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                                                                                                       sports Diahuebs 10 Juni 2021

                           No more positive results for Spain; squad to get vaccinated

            (AP)  —  Spain  celebrated  for everyone," defender Jordi  of  other  Spaniards  who  are
            another round of negative  Alba, who is taking over the  still waiting. Only those over
            test  results  on  Wednes-   team's  captaincy,  told  Radio  the age of 45 are currently au-
            day  and  welcomed  the  Marca.  "What  happened  to  thorized to get vaccinated in
            announcement  that  the  Busquets  was  unfortunate.  I  Spain.
            squad would get vaccinat-    hope he will be back with us  "We  don't  have  to  say  any-
            ed ahead of the European  soon. We have been comply-      thing," Alba said. "If they tell
            Championship.                ing with all the protocols and  us  we  are  going  to  get  the
                                         we have to continue to adapt.  vaccine, then we get the vac-
            The  news  came  after  "La  Hopefully  there  won't  be  cine. If they tell us we won't
            Roja"  expanded  its  paral-  more of this going forward."  get the vaccine, then we don't
            lel  squad  to  17  players  fol-                         get the vaccine."
            lowing  the  detection  of  two  Health  Minister  Carolina
            coronavirus  cases  this  week.  Darias  said  Spain's  armed  Llorente's positive result was
            Defender  Diego  Llorente  forces    would    administer  made  public  not  long  after
            tested  positive  on  Tuesday  the shots to the players. She  Spain's  under-21  squad  beat
            and  captain  Sergio  Busquets  said  the  Spanish  federation  Lithuania  4-0  on  Tuesday  in 1936.               the season because of injuries
            on Sunday. Both players left  would  provide  more  details  night  in  Madrid  in  a  match  The  Spanish  federation  did  and a spell with COVID-19.
            the team's training camp and  on when they would receive  that  was  supposed  to  be  not say whether Busquets or
            were put into isolation.     their jabs, but confirmed that  played by the senior team as  Llorente would be cut from  Players  who  test  positive
                                         the  players  will  need  two  its final warm-up before "La  the squad.                must  stay  in  isolation  for  at
            Coach Luis Enrique called up  shots,  meaning  the  second  Roja"  opens  its  Euro  2020                           least  10  days,  meaning  both
            11  players  from  Spain's  un-  ones likely won't be adminis-  campaign against Sweden on  Luis  Enrique  has  until  Sat-  Busquets  and  Llorente  will
            der-21 squad to join six other  tered for a few weeks.    Monday in Seville.           urday to make changes to his  miss the opener against Swe-
            players who had already been                              All  but  one  of  the  20  play-  initial  list  in  case  of  injuries  den. It would also be unlikely
            training  separately  from  the  "We have acted in the fastest  ers  called  up  for  that  match  or COVID-19 cases. He only  they would be fit for Spain's
            main team.                   way  possible  and  we  think  —  Bryan  Gil  —  had  played  selected 24 players instead of  second  match  against  Po-
                                         that  it  is  an  important  deci-  for  the  senior  national  team  the  26  allowed  for  each  na-  land on June 19. The team's
            No other players have tested  sion," Darias said, adding that  before. The friendly counted  tional team at Euro 2020, say-  final Group E match will be
            positive  so  far,  the  Spanish  her ministry received a letter  as  a  first-team  match,  with  ing he didn't want to call up  against  Slovakia  on  June  23,
            soccer  federation  said.  All  from  the  sports  minister  on  players  getting  caps  and  an  too many players who would  also in Seville.
            players and staff members re-  Friday asking for the vaccines  official debut for coach Luis  not likely be used at the tour-
            turned  negative  results  after  for the soccer team.    de  la  Fuente  with  the  main  nament.                  Two Sweden players also test-
            undergoing  tests  mandated                               squad.  The  last  time  Spain                            ed positive for COVID-19 —
            by UEFA on Wednesday. The  Some in Spain have criticized  had  10  players  on  debut  for  Among  those  left  out  was  Juventus  winger  Dejan  Ku-
            players on the parallel squad  the delay in getting the team  a senior international was in  veteran captain Sergio Ramos  lusevski  and  Bologna  mid-
            also all tested negative.    vaccinated, while others have  1941,  against  Portugal,  after  —  a  defender  like  Llorente  fielder Mattias Svanberg.
                                         complained  that  the  players  the team had not played since  —  who  had  been  sidelined  The  Euros  begin  on  Friday
            "It's  an  unpleasant  situation  are getting their shots ahead  Spain's  Civil  War  broke  out  for most of the second part of  when Italy hosts Turkey.

