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a8    local
               Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023

            Craving something different?

            Allegra Bistro has got you covered

                                                                                   Ask for the specials for a lodging
                                                                                   experience at Courtyard by Mar-
                                                                                   riott Aruba  Resort. As of Septem-
                                                                                   ber, your stay will include a com-
                                                                                   plimentary Breakfast Buffet for two
                                                                                   at  Allegra  Bistro,  complimentary
                                                                                   welcome  drink,  activities  such  as
                                                                                   Yoga  and  Aqua  Zumba,  24-hour
                                                                                   gym  access,  10-minute  compli-
                                                                                   mentary  massage  and  much

             No matter the time of day, Allegra Bistro is ready to serve you an
             unforgettable  culinary  experience  as  they’re  open  for  breakfast,
             lunch and dinner at the Courtyard by Marriott Aruba Resort.
                                                                                                                        Once  you’re  done  having  a
             No matter if you’re a morning person or like to sleep in, Allegra Bistro                                   hearty  meal,  let  the  kids  enjoy
             is open from 7am to 11pm, giving you more than enough time to                                              themselves  to  their  heart’s  con-
             stop by and grab something delicious to eat.                                                               tent, you can continue exploring
                                                                                                                        Aruba right in front of the resort by
             As well as being the perfect spot for a delicious breakfast, family                                        visiting the famous Bird Sanctuary,
             lunch or a night out for dinner with accessible prices starting from                                       as well as a special beach shuttle
             10$  (plus  a  15%  service  charge),  Allegra  is  also  rentable  for  spe-                              that  transports  the  guests  to  the
             cial events. Aside from having amazing food available all day long,                                        beach  during  the  day,  which  is
             there are also special events going on every single day at the re-                                         a  walking  distance  from  where
             sort, like a complimentary kids cave for example or the Kids Yoga                                          you  can  enjoy  the  heat  of  Palm
             for only $20. You may also opt for a $35 day pass including Food                                           Beach’s nightlife at night.q
             and Beverage credit to be used at this amazing Resort.

            The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history

            (Oranjestad)—The       Bushiribana  leadership  of  Mr.  Paulus  Printz,  a  At the same time, the Aruban gov-
            Gold  Mill  Ruins  is  one  of  the  most  three-year search was conducted  ernment  took  immediate  actions,
            visited places by tourists on the is-  on Aruba, to no avail. Though they  and  informed  Curacao  that  gold
            land,  as  it  lies  along  the  northern  found some gold, it was enough to  was found. At first, everyone could
            coast line near the mini pool and  motivate a further search, and the  look for gold, as long as they sold it
            on  the  way  to  the  Natural  Bridge.  assignment  was  discontinued  by  to the government. However, after
            Despite  its  seemingly  plain  ap-  Printz himself.                    some time, the government decid-
            pearance, this ruin represents one                                      ed to implement stricter rules and  next step was melting the gold and
            of  the  most  important  histories  of  It  wasn’t  until  100  years  later,  in  banned local search parties.   letting it attach to quicksilver in or-
            the island: The Aruban Gold Rush.   1824, when a young boy found a                                          der to obtain pure gold. All these
                                                lump of gold while out herding his  Over the years, concession-holding  processes were done at the Bushiri-
            Built  in  1872  by  English  company  father’s sheep. His father took it to a  had seen different companies from  bana Gold Mill.
            Aruba Island Gold Mining Compa-     local merchant who then sold the  around the world, all of which used
            ny Ltd, the gold mill at Bushiribana  lump for $70. Unbeknownst to the  primitive methods to dig and carve  The gold mill itself had a short life-
            was constructed in the area where  boy and his father, they quite liter-  out gold from the rocks. Aruba Is-  span: only 10 years in service, but
            most gold was found by locals. The  ally  struck  gold,  and  as  word  got  land  Gold  Mining  Company  Ltd.  its structure remained relatively sol-
            story  of  gold  on  Aruba  actually  out,  a  gold  fever  spread  among  was no different, but used a unique  id till this day, and is now a histori-
            dates  back  to  1725,  when  a  first  the  locals  who  started  searching  method that involved grinding the  cal remnant.
            exploration  for  gold  on  the  island  for  more  gold.  About  25  pounds  rocks and letting the dust be blown
            was  commissioned  by  the  Dutch  worth was found.                     away by the strong northeast wind,      Sources: Etnia Nativa & goldminer-
            West  India  Company.  Under  the                                       leaving clumps of gold behind. The                 
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