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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 23 december 2017

            Girl gets 25 years in mental hospital in Slender Man case

            By SCOTT BAUER               out of the woods to a path
            Associated Press             where  a  passing  bicyclist
            MADISON, Wis. (AP) — One  found her.
            of  two  Wisconsin  girls  who  Both Weier and Geyser told
            tried  to  kill  a  classmate  to  detectives  they  felt  they
            win  favor  with  a  fictional  had  to  kill  Leutner  to  be-
            horror  character  named  come Slender Man’s “prox-
            Slender  Man  has  been  ies,”  or  servants,  and  pro-
            sentenced to 25 years in a  tect their families from him.
            mental  hospital,  the  maxi-  All three girls were 12 years
            mum punishment possible.     old at the time.
            Anissa  Weier,  16,  plead-  Weier  apologized  in  brief
            ed  guilty  in  August  to  be-  comments before her sen-
            ing  a  party  to  attempted  tencing.
            second-degree  intentional  “I do hold myself account-
            homicide, but she claimed  able  for  this  and  that  I  will
            she  wasn’t  responsible  for  do  whatever  I  have  to  do
            her  actions  because  she  to  make  sure  I  don’t  get
            was mentally ill. In Septem-  any sort of delusion or what-
            ber, a jury agreed.          ever again,” Weier told the
            Waukesha  County  Circuit  judge,  as  she  sat  next  to
            Judge  Michael  Bohren  on  her  attorney.  “I  want  ev-
            Thursday  sentenced  Weier  erybody  involved  to  know
            to 25 years in a psychiatric  I  deeply  regret  everything
            institution,  retroactive  to  that  happened  that  day.   Anissa Weier, one of two Wisconsin girls who tried to kill a classmate to win favor with a fictional
            the date of the crime. That  I  know  that  nothing  I  say   horror character named Slender Man, is led into the Waukesha County Court for her sentencing
            means she would be institu-  is  going  to  make  this  right   hearing, Thursday, Dec. 21, 2017, in Waukesha, Wis. She was sentenced to 25 years in a mental
            tionalized until age 37.     and  nothing  I  say  is  going   hospital, the maximum punishment possible.
            Weier and Morgan Geyser  to fix what I broke.” Leutner                                            (Michael Sears/Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel via AP)
            lured  Payton  Leutner  into  family spokesman Steve Ly-  it  also  keeps  both  Payton,  her  daughter  still  fears  for  and physical and emotion-
            a wooded park in Wauke-      ons said they were pleased  her family and the commu-     her  life.  For  months,  Pay-  al scars it left for the rest of
            sha,  a  Milwaukee  suburb,  with  the  sentence.  “They  nity  safe.”  Leutner’s  moth-  ton slept with scissors under  her life,” her mother wrote.
            in  2014.  Geyser  stabbed  believe  that  justice  was  er, Stacie Leutner, sent the  her  pillow  for  protection,  In  her  letter,  Leutner  did
            Leutner 19 times while Wei-  served,”  Lyons  said.  “The  judge  a  letter  this  week  in  and she still keeps her bed-  not  ask  the  judge  to  sen-
            er  urged  her  on,  accord-  sentence  today  allows  for  which  she  wrote  that  the  room windows closed and  tence  Weier  to  a  specific
            ing to investigators. Leutner  some additional closure for  trauma  of  the  attack  “has  locked.  “She  will  struggle  length of time in the mental
            survived  after  she  crawled  Payton and her family and  defined our lives” and that  with the events of that day  hospital.q
            Video: Train crew not using electronic devices before crash

            By PHUONG LE                 while  traveling  more  than  Board.                      event data recorder as well  engineer  may  have  been
            Associated Press             double the posted 30 mph  The  video  recording  “end-    as  inward-  and  outward-   distracted for an extended
            SEATTLE (AP) — Video from  (48 kph) speed limit. But au-  ed  as  the  locomotive  was  facing train cameras. They  period.  The  engineer,  who
            the cab of the Amtrak train  thorities  did  not  provide  a  tilting  and  the  crew  was  have  said  their  full  inves-  was among the injured, has
            that  hurtled  off  the  tracks  transcript  of  what  he  said,  bracing  for  impact”  south  tigation  could  take  more  not been identified and in-
            in  Washington  state,  kill-  saying  only  in  a  summary  of Seattle on Monday, the  than a year.                vestigators  have  said  they
            ing three people and injur-  that  “about  six  seconds  safety board said.            NTSB  board  member  Bella  planned to speak with him
            ing dozens, shows that the  prior to the derailment, the  The  train  was  carrying  Dinh-Zarr  said  earlier  this  soon.
            engineer  did  not  appear  engineer  made  a  com-       85  passengers  and  crew  week that the locomotive’s  None  of  the  critical  train
            to be using a cellphone or  ment  regarding  an  over  members as it made its in-      emergency brake went off  speed-control  technology
            any  other  personal  elec-  speed condition.”            augural  run  along  a  fast,  automatically and was not  that could have prevented
            tronic  device  just  before  The video also showed that  new  15-mile  (24-kilometer)  manually activated by the  a derailment was active on
            the  derailment,  federal  in-  the engineer did not place  bypass route. Officials have  engineer.                 the section of track where
            vestigators said Friday.     the train’s brake handle in  said previously that another  Rail-safety  experts  have  the  derailment  happened
            The video and audio cap-     the    emergency-braking  person was inside the loco-     said  the  engineer  should  before the train set off on its
            tured  from  a  camera  fac-  mode  as  the  locomotive  motive’s cab being trained  have  activated  the  brake  maiden voyage Monday.
            ing  inside  the  cab  also  re-  was  recorded  traveling  78  by the engineer.       about a minute before the  Work  to  install  the  GPS-
            vealed  that  the  engineer  mph  (126  kph),  according  Federal  investigators  trying  train  reached  the  curve  based  technology  known
            was  heard  commenting  to the preliminary details of  to determine the cause of  posted for 30 mph (48 kph),  as  positive  train  control  is
            about the train’s speed just  an investigation by the Na-  the  wreck  have  gathered  and  that  not  doing  do  not  expected  to  be  com-
            before  the  train  crashed  tional Transportation Safety  data from the locomotive’s  strongly suggested that the  pleted until next spring.q
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