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Saturday 22 February 2025 LOCAL
Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our Candelchi!
The squirrelfish family is distinguished color on the dorsal spine or marks
by the following characteristics. on the body.
They are heart-shaped with pink
or red hues and often show heart- In Aruba:
shaped streaks between the scales Candelchi are found on reefs or
along the body. They have hard areas with structure in the water
fins and are always armed. Over at where they can hide. Although
our sister island Curaçao, they are they prefer to hunt for food at
called "bari di clabo" (nail barrel) night, they are also active dur-
for that reason. ing the day. They are edible and
delicious when prepared dry and
In our waters, there are 7 to 8 crispy with lime. It is particularly
types or species present and they challenging to scale the fish, which
are sometimes caught and seen is why it is not one of the favorites
occasionally. They can be distin- among fishermen. They often live in
guished by different marks such as groups.q
(Oranjestad)—If you’re ever plan- Candelchi, Squirrelfish, Holocen-
ning on snorkeling during your trus adscensionis:
vacation on Aruba, you may spot Candelchi actually refers to the
fish that you can’t recognize. One entire squirrelfish family or, as some
of these may be the “Candelchi” say, when we say candelchi, we
(Squirrelfish), a common, yet shy mean several different species but
fish that swims all year long in the without distinguishing them by spe-
waters of Aruba. cies. In this picture, we are show-
ing the most common one in our
Let's talk about the names of fish. waters, which is called squirrelfish
Do you know your fish? The Depart- in English or scientifically known as
ment of Department of Agriculture, Holocentrus adscensionis.
Livestock, and Fisheries, known as
Santa Rosa, offers this informative Under candelchi, we in Aruba
article that illustrate some fish and generally refer to all the different
their names in Papiamento. species of squirrelfish. They all look
alike and it's really difficult to distin-
guish between them.
A guide for the perfect picture
Where to find the most Instagrammable places in Oranjestad
(Oranjestad)—Imagine, favorite among tourists, es- on Plaza Daniel Leo. Anoth- the Renaissance Dock is
you’re taking a stroll in the pecially those that are visit- er favorite among visitors the perfect spot to take
city center, and you want ing Aruba through a cruise wanting a cute snapshot a beautiful picture, espe-
to take the most picture- vacation. for Instagram. Just pass cially at sunset. The dock is
perfect photo to show your Speaking of giant signs that through the Renaissance located behind the Renais-
friends and family back read “Aruba” (because Mall and find this gem in sance Market Place, and
home and online. It seems there can never be too front of the back entrance! runs from the Renaissance
like the perfect spot can be many), there is another sign Marina up to Renaissance
hard to find, but Oranjes- you can find along the Lin- Since you’ve made it this Beach and Wilhelmina
tad is full of great spots for ear Park, in front of Talk of far, one question: How Park. This spot offers a gor-
a quick snapshot! Here are the Town Hotel. It may be many blue horses have you geous view of the ocean
the most Instagrammable a long walk from the har- spotted already? and sunset, accompanied
places in Oranjestad. bor to get there, but while by the soft waves crashing
you’re at it, check out Renaissance Dock on the shoreline. You may
“I LOVE ARUBA” these other spots along the ting on a bench, waiting for Last but certainly not least, even spot some iguanas!q
Right on Paardenbaai way! you to take a picture with
Plaza, near the harbor en- it. Ok, so it’s not a real bull,
trance, you will spot a gi- The sitting bull but “I took a picture with
ant sign that reads “I LOVE Yes, you read that right; a sitting bull” sounds like a
ARUBA”. A great first stop right in the heart of the city great conversation opener.
for a quick shot with the center, in front of the Crystal
family, this spot is among Casino in the Renaissance See if you can also spot the
the few that has become a Mall, there is a black bull sit- cow on the roof!
Wooden Swing on Plaza
Daniel Leo
While you’re in front of the
Renaissance Mall, check
out the wooden swing on
the other side of the mall