ukrai-  Russia  was  interested  in  I’m  worried  about,”  John-  point.”
            change  between  Johnson  nian crisis.                    seeing Britain leave the EU.  son said as Lavrov laughed.  He  emphasized  that  while
            and  Russian  Foreign  Minis-  “It’s important to talk about  Lavrov  said  Johnson  has  “You should recognize that  British and other Western of-
            ter Sergey Lavrov, both dip-  these things and to be frank  acknowledged  that  there  Russian  attempts  to  inter-  ficials like to publicly air their
            lomats  expressed  a  strong  about them and to accept  was no proof of Russian in-    fere  ...  haven’t  been  suc-  grievances about Russia.q
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