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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 22 February 2025

                 Finding Your Dream Home in Aruba, More Than Just Real Estate

              Aruba is more than a paradise of white sandy  tourism, a stable economy, and a strong rent-   and market expertise to offer properties that
              beaches  and  turquoise  waters,  it’s  a  place  al  market,  now  is  the  perfect  time  to  invest.  don’t just check the boxes but inspire.
              where  dreams  take  shape,  and  for  many,  Whether you’re looking for a permanent resi-    Personalized Service: We go beyond transac-
              that dream includes finding the perfect home.  dence or a vacation rental opportunity, Aru-   tions, building relationships and ensuring each
              Whether you’re a firsttime buyer, an investor,  ba’s market has something for everyone.       client finds a space they truly love.
              or a family looking to settle down, Kermit Real                                               Local  Expertise:  We  know  Aruba  inside  and
              Estate  is  redefining  the  way  people  experi-  How  does  the  process  of  buying  Real  Estate  out, from hidden gem neighborhoods to the
              ence home buying on the island.                look like for a nonresident?                   best investment opportunities.
                                                             Buying Property in Aruba as a Foreigner
              More Than Just a House, A Lifestyle            The process is the same for locals and foreign-  Let’s Make Your Island Dream a Reality
              At Kermit Real Estate, we don’t just sell hous-  erssimple and straightforward. There are no re-  Buying or selling a home should be an excit-
              es, we craft lifestyles. Our team, made up of  strictions on foreign ownership. Once you find  ing,  seamless  experience.  At  Kermit  Real  Es-
              creative professionals from the world of fash-  a  property,  you  sign  a  purchase  agreement  tate, we turn your vision into realityone stylish
              ion and design, approaches real estate with  with a deposit (usually 10%). A notary handles  home at a time. Whether you’re ready to buy,
              an  eye  for  style,  elegance,  and  personality.  legal  checks  and  the  title  transfer.  Most  for-  sell, or just explore your options, let’s talk.q
              Whether  it’s  a  chic  beachfront  villa,  a  cozy  eign buyers pay in cash, but local financing
              island retreat, or a modern investment prop-   may be available. With Aruba’s secure legal
              erty,  we  believe  a  home  should  reflect  the  system, owning property here is a smooth and   Visit our website or contact us today to
              unique essence of its owner.                   reliable investment.                              find your perfect home in paradise!
                                                                                                               US: +1 939-428-8286
              Why Aruba? Why Now?                            Why Kermit Real Estate is the best choice (of     AUA: +297-594-2812
              Aruba’s  real  estate  market  is  thriving,  offer-  guidance) for you                          Email:
              ing both luxury and affordability. With steady  Creative  Approach:  We  blend  design,  style,   Website:

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal visitors at Aruba Beach Club Resort!

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  recently  had  the  The honorees were:
            great pleasure of recognizing Goodwill Ambas-   Goodwill Ambassadors
            sadors of Aruba. The honorees were respective-  Mr. Edward & Mrs. Marilyn Dahlby from Lakeville
            ly  honored  with  a  certificate  for  their  years  of  Minnesota, United States.
            visits, loyalty, and love for the island of Aruba.
                                                            Mr.  Jorgino  Willems  representing  the  Aruba
            The honorary certification is presented on be-  Tourism Authority, and staff members of Aruba
            half of the Minister of Tourism as a token of ap-  beach  Club  Resort  bestowed  the  certificate
            preciation and to say “Masha Danki” to guests  upon the honorees, presented them with gifts,
            who  have  visited  Aruba  10,  20,  or  35  years  or  and thanked them for choosing Aruba as their
            more consecutively.                             favorite  vacation  destination,  as  their  home
                                                            away from home.
            The three levels of honor are as follows:
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years consecutively vis-  The top reasons for returning to Aruba provided
            iting Aruba)                                    by the honorees were:                            us as soon as we set foot on the island”
            Goodwill Ambassador (20>years consecutively  •          Aruba’s scenery.
            visiting Aruba)                                 •       Aruba’s weather.                         On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authority,  we
            Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years  consecutively  •        Aruba`s people.                          would like to express our sincere gratitude and
            visiting Aruba)                                 •       Aruba’s restaurants.                     appreciation  to  the  honorees  for  their  contin-
                                                            •       “The  feeling  of  relaxation  washes  over  ued visits to the “One Happy Island”.q
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