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P. 11

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023
            Unique fauna of Aruba

            For  a  small  island,  Aruba  hunting.  These  owls  have
            sure  has  a  lot  of  unique  very good night vision and
            treasures.  Among  these,  very good hearing.
            we have some subspecies  The  shoco  is  the  national
            of animals that are unique  symbol of Aruba.
            to  our  island.  These  have
            evolved to perfectly adapt  The shoco has about 20cm
            to  our  desert  climate  and  of length, and the females
            make  Aruba  their  home.  are  slightly  heavier  than
            At the same time, they are  the  males.  They  are  light
            part  of  what  makes  Aruba  brown  in  color,  with  many
            truly one of a kind.         white spots. The belly of the
                                         Shoco is either white or light
               Cascabel (rattlesnake,    brown, and the shoco has
             Crotalus durissus unicolor)  striking yellow eyes. Its beak
            According  to  the  Arikok  is yellow/green. Young owls
            National Park, Aruba knows  do  not  have  white  spots
            two  kinds  of  snakes,  the  and are lighter in color.   population.
            Santanero and the Casca-
            bel.  The  cascabel  belongs  The  nest  of  the  shoco  is  a  The  prikichi  weighs  be-
            to  the  rattlesnake  family.  burrow in the ground. If the  tween  90  to  100  grams.  It
            The  cascabel  is  the  only  shoco  cannot  find  a  bur-  has a greenish-brown head
            venomous snake from Aru-     row,  it  will  dig  one  in  soft  with  some  yellow  around
            ba. It has a length of 65cm  soil.  The  shoco  lays  one  or  the  eye.  The  back  and
            to 100cm, and is about 4 to  two  eggs  every  other  day  wings  of  the  parakeet  are
            5cm  wide.  Its  color  varies  until all the eggs are laid –  dark green, and the under-
            from  light  brown  to  grey-  a shoco can lay up to four  side of the body is a light-
            brown,  and  its  underbelly  eggs. The first owlets hatch  er  shade  of  green.  There
            is  white.  On  its  back  there  after  three  to  four  weeks.  is  also  a  bit  of  blue  in  the
            are  marks  that  are  a  little  The shoco owl takes care of  wings. The parakeet's beak
            darker, in the shape of dia-  the owlets for three months  is gray/black.
            monds.                       until  they  leave  the  nest.                            bit  runs.  These  rabbits  can  constrictor  as  well  as  feral
                                         Only a few owlets survive.   Parakeets  often  use  ter-  grow  up  to  approximately  cats  and  dogs.  However,
            Its  reproduction  is  ovipa-                             mite  nests  as  breeding  40  centimeters  in  length  recently  there  seem  to  be
            rous, meaning the offspring  The owlrs dig burrows in the  sites.  Parakeets  are  found  over  their  short  lifespan  of  more rabbit sightings in rural
            can hatch from their eggs  ground with low grass veg-     in  all  natural  environments  3  years.  Cottontail  rabbits  and  wilderness  areas  and
            just before, during or imme-  etation. An owl can live up  (mondi) of the island. It de-  reach  reproductive  ma-  also  in  the  National  Park.
            diately after laying.        to nine years.               fends  itself  by  flying  away  turity  when  they  are  just  2  This could be linked to a re-
                                                                      and  loud  cries.  Parakeets  to 3  months old.  A  female  cent decline of the invasive
            The  cascabel  lives  mainly  Its  defense  mechanism  is  eat  seeds  from  the  pods  rabbit,  called  a  doe,  finds  Boa  population  after  the
            in the Arikok National Park.  simply  to  fly  away  or  re-  of  the  Kwihi  tree,  Divi  Divi,  a  suitable  nest  spot  under  long period of drought. As
            It  likes  to  live  in  dark  plac-  treat  to  its  burrows.  They  and columnar cactus. They  a shrub or rocks and lines it  the Conew can reproduce
            es,  and  is  thus  found  hid-  eat  mostly  insects,  mice  also consume natural fruits.  with  fur.  She  can  have  an  very  quickly,  a  short  break
            den  among  the  limestone  and  lizards,  and  the  main  Its main predators are boa  average of 3 to 4 litters per  in  predation  pressure  can
            rocks and under stones. As  threats to their survival are  constrictors, humans.       year  averaging  5  young  lead  to  a  fast  increase  of
            a defense mechanism, the  boas – an invasive species                                   each.  The  doe  only  visits  rabbits. Sadly, the Boas are
            cascabel uses its rattle as a  introduced  by  humans  as   Conew (cottontail rabbit,   her young once or twice a  back on the rise again with
            warning, and it is not an ag-  pets – and humans through   Sylvilagus floridanus nigro-  day to nurse her babies for  the  truly  wet  rainy  seasons
            gressive animal.             destruction of their habitat.         nuchalis)           a  period  of  2  to  3  weeks.  we  have  recently  experi-
                                                                      The Eastern Cottontail rab-  The young reach indepen-     enced. This could cause a
            The  cascabel  feeds  on  liz-  Prikichi (parakeet, Arat-  bit  (Sylvilagus  floridanus)  dence at 4 to 5 weeks.    new decline in the Conew
            ards,  small  mammals  such         inga pertinax)        was probably brought over                                 population  that  was  just
            as  rats  and  mice.  It  para-  The  Prikichi  is  the  national  to the island by Indian set-  The  Aruban  Conew  is  an  starting to recover.
            lyzes  or  kills  its  prey  with  its  bird  of  Aruba.  On  Aruba,  tlers  thousands  of  years  endangered  species  and
            venom,  which  is  injected  Bonaire, and Curaçao, par-   ago  as  a  source  of  food.  protected  by  Aruban  law.  These are but a few of Aru-
            through  a  bite.  The  en-  akeets  can  be  found,  but  This rabbit, locally known as  The  Conew  is  thought  to  ba’s  beautiful  inhabitant,
            emies of the cascabel are  each  of  the  three  islands  Conew, has spread all over  have  drastically  declined  which  we  must  all  contrib-
            donkeys,  goats,  humans  has  a  different  breed.  The  the island and has become  due  to  an  increase  in  hu-  ute  to  protect.  For  more
            and  cars.  Humans  are  the  Yellow-shouldered Amazon  part of our ecosystem. The  man       activities,   habitat  information,  visit  https://
            biggest enemy of the cas-    parakeet that we have on  very  adaptable  Conew  fragmentation  and  preda-           www.arubanationalpark.
            cabel, as they kill them and  Aruba  is  also  found  along  can live in a wide variety of  tion  by  the  invasive  Boa  org/main/flora-fauna/ q
            destroy their habitat for ur-  the  coast  of  Venezuela.  habitats, including Aruba’s
            banization.                  Unfortunately,  there  is  in-  xeric  scrublands,  where  it
                                         terbreeding  between  the  typically  grazes  on  weeds
               Shoco (burrowing owl,     breeds  due  to  cage  birds  and grasses.
              Athene cunicularia aru-    from,  for  example,  Cura-
                      bensis)            çao  being  released  on  The  Aruban  Conew  has  a
            The  shoco  is  a  small  bird  Aruba. The parakeet popu-  brownish grey color and a
            which is seldom seen. They  lation on Aruba is in danger  distinctive  white  belly.  This
            are  active  during  the  day  due to extensive deforesta-  white  fur  extends  to  the
            but  are  more  active  later  tion occurring on the island  bottom  of  the  tail  which
            in the day and at night for  because  of  the  growing  becomes visible as the rab-
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