Page 12 - AHATA
P. 12
Saturday 22 February 2025
Oranjestad School Parade Filled with Joy and Fantasy
Yesterday morning, stu-
dents from preparatory
and elementary schools
in Oranjestad held their
school parade. A parade
full of joy and fantasy, with
children enjoying the in-
fectious rhythm of carnival
The parade featured a to-
tal of seven groups, con-
sisting of 13 preparatory
and elementary schools.
By 9:30 in the morning, the
parade departed from
the Entertainment Cen-
ter and ended at Plaza
Libertador Betico Croes.
The participating schools
were Reina Beatrix School,
Prinses Amalia Basisschool,
Arco Iris Kleuterschool,
Play2Whizz Campus, Mon
Plaisir, Pius X School, Fati-
ma College, Frere Boni-
facius, Rosario College,
Colegio Conrado Coro-
nel, Scol Paso pa Futuro,
Scol Soeur Juliette, and
Sint Dominicus College.
A large number of people
were also present, stand-
ing along the route to en-
joy and cheer on the chil-
dren during their school
This is the first school pa-
rade of the 71st Carnival,
and next Friday, Noord
will hold its own school
parade. It will also be
the turn for the secondary
schools of Oranjestad and
San Nicolas to hold their
school parades.q