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a14    people & arts
               Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023

            Selma Blair helps White House salute landmark disability legislation

            By Will Weissert                                                                                                    emony,  “Although  I’d  had
            Associated Press                                                                                                    symptoms since the age of
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Ac-                                                                                            7,  it  took  a  lifetime  of  self-
            tor  and  disability  rights                                                                                        advocacy  to  finally  lead
            advocate  Selma  Blair  on                                                                                          me  to  a  diagnosis  at  age
            Monday  helped  President                                                                                           46,  after  living  most  of  my
            Joe Biden mark the legacy                                                                                           life in pain and self-doubt."
            of  the  Americans  with  Dis-                                                                                      The  Rehabilitation  Act  of
            abilities Act and the Reha-                                                                                         1973  prohibits  discrimina-
            bilitation  Act,  displaying  a                                                                                     tion on the basis of disabil-
            touch of the comedic tim-                                                                                           ity in programs conducted
            ing that made her a star in                                                                                         by  federal  agencies,  and
            Hollywood hits like “Legally                                                                                        the Americans with Disabili-
            Blonde”  and  “Cruel  Inten-                                                                                        ties  Act  of  1990  prevents
            tions.”                                                                                                             discrimination  against  dis-
            Blair,  who  was  diagnosed                                                                                         abled  people  on  every-
            with  multiple  sclerosis  in                                                                                       thing  from  employment  to
            2018, walked together with                                                                                          parking to voting.
            Biden  to  a  ceremony  on                                                                                          October is National Disabil-
            the  White  House's  south                                                                                          ity Employment Awareness
            lawn  with  her  cane  and                                                                                          Month,  and  Biden  noted
            her service dog, an English                                                                                         both  bills  received  biparti-
            Labrador named Scout.                                                                                               san support when clearing
            When  she  reached  the      President Joe Biden walks with actress Selma Blair and Blair's service dog Scout as they arrive for   Congress.
            stage,  she  told  Scout,    an event to celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act on the South Lawn of the White House,     “These  laws  are  a  source
                                         Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, in Washington.
            “down”  and  “good  boy.”                                                                   (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)  of  opportunity,  meaning-
            As he lay near Biden's feet,                                                                                        ful  inclusion,  participation,
            the  president  started  to  a  sudden,”  laughed  Blair.  rect?”    “It's  for  me,”  Biden  In  recent  years  she's  be-  respect,  and,  as  my  dad
            bend  down  to  pet  Scout,  Then,  indicating  a  hand-  said, prompting Blair to re-  come  a  leading  face  of  would say, the most impor-
            but  Blair  looked  over  and  held  microphone  in  addi-  spond, “OK, the real guy.”  disability rights, calling her-  tant  of  all,  dignity,”  Biden
            said,  “yeah,  stay.”  That  tion to the one she was us-  Blair,  51,  is  known  for  a  self  Monday  "a  proud  dis-  said. “Be treated with digni-
            caused Biden to straighten  ing  affixed  to  the  podium,  number of memorable late  abled woman.”                 ty. Ensuring that the Ameri-
            up to full attention.        she said, “I don’t need this.  ’90s/early ’00’s movie roles  Blair told a crowd of advo-  can  dream  is  for  all  of  us,
              “I  feel  so  powerful  all  of  This is for someone else, cor-  and  her  modeling  career.  cates  attending  the  cer-  not just for some of us.”q

