Page 13 - AHATA
P. 13
LOCAL Saturday 22 February 2025
Visit the historic museum at Fort Zoutman!
(Oranjestad)—Located in the middle of tumultuous past, including the on-and-off
downtown Oranjestad, situated right next reception of unwanted members of the Eng-
to the government building “Cocolishi”, is lish military several times (The Netherlands
one of the oldest buildings of Aruba: Fort was at constant war with England back in
Zoutman. First constructed in 1796, this site the colonial era).
has been used (or left unused) in many Over the years, both the fort and the tower
ways and have survived eras of war and had functioned as different government
attempted dismantling. center points, including a tax and stamps
office. For some time these two buildings
When anyone refers to Fort Zoutman, they also housed a police precinct and jail, and
are actually referring to two separate build- even experienced abandonment until the
ings that, over the years, have been merged: Cultural Center Aruba Foundation (CCA)
the fort and the tower. That’s right, the iconic petitioned for its renovation in 1964, turning
5-story, squared tower was not part of the the site into the Historic Museum it currently is.
original structure of the fort, and is actually Despite its small size, The Historic Museum
called “Willem III Toren”. Constructed in 1867, guards a rich depository of the commercial,
this tower was named after the then-reigning military and social history of Oranjestad, of-
king of The Netherlands, Willem III. Willem III fering a glance into how the social culture of
Toren was originally a light tower, but after the town came to be. If you are interested
a request from Lieutenant Governor Jan in history and want to learn more about
Helenus in 1866, it also became a bell tower. Aruba, then Fort Zoutman should definitely
The fort itself was originally constructed to be included into your itinerary.
protect the commerce bay of Paardenbaai The museum is open Monday to Friday from
from pirates and other disreputable charac- 9am-6pm, and Saturday from 10am-2pm.
ters roaming the Caribbean Sea. Unlike the
Willem III Toren, Fort Zoutman had a more Source: The Old Fort of Aruba by Jan Hartog.
Blackstone Beach
(Oranjestad)—Named after its most ral Bridge and Andicuri Beach, the
recognizable feature, the Black- Blackstone Beach is relatively easy
stone Beach almost represents to access. Once you get passed
the opposite of the typical Aruban the Ayo Rock Formation, take the
beaches. For one, it has black sand Andicuri road leading up to Andi-
and is covered in black smooth curi Beach. There, you can park
stones. Secondly, it lies on the your car and take a 1km hike to-
northern side of the island, away wards Blackstone Beach.
from the white sandy beaches of in This beach forms part of the Arikok
the southern region. So, if you feel National Park and is therefore a
up for something different—or if it’s site that is preserved. This is why it is
opposite day, visit the Blackstone also relatively untouched by com-
Beach. mercial influences. Despite being
called a beach, do note that it is
Blackstone Beach shows the more not advised to swim in the water,
natural side of Aruba: the stones as the current is very strong and
that cover the beaches and the can easily stray you further in the
shape of it has been crafted for wild ocean. However, you can still
thousand years via volcanic erup- enjoy a spectacular view of the
tions, coral reef movements and stones and the northern ocean that
wave activity of the rural northern stretches out in front of the beach
part of the island. and take a picture with your friends
Located further east to the Natu- or family!q