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               Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023

            UN authorizes a second malaria vaccine. Experts warn it's not

            enough to stop the disease spreading

            By Maria Cheng                                                                                                      In  a  separate  decision,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    WHO's  expert  group  also
            LONDON (AP) — The World                                                                                             authorized   the   dengue
            Health  Organization  au-                                                                                           vaccine made by Takeda,
            thorized  a  second  malaria                                                                                        which  was  previously  ap-
            vaccine  on  Monday,  a                                                                                             proved  by  the  European
            decision  that  could  offer                                                                                        Union drug regulator.
            countries  a  cheaper  and                                                                                          There  is  no  specific  treat-
            a  more  readily  available                                                                                         ment for dengue, common
            option than the world's first                                                                                       in  tropical  Latin  American
            shot  against  the  parasitic                                                                                       and  Asian  countries.  While
            disease.                                                                                                            most infections are mild, se-
            WHO       Director-General                                                                                          vere cases of the mosquito-
            Tedros   Adhanom      Ghe-                                                                                          spread disease can lead to
            breyesus  said  the  U.N.                                                                                           internal  bleeding,  organ
            health  agency  was  ap-                                                                                            damage and death.
            proving  the  new  malaria                                                                                          WHO's  expert  groups  ad-
            vaccine based on the ad-                                                                                            vised  that  the  Takeda
            vice of two expert groups,                                                                                          dengue  vaccine  be  used
            recommending  its  use  in                                                                                          in children aged 6 to 16 in
            children  at  risk  of  the  dis-                                                                                   countries with a high prev-
            ease.                                                                                                               alence of the disease.
            Oxford  University  devel-                                                                                          Previous   studies   have
            oped  the  new  three-dose   A baby from the Malawi village of Tomali is injected with the world's first vaccine against malaria   showed  Takeda’s  vaccine
            vaccine with help from the   in a pilot program, on Dec. 11, 2019.                                                  was  about  84%  effective
            Serum Institute of India. Re-                                                          (AP Photo/Jerome Delay, File)  in  preventing  people  from
            search  suggests  it  is  more  Burkina Faso approved the  Africa,  home  to  most  of  laria  vaccines  stop  trans-  being   hospitalized   with
            than 75% effective and that  vaccine.  Johnson  was  not  the  world’s  estimated  200  mission  so  immunization  dengue and about 61% ef-
            protection is maintained for  part  of  the  WHO  expert  million  cases  and  400,000  campaigns alone won’t be  fective  in  stopping  symp-
            at  least  another  year  with  group that gave the Oxford  deaths.                    enough to stop epidemics.  toms  four  years  after  get-
            a  booster.  Tedros  said  the  vaccine the green light.  If the new vaccine is rolled  Efforts  to  curb  the  disease  ting immunized.
            shot would cost about $2 to  In  2021,  WHO  endorsed  out  widely  across  Africa,  it  are  also  being  complicat-  Nearly  1,000  people  have
            $4 and could be available  the first malaria vaccine in  could dramatically reduce  ed  by  increasing  reports  been killed by dengue this
            in some countries next year  what it described as a “his-  the amount of severe illness  of  resistance  to  the  main  year  in  an  ongoing  epi-
            if funders agree to buy it.  toric” effort to end the dev-  and deaths caused by ma-   drugs used to treat malaria  demic  in  Bangladesh,  the
            Earlier  this  year,  regulatory  astating  toll  the  mosquito-  laria  in  a  few  years,  Craig  and the spread of invasive  country's worst outbreak of
            authorities  in  Ghana  and  transmitted disease has on  said.  Neither  of  the  ma-  mosquito species.            the disease.q

            Tunisia rejects European funds and says they fall short of a deal for

            migration and financial aid

                                                                      year  to  help  Tunisia  patrol  It  will  likely  amplify  worries  situation of misunderstand-
                                                                      its borders, curb smuggling  about  the  country's  spiral-  ing,”  he  said  Tuesday  on
                                                                      and  balance  its  federal  ing  financial  woes  among  Mosaique FM, a Tunisian ra-
                                                                      budget.  Though  he  called  credit   rating   agencies,  dio  station.  “This  process  is
                                                                      the  disbursement  “a  small  lenders,  Tunisian  govern-  not  behind  schedule.”  The
                                                                      amount,”  Saied  said  the  ment  workers  and  people  July agreement included a
                                                                      decision  was  less  about  its  reliant on state subsidies for  pledge of 105 million euros
                                                                      size and more about how it  food  and  energy.  Marcus  ($110  million)  earmarked
                                                                      “lacks respect."             Cornaro, the EU's ambassa-   for  migration.  Tunisia  has
                                                                      “The treasures of the world  dor  to  Tunisia,  brushed  off  emerged  as  one  of  this
                                                                      are  not  equal  to  a  single  concerns about the agree-  year's  primary  launching
                                                                      grain  of  our  sovereignty  in  ment’s  durability,  noting  points  for  migrants  and
                                                                      the  eyes  of  our  people,”  that rather than confronta-  refugees — including many
                                                                      Saied  said  in  a  statement  tion,  Saied's  remarks  dem-  escaping war and poverty
                                                                      published on TAP, the coun-  onstrated  that  both  sides  — seeking to reach Europe.
            Tunisia's President Kais Saied speaks during a media conference   try's  official  news  agency.  were  eager  to  implement  More  than  90,000  people
            at an EU Africa summit in Brussels, Feb. 18, 2022.        “Tunisia,  which  accepts  it.  Saied's  statement  that  have  crossed  the  Mediter-
                                (Johanna Geron, Pool Photo via AP, File)  cooperation, does not ac-  Europe's  plan  for  the  initial  ranean  so  far  from  Tunisia
            By B. Bouazza and S. Metz    nean Sea as migrant boat  cept  anything  that  resem-    installment   contradicted  to Italy so far this year, ac-
            Associated Press             crossings spike to levels not  bles charity or handouts.”  the  agreement  “speaks  to  cording to figures from UN-
            TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — Tunisia  seen in several years.     The  rejection  calls  into  Tunisia's  impatience  and  HCR updated on Monday.
            on  Monday  announced  it  President  Kais  Saied  on  question  a  broad  agree-      desire  to  speed  up  imple-  The majority have done so
            would reject an installment  Monday  accused  the  Eu-    ment that the EU and Saied  mentation,"  he  said,  add-  via iron boats to Lampedu-
            of funds sent by Europe to  ropean  Union  of  not  fol-  brokered in Rome in July to  ing  that  Europe  was  also  sa,  a  small  island  closer  to
            help the debt-ridden coun-   lowing  through  on  agree-  provide more than 1 billion  impatient to deepen its ties  North Africa than the Italian
            try  patrol  the  Mediterra-  ments  made  earlier  this  euros ($1.1 billion) to Tunisia.  with Tunisia. “We're not in a  mainland.q
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