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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 10 Juni 2021

                               Bolivia's 'People of the Water' try to survive loss of lake

            (AP) — For many genera-      “Our  grandfathers  thought
            tions, the homeland of the  the  lake  would  last  all  their
            Uru  people  here  wasn’t  lives, and now my people are
            land  at  all:  It  was  the  near  extinction  because  our
            brackish  waters  of  Lake  source of life has been lost,”
            Poopo.                       said Luis Valero, leader of the
                                         Uru  communities  around
            The  Uru  —  “people  of  the  the lake.
            water”  —  would  build  a
            sort of family island of reeds  Not long before the lake was
            when  they  married  and  lost, the language of the Uru-
            would survive on what they  Cholo  had  perished  as  well.
            could harvest from the broad,  The last native speakers grad-
            shallow lake in the highlands  ually died and younger gen-
            of southwestern Bolivia.     erations  grew  up  schooled
                                         in  Spanish  and  working  in
            “They collected eggs, fished,  other, more common Indig-
            hunted  flamingos  and  birds.  enous languages, Aymara and
            When  they  fell  in  love,  the  Quechua.
            couple built their own raft,”
            said  Abdón  Choque,  leader  To  save  their  identities,  the
            of  Punaca,  a  town  of  some  communities  are  trying  to
            180 people.                  revive that language — or at
                                         least its closest sibling. Aided  our neighbors.”
            Now what was Bolivia’s sec-  by the government and a lo-                               .Punaca   Mayor     Rufino  With no land for farming, the
            ond-largest  lake  is  gone.  It  cal foundation, they have in-  “The  instructors  teach  us  Choque  said  the  Uru  be-  young  men  hire  themselves
            dried up about five years ago,  vited teachers from a related  the  language  with  numbers,  gan settling on the lakeshore  out  as  laborers,  herders  or
            victim  of  shrinking  glaciers,  branch of the Uru, the Uru-  songs  and  greetings,”  said  several  decades  ago  as  the  miners  in  nearby  towns  or
            water diversions for farming  Chipaya  near  the  Chilean  Avelina  Choque,  a  21  year  lake began to shrink, though  more distant cities. “They see
            and  contamination.  Ponds  border  to  the  west,  to  teach  old student who said she one  by  then,  most  of  the  lands  the money and they don’t re-
            reappear in places during the  that tongue — one of 36 of-  day would like to teach math-  around  them  had  been  oc-  turn,”  said  Abdón.  Some  of
            rainy season.                ficially  recognized  Bolivian  ematics. “It’s a little difficult  cupied.             the woman make handicrafts
                                         languages  —  to  their  chil-  to pronounce.”                                         of straw.
            And the Uru of Lake Poopo  dren.                                                       “We are ancient (as a people),
            are  left  clinging  to  its  salt-                       The  pandemic  has  added  to  but we have no territory. Now  The  broader  Uru  people
            crusted  former  shoreline  in  “In  this  times,  everything  that  struggle.  The  teachers  we have no source of work,  once dominated a large swath
            three  small  settlements,  635  changes. But we are making  have  been  unable  to  hold  nothing,” said the 61-year-ild  of  the  region,  and  branches
            people scrabbling for ways to  efforts  to  maintain  our  cul-  in-person  classes  during  the  mayor,  whose  town  consists  remain around Peru and Lake
            make a living and struggling  ture,” Valero said. “Our chil-  pandemic,  leaving  students  of ribbon of round, plastered  Titicaca to the north, around
            to save even their culture.  dren have to recover the lan-  to  learn  from  texts,  videos  block homes along an earth-  the Chilean border and near
                                         guage to distinguish us from  and radio programs.         en street.                   the Argentine border.

                                    Building collapse in South Korea kills 9, injures 8

            (AP) — A five-story build-   building in the southern city  seriously injured, before dis-
            ing  being  demolished  in  of  Gwangju  fell  on  the  bus  covering the nine bodies, the
            southern  South  Korea  carrying 17 people which had  agency said in a statement.
            collapsed  on  Wednesday,  stopped  on  a  nearby  street,
            sending    debris   falling  the  National  Fire  Agency  Fire  officer  Kim  Seok-sun
            on a bus and  killing nine  said.                         said  in  a  televised  briefing
            people on board, officials                                from the site that all workers
            said.                        Emergency    officers   dis-  at the building site had evac-
                                         patched  to  the  site  rescued  uated before its collapse. He
            Concrete from the collapsed  eight people from the bus, all  said some of the workers told

                                                                                                   investigators  that  they  had  An  earlier  fire  agency  state-
                                                                                                   closed  a  pedestrian  walkway  ment said the debris also fell
                                                                                                   near the building before the  on  two  passenger  vehicles.
                                                                                                   collapse.                    But agency officials later cor-
                                                                                                                                rected that after watching se-
                                                                                                   Fire  agency  officials  said  curity videos.
                                                                                                   emergency officers were still
                                                                                                   searching for any other peo-  Local media showed the de-
                                                                                                   ple  who  might  be  trapped  bris  falling  on  the  bus  and
                                                                                                   under the debris. The cause  engulfing the street in a huge
                                                                                                   of the collapse wasn’t imme-  cloud  of  dust.  A  video  after
                                                                                                   diately known.               the  collapse  showed  dozens
                                                                                                                                of  rescue  workers  equipped
                                                                                                   Kim said the bus driver was  with stretchers and crowbars
                                                                                                   among the injured. Authori-  searching for survivors while
                                                                                                   ties  didn’t  immediately  pro-  excavators  hacked  at  a  huge
                                                                                                   vide  details  of  the  other  in-  mountain  of  crumbled  con-
                                                                                                   jured or dead people.        crete  and  bent  steel  beams
                                                                                                                                spilling over the motorway.
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