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                                       A8   U.S. NEWSORLD NEWS
             Saturday 23 december 2017

            UK’s May hails military personnel in Cyprus in IS fight

            By M. HADJICOSTIS            “It is you who take down our  tarmac with a pair of war-
            Associated Press             enemies and stand by our  planes as a backdrop.
            AKROTIRI,  Cyprus  (AP)  —  allies when the going gets  May  said  RAF  Akrotiri  also
            British  Prime  Minister  The-  tough,”  May  told  around  supports  more  than  1,450
            resa  May  praised  military  200 men and women serv-     personnel  working  with  al-
            personnel at a U.K. air base  ing at the RAF Akrotiri, one  lies and partners in Iraq and
            on  Cyprus  for  helping  to  of two sovereign bases that  Jordan to fight IS and pre-
            beat back the Islamic State  Britain  has  maintained  on  vent it’s re-emergence.
            group with more than 1,600  this  east  Mediterranean  But  the  British  prime  minis-
            air strikes in Iraq and Syria.  island  since  its  indepen-  ter  said  the  U.K.’s  security
            May  said  Friday  that  RAF  dence from British colonial  and  that  of  other  nations
            Akrotiri  is  at  the  epicenter  rule in 1960.           also depends on their work
            of  Britain’s  contribution  to  “Today,  thanks  in  very  to  prevent  IS  from  finding
            the fight against IS and that  large  part  to  your  efforts,  new  ungoverned  areas  to
            the work of military person-  the  so-called  Caliphate  launch attacks.
            nel there to train the forces  has  been  crushed  and  no  “So  it  is  vital  that  we  sup-  British  Prime  Minister  Theresa  May  speaks  with  troops  serving
            of  neighboring  countries  is  longer holds significant ter-  port  the  stability  of  our   at  RAF  Akrotiri,  one  of  two  military  bases  Britain  maintains  on
            vital to maintaining stability  ritory  in  Iraq  or  Syria,”  she  partners across the Middle   the  east  Mediterranean  island  of  Cyprus.  May  stopped  off  at
            in the volatile region.      told  troops  against  on  the  East,”  said  May.  That  sup-  RAF Akrotiri to deliver good wishes to service personnel for the
                                                                                                   upcoming holidays on her way back to the UK after a visit to
                                                                                                   Poland.                          (AP Photo/Petros Karadjias, Pool)
                                                                                                   port extends to the training  after  the  country’s  exit
                                                                                                   of 60,000 Iraqi security forc-  from  the  European  Union
                                                                                                   es and in the expansion of  in March 2019 will continue
                                                                                                   a  quick-reaction  force  in  to  honor  its  responsibilities
                                                                                                   Jordan.                      as  a  U.N.  Security  Council
                                                                                                   She  said  a  “global  Britain”  member.q
                                                                                                   India and China hold talks on

                                                                                                   long-running border dispute

                                                                                                   By ASHOK SHARMA              External Affairs Ministry said
                                                                                                   Associated Press             at the end of daylong talks.
                                                                                                   NEW  DELHI  (AP)  —  India  The Indian side was led by
                                                                                                   and  China  on  Friday  dis-  National  Security  Adviser
                                                                                                   cussed  ways  to  prevent  a  Ajit Doval and the Chinese
                                                                                                   repeat of a recent face-off  delegation by Special Rep-
                                                                                                   between their armed forc-    resentative  Yang  Jiechi.
                                                                                                   es at a Himalayan plateau  The  two  had  met  in  Bei-
                                                                                                   where  their  borders  meet  jing in July on the sidelines
                                                                                                   and  agreed  that  resolving  of  a  meeting  of  the  Brazil-
                                                                                                   their  boundary  disagree-   Russia-India-China-South
                                                                                                   ments  served  the  interests  Africa (BRICS) summit. “The
                                                                                                   of both countries. Relations  talks were positive and fo-
                                                                                                   between  the  two  Asian  cused  on  bringing  out  the
                                                                                                   giants  have  often  been  full  potential  of  the  closer
                                                                                                   strained,  partly  due  to  an  developmental partnership
                                                                                                   undemarcated       border.  between  the  two  coun-
                                                                                                   They  fought  a  monthlong  tries,”  the  statement  said.
                                                                                                   border  war  in  1962  and  “They  re-emphasized  their
                                                                                                   have  been  trying  to  settle  commitment to achieve a
                                                                                                   the  boundary  since  the  fair, reasonable and mutu-
                                                                                                   1980s. The two sides agreed  ally acceptable solution to
                                                                                                   Friday  that  pending  the  fi-  the  India-China  boundary
                                                                                                   nal resolution of the bound-  question at an early date.”
                                                                                                   ary  issue,  it  was  necessary  The  latest  confrontation
                                                                                                   to  maintain  peace  and  took  place  where  India
                                                                                                   tranquility in the border ar-  and China’s border meets
                                                                                                   eas, a statement by India’s  that of Bhutan.q
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