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               Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023

            NCAA Division I Council approves proposals to create stricter

            penalties for individual rule-breakers

            Associated Press                                                                       The NCAA is trying to mod-   players  during  the  pan-
            INDIANAPOLIS  (AP)  —  The                                                             ify  the  infractions  process  demic dead period.
            NCAA Division I Council ap-                                                            to encourage cooperation  NCAA rules allowed for Har-
            proved on Tuesday a pack-                                                              by schools by punishing in-  baugh  to  coach  his  team
            age of proposed penalties                                                              dividuals  involved  rather  at  practice  and  meetings
            for  infractions  cases  that                                                          than  hitting  programs  with  leading up to game day.
            would include stricter pun-                                                            postseason bans or recruit-  Show-cause    orders   are
            ishments  for  individual  rule                                                        ing restrictions that impact  commonly given to coach-
            breakers.                                                                              athletes who were not part  es, administrators or staffers
            The  proposals  include  ex-                                                           of the rule-breaking.        who  have  committed  seri-
            panding  suspensions  for                                                              Also, among the package  ous infractions.
            coaches  to  include  the                                                              of  proposals  OK’d  by  the  In  a  case  resolved  earlier
            days  between  competi-                                                                council  was  publicly  iden-  this  year  involving  Tennes-
            tions,  having  schools  incur                                                         tifying  individuals  involved  see  football,  former  head
            penalties  for  employing                                                              in major violations and cre-  coach  Jeremy  Pruitt  re-
            individuals  who  have  re-                                                            ating a public database of  ceived  a  six-year  show
            ceived a show-cause order                                                              coaches  with  a  history  of  cause.
            and expanding disassocia-                                                              Level I and II infractions.  Currently,  a  school  that
            tions with boosters who vio-                                                           The  NCAA  committee  on  wants  to  employ  an  indi-
            late rules.                                                                            infractions has been hand-   vidual with a show-cause in
            The  council  was  also  ex-                                                           ing  out  suspensions  to  place  needs  to  explain  to
            pected  to  discuss  propos-                                                           coaches  more  frequently,  the NCAA why and expos-
            als  for  name,  image  and                                                            but  those  suspensions  only  es itself to stricter penalties
            likeness compensation reg-                                                             include game days.           if  other  violations  involving
            ulations and potentially ad-                                                           Michigan  in  August  self-  that employee occur.
            justing  transfer  portal  win-                                                        imposed a three-game sus-    Under  the  proposal,  hiring
            dows.  The  council  meet-   Michigan  head  coach  Jim  Harbaugh  celebrates  after  a   pension for football coach  an individual under a show-
            ing concludes Wednesday      touchdown against Nebraska during the first half of an NCAA   Jim Harbaugh in an infrac-  cause  would  result  in  the
            and its actions are not final   college football game Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023, in Lincoln, Neb.   tions  case  that  involves  school being penalized.q
            until the meeting adjourns.                                (AP Photo/Rebecca S. Gratz)  contact  with  recruits  and
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