Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200603
P. 31
locAl Wednesday 3 June 2020
Aruba’s nature had a break and restored itself, but for how long?
ORANJESTAD — Over the years,
natural / protected areas suf-
fered damage caused by differ-
ent factors, amongst others, from
the ATV / UTV vehicles. In this time
of COVID-19 crisis where people
were urged to stay inside as much
as possible we saw roads with-
out ATV’s, jeeps and cars, empty
beaches and less pollution in the
air. We could hear the birds sing
and see goats crossing roads
again. Our national park Arikok is requires a lot of coordination.
closed to visitors since March 23 It was agreed by all that inspec-
and nature is flourishing. Plants and tions of vehicles are one of the im-
flowers arise, animals recover their portant requirements that must be
space. As the world slowed, Moth- enforced as well. AHATA voiced
er Nature was taking a breath! concern for fair implementation
and enforcement, so all compa-
Now that Aruba is opening up nies are equally regulated and
again the discussion about pro- compliant.
tecting nature is as strong as ever.
Roads are filled again with traf- The conversation also touched
fic and beaches, especially in the vehicles on highways. Considering is time to regulate off-road tourism. on the goal to inspire creation of
weekend, flood with people. We this aspect, the safety of these ve- Adventure tourism shouldn’t de- low-impact activities in the na-
see empty bottles in the sand and hicles (for drivers and general traf- stroy Aruba’s flora and fauna. Such tional park. AHATA will continue to
find other disposables in the bush- fic) is a concern, as stated by the belongs to the next generation.” help FPNA to achieve responsible
es. Is this the new normal we won- minister. DTI is the government de- The Aruba Hotel & Tourism Asso- recreation within the nature pre-
der? Weren’t we determined to do partment that is in charge of vehi- ciation (Ahata) continues to advo- serve. Meanwhile, AHATA shall also
it differently and what about the cle inspection, including ATV / UTV cate for regulation of UTV and ATV continue to seek clarification for
joy we experienced seeing cactus vehicles. Currently a relatively small vehicles on the island, for the sake the activity companies that have
green again instead of covered group of ATV / UTV has attended of safety of the visitors and protec- been affected by the new vehicle
with dust because of passing mo- and fulfilled a vehicle inspection. tion of Aruba’s biodiversity. During policy.
torized vehicles? The procedure involves: control for a recent meeting with the Minister
valid insurance, control for num- of Justice, the Minister of Spatial The other side
Vehicle inspection ber plate payment and the overall Development and Environment, The newly founded Aruba Off-
Minister Marisol Lopez – Tromp, condition of the vehicle. These fac- and the Minister of Transport, the Road Foundation represents the in-
Minister of Spatial Development, tors determine if the vehicle (in this CEO of AHATA, Tisa LaSorte, had terest of about 20 Off-road Rental
Infrastructure and Environment is case the ATV/ UTV), will successfully the opportunity to reiterate the Companies and tour operators.
working on ways of improving this complete the inspection. Aruba request for regulation sent to the Their wish is to be involved in the
situation, she announced recently. Today asked the minister if these government in January of 2019. It decision-making about the off
The two primary aspects that Lo- inspections are going to be man- was agreed by all that regulation is road-vehicles seeing that this is
pez-Tromp will be focusing on are: datory and if new permit requests essential. The Minister of Justice as- their source of income. They state
(1) Protection of Aruba’s Natural for ATV companies will be denied sured AHATA that the Aruba gov- to understand the need for nature
areas, (2) but also the process of as also permits for extension of the ernment has no intention to ban protection, but they have preoccu-
vehicle inspection which is carried existing ATV companies. We are UTV and ATV vehicles; to avoid fur- pations about the new regulations
out by the Department for Techni- pending an answer to those ques- ther job losses during difficult eco- within the national park as well as
cal Inspections (DTI). Remarkable is tions from the minister. nomic times. the 16 protected nature areas an-
that Aruba is among the few coun- National Park Arikok (FPNA) intro- nounced by the Minister of Spatial
tries that allow driving of ATV / UTV duced their new policy with re- The Minister of Spatial Planning Planning and Environment.q
gards to ATV’s, UTV’s and SUV’s. and Environment, Marisol Lopez
They ban ATV’s as of June 1st, – Tromp, explained that the most
restrict the number of UTV’s and recent legal step taken was to in-
SUV’s as of June 1st, and ban UTV’s troduce 16 areas on the island as
as of October 31st. “protected nature areas”. Motor-
ized traffic is prohibited from these
Advocating regulation protected areas. The Minister of
A foundation that fights for protec- Transport added that efforts are
tion of nature, Aruba Birdlife Con- being made to introduce regula-
servation, says: “It’s time for a mor- tion for the vehicles, however, the
atorium on UTV’s and ATV’s and it process involves 5 ministries which