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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023

            Sole Mare Ristorante Italiano; A Traditional Family Restaurant

            From friendly staff to the best Authentic Italian Cuisine

                                                                                                    Always bringing traditional Italian meals with a hint of
                                                                                                    Modern cuisine.

                                                                                                    For reservations please call 586-0077 or email us at sole-
              Sole Mare Restaurant is a must to visit. A traditional family restaurant within walking Address: Palm Beach 23.q
              distance from the high rise hotels. Sole Mare offers you a variety of Italian Cuisine,
              specialized in Home Cooked Italian Food with rich fresh flavors bringing a touch of
              Italy to Aruba brought to you from Italy to Palm Beach Aruba at a reasonable price.

              We are open from Tuesday to Sunday from 5.30pm till 10:30 pm.

              Start  your  meal  with  authentic  appetizers  found  only  in  Italy  served  in  Aruba  and
              the extensive menu with a selection of tender and delicious meats, poultry as well
              as house specialties to choose from. From home made pasta, ravioli’s and  our well
              known gnocchi. A must try is the Formaggio Parmigiana. An authentic Italian dish,
              pasta of choice tossed in whiskey flamed Parmigiana.

            Aruban legends:

            Frenchman’s Pass

            (Oranjestad)—If  you  ever  plan  on  many  accounts  of  spirits  roaming
            taking  a  group  tour  of  the  island,  the area of Spanish Lagoon.
            you may pass through the French-
            man’s Pass in Balashi. The French-  There  are  many  ghost  stories  sur-
            man’s  pass  (known  to  locals  as  rounding this area, but one of the
            “Franse  Pas”)  remains  a  mysteri-  most famous one involves a lonely
            ous—and  spooky—road  of  which  hitchhiker, trying to find a ride back
            its legend is told from generation to  home in the dark rainy night.
                                                Sometime after trying to hitchhike,
            The  history  of  the  Frenchman’s  the man saw a car approaching,
            pass—and  how  it  got  its  name—  appearing almost ghost-like in the
            dates back to the colonization era,  rain. However, since he needed a
            when the French tried to colonize  ride real bad, he didn’t think twice
            the  island,  but  were  met  with  an  and jumped in. But to his horror, he  ing had enough, the man decided  ticed  the  hitchhiker.  He  called
            angry  mob  of  indigenous  settlers,  noticed that the there was no driv-  to  jump  out  and  he  ran  to  Santa  out  to  his  buddy  and  said:  “Look,
            refusing to give up their land. How-  er in the front. Paralyzed with fear,  Cruz.                          there’s the idiot who sat in our car
            ever,  as  the  French  were  heavily  he didn’t dare to get out, and the                                   when we were pushing it!”
            equipped with fire arms, the indig-  car started to move.               Arriving  at  a  nearby  bar,  he  or-
            enous  settlers  began  to  retreat,                                    dered a drink and began to tell ev-  French  man’s  pass  is  one  of  the
            and hid away in nearby caves. The  When  approaching  a  sharp  turn,  eryone  about  his  experience.  Ev-  few  sites  on  the  island  that  keeps
            French  colonizers  tried  to  smoke  the hitch hiker braced for impact,  eryone  grew  quiet,  because  they  the locals on their toes. While most
            them  out  of  the  caves,  but  the  but  just  when  he  though  the  car  realized  he  wasn’t  some  drunk  ghost  stories  may  not  have  real
            indigenous  settlers  ended  up  in-  might  drive  straight  off  the  road  messing around; he was telling the  grounds—or  some  may  even  be
            haling too much smoke and most  and  crash,  he  saw  a  hand  ap-      truth.                              a set up story for a joke, this pass
            died in those caves. From then on,  pear out the window and turn the                                        contributes  a  lot  to  our  culture  of
            this passage was known as French-   wheel.  For  the  next  few  turns,  the  Sometime  later,  two  men  walked  folkloric story-telling.
            man’s Pass, and there have been  hand appeared again. After hav-        into the bar and one of them no-                  Source:
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