Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200603
P. 26
Wednesday 3 June 2020
Judge: Justice Department reversal in Flynn case 'unusual'
WASHINGTON (AP) — A stand in the way of a dis-
federal judge on Monday missal the defendant does
defended his decision not not oppose." It urged the
to quickly approve the Jus- appeals court to direct him
tice Department's request to drop the case.
to dismiss its own criminal "Far from authorizing further
case against former Trump proceedings at the district
administration national se- court's behest, the Consti-
curity adviser Michael Fly- tution requires the court to
nn, saying that the depart- honor the Executive's un-
ment's reversal was unusual opposed decision to drop
and he wanted to consider the pending charges, and
the request carefully be- precludes the case from
fore ruling on it. proceeding to sentencing
The brief from U.S. District in the absence of a live
Judge Emmet Sullivan of- controversy," lawyers for
fers the most detailed ex- the department wrote.
planation for his refusal to Flynn admitted lying to the
immediately sign off on the FBI about his conversations
department's decision to on sanctions during the
drop its case against Flynn, presidential transition with
who pleaded guilty as part the then-Russian ambassa-
of special counsel Robert In this Sept. 10, 2019 file photo, Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump's former national security dor, a topic that recently
Mueller's Russia investiga- adviser, leaves the federal court following a status conference in Washington. released transcripts of the
tion. It raises the prospect Associated Press call show the two men dis-
of a drawn-out clash be- cussed in detail. But the Jus-
tween two branches of based federal appeals chance to study the dis- quiry into the government's tice Department said last
government over whether court to order Sullivan to missal request, which he motion, and order that mo- month that the FBI should
a judge can be forced to grant the department's re- said he may ultimately tion granted," lawyers for never have interviewed
unwind a guilty plea at the quest. But Sullivan laid out grant. Sullivan wrote. "The answer Flynn in the first place and
Justice Department's be- in detail his reasons for his "The question before this is no." that the communication
hest. concern as he urged the Court is whether it should The Justice Department, in he had with the ambassa-
Flynn's attorneys have appeals court to stay out short-circuit this process, its own brief Monday, said dor was entirely appropri-
urged the Washington- of the case until he has a forbid even a limited in- Sullivan has no authority "to ate. q
CBO projects virus impact could trim GDP by $15.7 trillion
WASHINGTON (AP) — The follow the lead of the House
Congressional Budget and pass more economic
Office said Monday that relief.
the U.S. economy could "Last week we learned that
be $15.7 trillion smaller over 40 million Americans
over the next decade lost their jobs as a result
than it otherwise would of this horrific pandemic,"
have been if Congress Schumer and Sanders said
does not mitigate the in a joint statement. "Today,
economic damage from the CBO tells us that if
the coronavirus. current trends continue,
The CBO, which had already we will see a jaw-dropping
issued a report forecasting $16 trillion reduction in
a severe economic impact economic growth over the
over the next two years, next decade."
expanded that forecast Schumer and Sanders
to show that the severity said Republicans should
of the economic shock stop blocking legislation to
could depress growth for provide more assistance
far longer. given that 40 million workers
The new estimate said that have lost their jobs already.
over the 2020-2030 period, "In order to avoid the risk of
total GDP output could In this May 26, 2020, file photo, a woman wears a mask as she passed the doors to a Banana another Great Depression,
be $15.7 trillion lower than Republic at the newly reopened Las Americas Premium Outlets mall in San Diego. the Senate must act with
CBO had been projecting Associated Press a fierce sense of urgency,"
as recently as January. Schumer and Sanders said.
That would equal 5.3% of CBO called this a while the recent drop in mitigate the deterioration The CBO is forecasting that
lost GDP over the coming "significant markdown" in energy prices is projected in economic conditions," the GDP, which shrank at
decade. GDP output as a result of to severely reduce U.S. Swagel said in the letter a 5% rate in the first three
After adjusting for inflation, the pandemic. investment in the energy to Sens. Chuck Schumer, months of this year, will
CBO said the lost output "Business closures and sector," CBO Director Philip D-N.Y., and Bernie Sanders, fall at a 37.7% rate in the
would total $7.9 trillion, social distancing measures Swagel said in a letter. I-Vt. The two had requested current April-June quarter,
a loss of 3% of inflation- are expected to curtail "Recent legislation will, in the information as a way the biggest quarterly
adjusted GDP. consumer spending, CBO's assessment, partially to pressure Republicans to decline on record.q