                         Australian baseball team withdraws from Olympic qualifying

                                                                      cation  impossible.  The  final  tance,"  he  said.  "And  there  the  second-  and  third-place
                                                                      qualifying  tournament  on  were simply too many unan-    teams  will  meet  in  a  one-
                                                                      June  22-26  was  initially  due  swered  questions  presenting  game  playoff  for  a  place  in
                                                                      to  be  hosted  by  Taiwan  but  significant risks."      the one-game final.
                                                                      late last month it was moved
                                                                      to Puebla, Mexico.           World  No.  4-ranked  Taiwan  The  winner  joins  host  Ja-
                                                                                                   last  week  pulled  out  of  the  pan, the United States, Israel,
                                                                      "We  worked  through  multi-  Mexico  qualifying  tourna-  Mexico  and  South  Korea  at
                                                                      ple options and scenarios but  ment  for  the  same  reason.  the Olympic baseball tourna-
                                                                      the  logistical  challenges  of  China  withdrew  in  early  ment from July 28 to Aug. 7
                                                                      providing a safe environment  May  before  the  tournament  in Fukushima and Yokohama.
                                                                      for  the  group  were  insur-  was  moved  from  Taiwan  to  Baseball  is  returning  to
                                                                      mountable," Williams said.   Mexico.                      the  Olympics  after  being
                                                                                                                                dropped  for  2012  and  2016.
                                                                      Williams  said  even  if  Aus-  The decision left the Domin-  Cuba  won  the  gold  medal
                                                                      tralia  attended  and  won  the  ican  Republic,  Netherlands  in 1992, 1996 and 2004, the
                                                                      qualifying event, subsequent  and  Venezuela  to  compete  United  States  in  2000  and
            (AP) — Australia's Olym-                                  quarantine    requirements  for the final spot in the six-  South  Korea  in  2008.  Base-
            pic baseball team has giv-   Baseball  Australia's  chief  ex-  made  it  impossible  to  com-  nation Olympic field.  ball is likely to be dropped for
            en up trying to qualify for  ecutive  Glenn  Williams  on  pete  at  the  Tokyo  Games                              the  2024  Olympics  in  Paris
            the Tokyo Games because  Wednesday  said  the  "gut-      starting on July 23.         The  first-place  team  in  the  and  then  restored  again  for
            of     coronavirus-related  wrenching" decision to with-  "Athlete health and safety was  round-robin round in Puebla  2028 in Los Angeles.
            travel complications.        draw makes Olympic qualifi-  always of paramount impor-   will advance to the final, and

                        Heat's Riley fined $25,000 for remarks about a LeBron return

            (AP) — Miami Heat Pres-      The  league  said  Riley  vio-  if  James  called  and  said  he  Riley is the second executive
            ident  Pat  Riley  was  fined  lated  its  anti-tampering  rule  wanted  to  return  to  Miami.  to be fined in three days for
            $25,000  by  the  NBA  on  with  his  remarks  during  an  James  led  the  Heat  to  two  tampering.  The  NBA  pe-
            Wednesday  for  being  too  interview  Friday  on  Dan  Le  NBA titles and four straight  nalized  Philadelphia's  Daryl
            clear  that  he'd  eagerly  Batard's radio show.          appearances in the finals be-  Morey and the team $75,000
            welcome  a  reunion  with                                 fore  returning  to  Cleveland  apiece on Monday for a tweet
            LeBron James.                Riley  said  he  would  "leave  in 2014.                  about Stephen Curry.
                                         the  key  under  the  doormat"
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