Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200603
P. 28
Wednesday 3 June 2020
UN report: Afghan Taliban still maintain ties with al-Qaida
By KATHY GANNON future steps in terms of
Associated Press force reduction and relat-
ISLAMABAD (AP) — The ed commitments" now de-
Taliban in Afghanistan still pend on the Taliban deliv-
maintain close ties with the ering on their promise.
al-Qaida terror network, The U.N. committee behind
despite signing a peace the report said several sig-
deal with the United States nificant al-Qaida figures
in which they committed to were killed over the past
fight militant groups, a U.N. months but a number of
report released on Tuesday prominent leaders of the
said. group, once led by Osama
The insurgents promptly bin Laden, remain in Af-
slammed the report as ghanistan. The report said
"baseless and bigoted." they maintain links with the
The U.S.-Taliban accord, feared Haqqani network,
signed in Qatar's capital of an ally of the Taliban, and
Doha at the end of Febru- still play a significant role in
ary, was meant to allow for Taliban operations.
American troops to gradu- Jihad, or holy war, and a
ally leave Afghanistan after shared history continue
19 years of war and pave to bind the two militant
way for intra-Afghan nego- In this Feb. 29, 2020 file photo, U.S. peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, left, and Mullah Abdul Ghani groups. Several top al-Qai-
tiations that would shape Baradar, the Taliban group's top political leader shake hands after signing a peace agreement da leaders, such as Ayman
the country's political fu- between Taliban and U.S. officials in Doha, Qatar. al-Zawahri who succeeded
ture. Associated Press bin Laden as the terror net-
Under the accord, the Tal- work's leader, trace their
iban pledged to combat But the details of the Tal- necessary to protect intelli- their presence, in terms of involvement in Afghanistan
other terror groups — in- iban counter-terrorism gence operations involved training, in terms of recruit- to the 1980s war against
cluding al-Qaida, which commitment were never in enforcing it. ing, in terms of fundraising the invading Soviet Union,
they once harbored — and publicized. Zalmay Khalil- Khalilzad told reporters in in the territory that they cur- when the Afghan mujahe-
prevent militants from using zad, Washington's peace Washington on Monday rently control." deen, or holy warriors, were
Afghan territory to stage envoy and the architect of that the Taliban pledge He insisted that "progress also financed by the U.S. to
attacks on America. the deal, says the secrecy is was specific "in terms of has been made and our oust Moscow's troops.q
Puerto Rico overhauls 1930 civil code amid sharp criticism
DÁNICA COTO in cases where a mother
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico might be in a coma or in-
(AP) — For the first time in capacitated in some way.
nearly a century, Puerto Meanwhile, the island's LG-
Rico overhauled a series BTQ community in part de-
of laws that regulate rights cried what it described as
in the U.S. territory includ- obscure and contradicting
ing marriage, abortion and language regarding the
property ownership with- ongoing right to change
out having held any public one's gender on their birth
hearings. certificate.
Gov. Wanda Vázquez on Human rights activist Pe-
Monday night signed into dro Julio Serrano said he
law a new civil code that expects a flurry of lawsuits
replaces the one created over the new civil code:
in 1930 and contains more "They wanted to satisfy
than 130 amendments, God and the devil, and
raising concerns that some they ended up making no
could lead to certain loop- one happy."
holes in what is considered The island's House of Rep-
Puerto Rico's second most resentatives had approved
important legal document some 70 amendments
after its Constitution. Governor Wanda Vazquez Garced offers a press conference to announce the extension of the alone that Román said
"We will never have a civil Covid-19 curfew until June 15, while detailing the new sectors of the country that may resume were adopted to promote
operations from May 26 as part of a new executive order, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Thursday, May
code with 100% consensus," 21, 2020. the conservative vision of
she said as she defended Associated Press various religious groups. The
the new code, adding Senate then introduced
there will always be room Critics agree that it was is that while the new code cluded? What's the final more than 60 new amend-
to improve or change it. time to revise and modern- upholds the right to have intention?'" said Edgardo ments.
Vázquez said she consulted ize the civil code, but said an abortion in Puerto Rico, Román, president of Puer- Vázquez said she doesn't
numerous experts including legislators should have held it also for the first time rec- to Rico's Bar Association, believe the civil code vio-
judges and professors as public hearings before it ognizes the rights of a fetus. adding that in the future, it lates the rights of anyone
part of an effort that began was approved. One of the "You have to ask yourself, could be used to question and that it would go into
more than 20 years ago. biggest concerns for some 'Why was that clause in- the legality of abortion or effect in 180 days. q