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A4   U.S. NEWS
               Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023

            Colorado high court to hear case against Christian baker who

            refused to make LGBTQ-themed cake

            By Colleen Slevin and Jesse                                                                                         would  serve  LGBTQ+  cus-
            Bedayn                                                                                                              tomers.  Her  attorney  said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    her  cake  order  was  not  a
            DENVER  (AP)  —  On  the                                                                                            “set up” intended to file a
            heels  of  a  U.S.  Supreme                                                                                         lawsuit.
            Court  victory  this  summer                                                                                        The   Colorado   Supreme
            for  a  graphic  artist  who                                                                                        Court  didn’t  explain  how
            didn’t want to design wed-                                                                                          or  why  it  made  the  deter-
            ding websites for same-sex                                                                                          mination to hear the case.
            couples,  Colorado’s  high-                                                                                         It  was  announced  in  a
            est  court  said  Tuesday  it                                                                                       long list of decisions about
            will  now  hear  the  case  of                                                                                      which  cases  they  will  hear
            a  Christian  baker  who  re-                                                                                       and reject.
            fused to make a cake cele-                                                                                          The  case  involves  the
            brating a gender transition.                                                                                        state’s  anti-discrimination
            The announcement by the                                                                                             law that makes it illegal to
            Colorado Supreme Court is                                                                                           refuse  to  provide  services
            the  latest  development  in                                                                                        to  people  based  on  pro-
            the  yearslong  legal  saga                                                                                         tected  characteristics  like
            involving  Jack  Phillips  and                                                                                      race,  religion  or  sexual  ori-
            LGBTQ+ rights.                                                                                                      entation.
            Phillips won a partial victory                                                                                      The  key  issue  in  the  case
            before  the  U.S.  Supreme                                                                                          is  whether  the  cakes  Phil-
            Court in 2018 after refusing   Jack Phillips, who's case was heard by the Supreme Court several years ago after he objected   lips  creates  are  a  form  of
            to  make  a  gay  couple’s   to designing a wedding cake for a gay couple, speaks to supporters outside the Supreme Court,   speech  and  whether  forc-
                                         Dec. 5, 2022, in Washington.
            wedding cake.                                                                         (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)  ing  him  to  make  a  cake
            He  was  later  sued  by  Au-                                                                                       with  a  message  he  does
            tumn Scardina, a transgen-   bakery  refused  to  make  a  celebrate her gender tran-  she  brought  the  lawsuit  to  not support is a violation of
            der  woman,  after  Phillips  pink  cake  with  blue  frost-  sition.                  “challenge the veracity” of  his First Amendment right to
            and  his  suburban  Denver  ing for her birthday and to  Scardina, an attorney, said  Phillips'  statements  that  he  free speech.q

            New York judge issues limited gag order after Trump sends

            disparaging post about court clerk

            By Michael R. Sisak, Bobby  Judge  Arthur  Engoron  told  tifying  post  about  a  mem-  As  for  Schumer,  a  spokes-  claims in this case. Trump’s
            Caina Calvan and Jennifer  all participants in the case  ber of my staff."             person called the post “pa-  legal team has argued that
            Peltz                        not to smear court person-   A  few  hours  earlier,  Trump  thetic”  and  said  the  sena-  the time limit cuts off most
            Associated Press             nel,  warning  of  “serious  had posted a photo of En-    tor doesn't know Greenfield  of the claims.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Rebuk-   sanctions” if they do.       goron’s principal law clerk,  and is in photos with thou-  But Engoron ruled last week
            ing  Donald  Trump,  a  state  “Personal attacks on mem-  Allison  Greenfield,  posing  sands of constituents.      that all the claims were al-
            court judge imposed a lim-   bers  of  my  court  staff  are  with Senate Majority Lead-  Aside  from  that  sideshow,  lowable  under  the  statute
            ited  gag  order  Tuesday  in  unacceptable,  not  appro-  er  Chuck  Schumer,  D-N.Y.,  James’   attorney   ques-  of limitations, and he made
            the  former  president’s  civil  priate,  and  I  will  not  toler-  at  a  public  event.  Trump,  tioned   an   accountant  clear Tuesday that the trial
            business  fraud  trial  and  or-  ate them,” Engoron said af-  the Republican front-runner  Tuesday in an effort to build  isn’t “an opportunity to re-
            dered  him  to  delete  a  so-  ter complaining — without  for  president  in  2024,  has  the state’s case that Trump  litigate what I have already
            cial  media  post  that  pub-  naming names — about a  repeatedly cast the trial as  and others at his company  decided.”  He  said  that  at
            licly  maligned  a  key  court  defendant's  ”disparaging,  a  political  attack  by  New  had  full  control  over  the  the  trial’s  early  stage,  he’s
            staffer.                     untrue and personally iden-  York’s Democratic attorney  preparation  of  misleading  inclined  to  give  both  sides
                                                                      general, Letitia James.      and  false  financial  state-  considerable  leeway  to
                                                                      Trump  wrote  on  his  Truth  ments at the heart of their  connect older evidence to
                                                                      Social  platform  that  it  was  case.                    claims in the lawsuit.
                                                                      “disgraceful”  that  Green-  The  state's  lawsuit  alleges  He  and  lawyers  have  said
                                                                      field  was  working  with  the  that Trump and his business  his  financial  statements
                                                                      judge  in  the  courtroom,  chronically  lied  about  his  were   legitimate   repre-
                                                                      adding to complaints he'd  wealth  on  financial  state-  sentations  of  the  worth  of
                                                                      made  outside  court  Mon-   ments given to banks, insur-  unique  luxury  properties,
                                                                      day.  The  post  apparently  ers and others.              made even more valuable
                                                                      sparked a series of closed-  Also  Tuesday,  Engoron  set  because  of  their  associa-
                                                                      door   courtroom    discus-  the  record  straight  about  tion  with  him.  The  defense
                                                                      sions,  involving  Trump  and  a  comment  that  the  ex-  also  emphasizes  that  the
                                                                      lawyers for both sides, dur-  president had touted as an  financial  statements  bore
                                                                      ing  what's  usually  a  lunch  important victory.        disclaimers saying that they
                                                                      break. By the time the gag  The  judge  had  suggested  weren’t  audited  and  that
            Former President Donald Trump speaks to the media during a   order  was  issued,  Trump  on Monday that testimony  others  “might  reach  dif-
            break in his civil business fraud trial at New York Supreme Court,   had deleted the post — as  about  Trump’s  2011  finan-  ferent  conclusions”  about
            Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023, in New York.                       Engoron  ordered,  accord-   cial  statement  might  be  his financial position if they
                                              (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)  ing to the judge.          beyond a 2014 time limit for  had more information. q
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