                                                                      U2 concert uses stunning visuals to open

                                                                      massive Sphere venue in Las Vegas

                                                                      more  than  18,000  attend-  U2 made their presence felt  Bloom and Mario Lopez.
                                                                      ees  on  U2’s  epic  musical  at  the  $2.3  billion  Sphere,  After  wrapping  up  The
                                                                      journey.                     which stands 366-feet (111  Beatles’ jam “Love Me Do,”
                                                                       “What a fancy pad,” said  meters)  high  and  516-feet  Bono recognized Paul Mc-
                                                                      Bono, who was accompa-       (157  meters)  wide.  With  Cartney, who was in atten-
                                                                      nied  onstage  with  guitar-  superb  visual  effects,  the  dance, saying “Macca is in
                                                                      ists  The  Edge  and  Adam  band’s  25-show  residency  the house tonight.” He ac-
                                                                      Clayton  along  with  drum-  opened with a splash per-    knowledged Sphere owner
                                                                      mer  Bram  van  den  Berg.  forming  a  slew  of  hits  in-  James  Dolan’s  efforts  for
                                                                      He then stared at the high-  cluding “Mysterious Ways,”  spearheading     a   venue
            Members of the media wait for celebrities to arrive during the   resolution  LED  screen  that  “Zoo Station,” “All I Want is  that’s  pushing  forward  the
            opening night of the Sphere, Friday, Sept. 29, 2023, in Las Vegas.  projected  a  larger  version  You," “Desire" and new sin-  live  concert  audio  land-
                                               (AP Photo/John Locher)  of himself along with a few  gle “Atomic City.”          scape  with  160,000  high-
            By Jonathan Landrum Jr.      sive  moments  during  U2’s  praying hands and bells.     On  many  occasions,  the  quality  speakers  and  260
            Associated Press             “UV  Achtung  Baby”  resi-   Bono then paid homage to  U2 band members were so  million video pixels.
            LAS VEGAS (AP) — It looked  dency launch show at the  the  late  Elvis  Presley,  who  large  on  screen  that  it  felt  The Sphere is the brainchild
            like  a  typical  U2  outdoor  high-tech,   globe-shaped  was a Las Vegas entertain-   like Bono intimately sang to  of  Dolan,  the  executive
            concert:  Two  helicopters  venue,  which  opened  for  ment staple. The band has  the  audience  on  one  side  chair  of  Madison  Square
            zoomed  through  the  star-  the first time Friday night.  rocked  in  the  city  as  far  while  The  Edge  strummed  Garden  and  owner  of  the
            lit  sky  before  producing  The  legendary  rock  band,  back  as  1987  when  they  his guitar to others on a dif-  New York Knicks and Rang-
            spotlights over a Las Vegas  which  has  won  22  Gram-   filmed  the  music  video  for  ferent  side.  The  crowd  in-  ers.  He  sketched  the  first
            desert and frontman Bono,  mys,  performed  for  two  “I Still Haven't Found What  cluded  many  entertainers  drawing  of  the  venue  on
            who kneeled to the ground  hours  inside  the  massive,  I'm Looking For” on the Strip  and  athletes:  Oprah,  LeB-  notebook paper.
            while  singing  the  band's  state-of-the-art   spherical  during a tour in 1987.      ron  James,  Matt  Damon,    “I’m  thinking  the  that  the
            2004 hit “Vertigo.”          venue with crystal-clear au-   “Look at all this stuff. … El-  Andre  Agassi,  Ava  DuVer-  Sphere  may  have  come
            This  scene  may  seem  cus-  dio.  Throughout  the  night,  vis has definitely not left this  nay,  Josh  Duhamel,  Jason  into  existence  because  of
            tomary,  but  the  visuals  there  were  a  plethora  of  building,”  he  continued.  Bateman,  Jon  Hamm,  Bry-    Jim  Dolan  trying  to  solve
            were  created  by  floor-to-  attractive visuals — includ-  “It’s an Elvis chapel. It’s an  an  Cranston,  Aaron  Paul,  the   problem   that   The
            ceiling  graphics  inside  the  ing  kaleidoscope  images,  Elvis cathedral. Tonight, the  Oscar  de  la  Hoya,  Henrik  Beatles  started  when  they
            immersive  Sphere.  It  was  a  burning  flag  and  Las  entry into this cathedral is a  Lundqvist, Flava Flav, Diplo,  played   Shea   Stadium,”
            one  of  the  several  impres-  Vegas’  skyline,  taking  the  password: flirtation.”  Dakota  Fanning,  Orlando  Bono said.q
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