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                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 4 OctOber 2023
            Japan edges rival China to win men’s world gymnastics title while

            US claims first medal since 2014

            ANTWERP,  Belgium  (AP)  —                                                                                          ward  by  earning  its  first
            Japan  is  back  on  top  in                                                                                        bronze at a world champi-
            men’s gymnastics.                                                                                                   onships  or  Olympics  since
            The five-man group led by                                                                                           2014.  The  five-man  team
            reigning  world  and  Olym-                                                                                         of  Asher  Hong,  Paul  Juda,
            pic  champion  Daiki  Hashi-                                                                                        Khoi  Young,  Yul  Moldauer
            moto edged rival China in                                                                                           and  Fred  Richard  finished
            the team finals at the 2023                                                                                         at 252.428.
            world  championships  on                                                                                            The  Americans  avoided
            Tuesday  to  earn  Japan’s                                                                                          major  mistakes  early  and
            first   major   international                                                                                       then showed considerable
            gold medal since 2015.                                                                                              growth late.
            The    Japanese     posted                                                                                          Needing to put together a
            a  team  total  of  255.594                                                                                         solid set on high bar in the
            points,  nearly  two  points                                                                                        final  event,  Young,  Juda
            clear of China at 253.794.                                                                                          and Richard came through
            China,    which     finished                                                                                        with nervy performances.
            eighth during a sloppy per-                                                                                         Richard,   a   19-year-old
            formance  in  qualifications                                                                                        sophomore  at  Michigan,
            to  barely  make  the  final,                                                                                       celebrated  when  he  stuck
            bounced back with a med-                                                                                            his dismount while his team-
            al on the line but couldn’t                                                                                         mates  broke  out  in  chants
            quite catch Japan.            Japan’s Kazuma Kaya reacts as he competes on the horizontal bar during the Men’s team final at   of “USA!”q
            The  U.S.  men’s  program     the Artistic Gymnastics World Championships in Antwerp, Belgium, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023.
            took  a  significant  step  for-                                                 (APPhoto/Geert Vanden Wijngaert)

            McLaren seeking at least $23 million in damages from IndyCar

            champion Alex Palou in UK court

             By Jenna Fryer              mediation  and  a  resolu-   the  management  group
             Associated Press            tion  was  reached  a  year  that brokered the deal with
             (AP) - McLaren Racing is su-  ago  in  which  Palou  would  McLaren.
             ing IndyCar champion Alex  drive  for  Ganassi  in  2023  The  nearly  $23  million  in
             Palou for at least $23 million  but  could  do  F1  work  for  damages McLaren is seek-
             to  recoup  costs  the  team  McLaren  when  it  did  not  ing is broken down in future
             says it lost when the driver  interfere  with  IndyCar.  He  sponsorship  tied  to  Palou
             reneged  on  the  contract  was able to participate in a  joining  McLaren,  the  costs
             he signed to join the team,  practice session last season  of using him as a reserve F1
             Palou, a 26-year-old Span-  for McLaren, tested for the  driver, how much McLaren
             iard,  guaranteed  that  he  F1 team both on track and  spent developing Palou for
             had  “no  outstanding  obli-  in a simulator, and was the  F1 and a $400,000 advance
             gation under any contract  reserve  driver  for  McLaren  on his 2024 salary. McLaren
             or  agreement”  that  would  at F1’s Miami Grand Prix in  is not seeking repayment of
             keep  him  from  joining  May.                           legal fees it says it covered
             McLaren after the IndyCar  However,  McLaren  Rac-       for Palou in last year’s fight   Alex Palou sits in his pit box during a practice session for the In-
             season  ended,  according  ing  CEO  Zak  Brown  was  with Ganassi.                   dyCar Indianapolis GP auto race at Indianapolis Motor Speed-
             to the Sept. 29 filing in the  contacted Aug. 8 and told  The  filing  states  that  after   way, Friday, Aug. 11, 2023, in Indianapolis.
             High  Court  of  Justice  Busi-  Palou  would  not  be  join-  McLaren had already been                         (AP Photo/Darron Cummings, File)
             ness and Property Courts of  ing McLaren. The filing says  informed  Palou  was  not
             England  and  Wales  Com-   attorneys  told  Brown  that  honoring  his  contract  with  Palou  has  repeatedly  de-  Lando Norris and Oscar Pi-
             mercial  Court.  The  Associ-  Palou  had  signed  a  three-  the  team,  a  second  letter  clined to comment on the  astri signed through at least
             ated  Press  viewed  the  17-  year extension with Ganas-  from attorneys representing  situation  this  year  but  at-  2025.
             page filing Tuesday.        si,  where  he  won  the  2021  Palou  incorrectly  claimed  tempted  to  explain  his  si-    “If  you  look  at  my  inter-
             The lawsuit is the latest twist  and  2023  championships,  he  had  been  promised  a  lence last month at a me-  views  until  2021,  I  would
             in  an  ugly  spat  involving  through 2026.             full-time seat in F1 and that  dia  event  ahead  of  the  say I was not focused on F1
             the  talented  young  driver  Palou did not respond to a  because  he  was  only  go-  IndyCar season finale.      at all, and that was totally
             and  two  teams:  McLaren,  message left seeking com-    ing to be a reserve driver “a  He  indicated  he’d  never  true.  But  things  changed
             which  in  July  2022  said  it  ment  Tuesday.  He  previ-  complete  severing  of  the  expressed interest in F1 until  when I won the champion-
             had signed Palou and had  ously  confirmed  to  The  As-  relationship (was) in order.”  after he’d won his 2021 In-  ship,” Palou said last month.
             him earmarked for an Indy-  sociated  Press  last  month  McLaren held a hotel room  dyCar title and an opportu-   “I was 24. I had just won my
             Car seat and a reserve driv-  that he’s not had any con-  in  Singapore  two  weeks  nity to at least try to make  first big championship and
             er role with its Formula One  versation  with  Brown  or  ago  for  Palou  in  anticipa-  it to the top racing series in  what if I try something and
             team,  and  Chip  Ganassi  McLaren      representatives  tion of him being the team’s  the  world  presented  itself.  it goes sideways, then I can
             Racing,  which  said  it  had  since before the team was  reserve driver that F1 week-  But with only a reserve driv-  come  back  when  I’m  27
             the  contractual  rights  for  informed he was not honor-  end.  Palou  did  not  attend  er  role  available,  he  said,  and  still  super  young  and
             Palou for the 2023 season.  ing  the  McLaren  contract.  the race for McLaren.       he  would  prefer  to  stay  in  can  still  do  it  for  10  or  15
             Palou and Ganassi entered  Palou also severed ties with  Citing  pending  litigation,  IndyCar. McLaren has both  years. q
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