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Diahuebs 10 Juni 2021
Man sentenced to death for murder of Nebraska store clerk
told her about his lifestyle, changed his story numerous ty sentences are automatically
which included defrauding times — bragged about the appealed. The state’s most
antique dealers and group murder and implied to inves- recent execution was of con-
sex with Boswell and other tigators that he and Boswell victed murderer Carey Dean
women. drank Loofe’s blood. Evi- Moore in 2018. Before that,
dence also showed he bought Nebraska’s last execution was
“I had no doubt she would a hacksaw, tools and bleach in 1997.
tell people if I let her go,” said before the killing.
Trail, who was handcuffed, Authorities said Trail and Bo-
clad in orange jail garb and “Trail’s words and actions swell were captured on video
sat in a wheelchair through- demonstrate he had no re- at a Home Depot in Lin-
out the sentencing. gard for the life of Sydney coln on Nov. 15, 2017, buy-
Loofe beyond his own per- ing tools used to dismem-
Trail didn’t apologize to sonal pleasures,” Johnson ber Loofe, hours before her
Loofe’s family in the court- said. death and while she was still
room, saying it “would be at work.
an insult to you for what I’ve Loofe’s family left the Saline
put you through,” but he said County Courthouse without In court documents, Assistant
killing her was the only thing taking questions. Nebraska Attorney General
he has done in his life that he Sandra Allen said Trail has a
regrets. Trail becomes the 12th man history of “serious assaultive
(AP) — A man was sen- ning to kill someone before on death row in Nebraska, or terrorizing criminal activ-
tenced to death Wednes- Boswell met the 24-year-old Trail admitted that he repeat- a state that rarely carries out ity” and that Loofe’s murder
day for killing and dis- Loofe, a cashier at a Menards edly lied to authorities and executions, currently lacks “manifested exceptional de-
membering a Nebraska store in Lincoln, on the dat- plotted to kill Loofe two to the drugs it needs to do so pravity by ordinary standards
hardware store clerk who ing app Tinder and lured her three hours before he car- and isn’t likely to get them of morality and intelligence.”
refused to commit to his to them. ried out the murder. But he anytime soon.
lifestyle of group sex and asserted that Boswell wasn’t Boswell was convicted in Oc-
fraud. Loofe’s body parts were in the room and didn’t know Trail missed much of his own tober of first-degree murder,
found in garbage bags, cut he was going to do it. He said trial after slashing his neck in conspiracy to commit mur-
Aubrey Trail was convicted in into 14 pieces and left in he “could care less” about the the courtroom in 2019 and der and improper disposal of
2019 of first-degree murder ditches along country roads sentence he receives. yelling, “Bailey is innocent, human remains for her role
and criminal conspiracy to in rural Clay County. and I curse you all.” in Loofe’s death. Prosecutors
commit murder. in the 2017 “I am not looking for mer- are also seeking the death
murder of Sydney Loofe. A In his statement to the court, cy, forgiveness, or anything Trail’s court-appointed attor- penalty for Boswell; a three-
three-judge panel sentenced Trail, 54, recanted his ear- else,” he said. ney, Ben Murray, said his cli- judge panel will start hearing
Trail Wednesday at the coun- lier claim that Loofe died of ent would appeal the sentence evidence to determine her
ty courthouse in Wilber, erotic asphyxiation during Saline County District Court at least initially, but he didn’t fate June 30.
about 40 miles (65 kilome- rough sex and admitted that Judge Vicky Johnson said know if Trail would continue
ters) southwest of Lincoln. he strangled her with an elec- the murder met the legal to do so over the long term, If she’s sentenced to death,
tric cord, as prosecutors had standard of “exceptional de- as other Nebraska death-row Boswell will become Ne-
Prosecutors said at trial that alleged. He said he tied up pravity” necessary to impose inmates have done. braska’s first female death-
Trail and his girlfriend, Bai- Loofe and killed her because the ultimate punishment. row inmate.
ley Boswell, had been plan- she “freaked out” when he She noted that Trail — who In Nebraska, all death penal-
Florida reverses itself, will allow rainbow bridge lighting
(AP) — Florida reversed celebratory lighting displays celebrations and “events of Trevor Lawrence; green for
itself Wednesday and said on the bridge to honor pa- DeSantis, a Republican, was broad community interest mental health month; blue
a downtown Jacksonville triotic holidays, celebrate the criticized last week when, on and significance approved by and green to raise awareness
bridge can be decorated Jacksonville Jaguars football the first day of Pride Month, local governments.” Fenske of neurofibromatoses, a neu-
in rainbow lights to cel- team and raise disease aware- he signed a law banning said those policies will be re- rological disorder that causes
ebrate gay rights, one day ness. transgender athletes from viewed. tumors; light blue for amyo-
after it had ordered them participating in school sports. trophic lateral sclerosis, the
doused. It had been the second time The Times-Union reports fatal condition commonly
this month the state rejected The state had earlier rejected that the Acosta is frequently called Lou Gehrig’s disease;
Taryn Fenske, a spokeswom- a rainbow lighting display for Sarasota’s request to light lit in different color schemes. purple for lupus awareness;
an for Gov. Ron DeSantis, a bridge. its John Ringling Causeway Last month, it was lit in teal and red, white and blue for
told The Florida Times- Bridge with rainbow lights to honor the Jaguars for Memorial Day.
Union that she didn’t know “The bottom line is, (the this month despite also per- drafting star quarterback
why the Florida Department rainbow) lights will be back” mitting other displays there.
of Transportation had or- on the Acosta, Fenske told The governor’s office did
dered the state-owned Acosta the paper. not immediately respond
Bridge returned to its normal to a Wednesday email from
blue lighting Tuesday night, The state transportation de- The Associated Press asking
but said the rainbow col- partment said on Tuesday whether that display will also
ors will be back Wednesday that its original decision to now be allowed.
night. shut off the rainbow lights
was not motivated by anti-gay According to the state’s bridge
The Jacksonville Transporta- animus but because the dis- lighting policy, the transpor-
tion Authority had planned to play violated regulations. It tation department can reject
use rainbow lighting on the said the Jacksonville author- any temporary color scheme
Acosta throughout the week ity’s permit for lighting the it deems offensive or not in
in honor of Pride Month, Acosta requires it to maintain the public’s best interest. It
which commemorates the a certain color scheme unless also says special lighting dis-
struggle for gay rights. The it receives state permission plays should be limited to
state has allowed numerous for a temporary change. federal or state holidays or