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Wednesday 3 June 2020
Social media, music world go dark for Black Out Tuesday
By MESFIN FEKADU singer Kehlani tweeted
NEW YORK (AP) — Though about Black Out Tuesday.
Black Out Tuesday was ""this is the only one without
originally organized by the the saying go completely
music community, the so- silent for a day in solidarity.
cial media world also went the messages are mixed
dark in support of the Black across the board and i re-
Lives Matter movement, ally hope it doesn't have a
joining voices around the negative effect."
world outraged by the kill- When musician Dillon Fran-
ings of black people in the cis posted that the hashtag
U.S. for Black Lives Matter was
Instagram and Twitter ac- blank on Instagram be-
counts, from top record cause users were posting
label to everyday people, black squares, rapper Lil
were full of black squares Nas X responded with: "this
posted in response to the is not helping us. bro who
deaths of George Floyd, the (expletive) thought
Ahmaud Arbery and Bre- of this?? ppl need to see
onna Taylor. what's going on."
Most of the captions were Several music releases and
blank, though some posted events were postponed as
#TheShowMustBePaused, a result of Black Out Tues-
black heart emojis or en- day. Interscope Geffen
couraged people to vote A&M Records said it would
Tuesday with seven states not release music this week
and the District of Colum- and pushed back releas-
bia are hosting the largest es from MGK, 6lack, Jes-
slate of presidential primary sie Ware, Smokepurp and
elections in almost three others. Chloe x Halle said
months. its sophomore album will
Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Ra- come out June 12 instead
diohead, Coldplay, Kelly of Friday, while the group
Rowland, Beastie Boys and Glass Animals postponed
were among the celebrities the Tuesday release of its
to join Black Out Tuesday new single "Heat Waves."
on social media. Instead of being released
"I won't be posting on so- In this Nov. 29, 2018 file photo, the Instagram app logo is displayed on a mobile screen in Los Wednesday, singer Ashnik-
cial media and I ask you Angeles. ko will drop her song "Cry"
all to do the same," Brit- Associated Press and its video on June 17.
ney Spears tweeted. "We A benefit for the Apollo
should use the time away service also put its Black cused on supporting Black ents, and by carrying the Theater will take place
from our devices to focus Lives Matter playlist on its Lives Matter, and SiriusXM message that racism will Thursday instead of Tues-
on what we can do to front page, featuring songs said it will be silencing its not be tolerated." day, and South by South-
make the world a better like James Brown's "Say It music channels for three Some on social media west postponed an event
place …. for ALL of us !!!!!" Loud — I'm Black and I'm minutes at 3 p.m. EDT in trib- questioned if posting black planned with Rachael Ray.
Spotify blacked out the Proud," N.W.A.'s "(Expletive) ute to "all of the countless squares would divert at- "At SXSW we stand with the
artwork for several of its the Police," Sam Cooke's "A victims of racism." tention away from posts black community and will
popular playlists, includ- Change Is Gonna Come" The company said it "will about the Black Lives Mat- continue to amplify the
ing RapCaviar and To- and Childish Gambino's continue to amplify Black ter movement. voices and ideas that will
day's Top Hits, simply writing "This Is America." voices by being a space "this is the 4th completely lead us to a more equita-
"Black lives matter." as its The opening pages of Ap- where Black artists show- different flyer i've seen for ble society," the company
description. The streaming ple Music and iTunes fo- case their music and tal- it," Grammy-nominated said.q
Creator fires 'Law & Order' spin-off writer for online posts
By LYNN ELBER hour of national grief. I am vard was being "looted two ficer pressing his knee into online. "I have gotten no
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A TV terminating Craig Gore im- blocks from me," and add- Floyd's neck for several word on ANY hirings I have
writer who has worked on mediately," Wolf said in a ed, "You think I won't light minutes, even when he no idea who this person is
"S.W.A.T." and "Chicago statement. (expletive) up who are are had stopped moving. or what they do."
P.D." was fired from an up- An attorney for Gore didn't trying to (expletive) w/ my Christopher Meloni, the Olmstead is a veteran pro-
coming "Law & Order" spin- immediately respond Tues- property I worked all my life former "Law & Order: SVU" ducer and writer whose
off because of online posts day to a request for com- for? Think again." star who will head the cast credits include "Chicago
about social unrest in Los ment. NBC declined to As with other U.S. cities, of "Law & Order: Orga- P.D.," which is part of an-
Angeles. comment. Los Angeles has seen both nized Crime," pushed back other Wolf series franchise.
Craig Gore was dropped In a post circulated on so- peaceful protests and vio- against online critics that Ice-T of "Law & Order: SVU"
from NBC's "Law & Order: cial media Tuesday and lence in the streets follow- referred to Gore as an ex- tipped his hat to Wolf in a
Organized Crime" by fran- captioned "Curfew…" Gore ing the of George Floyd ecutive producer, or show- post Tuesday.
chise creator Dick Wolf. is shown holding a firearm. on May 25. A bystander's runner, on the new series. "The Big Boss is cleaning
"I will not tolerate this con- In another post, he wrote video showed a since- "Truth: Matt Olmstead is my house… RESPECT," the ac-
duct, especially during our that famed Sunset Boule- charged white police of- Showrunner," Meloni said tor and musician wrote.q