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A28    u.s. news
                Dialuna 14 September 2020

                              Poll: Pandemic shifts how consumers use gig companies

                                                                                                                                The changing sentiments on
                                                                                                                                ride-hailing  and  delivery  are
                                                                                                                                reflected  in  recent  earnings
                                                                                                                                for companies in those spac-
                                                                                                                                es. Uber and Lyft lost a com-
                                                                                                                                bined $2.2 billion in the sec-
                                                                                                                                ond  quarter  as  people  shied
                                                                                                                                away  from  their  services.
                                                                                                                                Bookings in Uber’s mobility
                                                                                                                                business  declined  73%  and
                                                                                                                                the company laid off a quar-
                                                                                                                                ter  of  its  workforce.  Uber’s
                                                                                                                                food  delivery  business  more
                                                                                                                                than  doubled  its  revenue
                                                                                                                                compared to last year, but it
                                                                                                                                didn’t turn a profit. In April,
                                                                                                                                Lyft’s  rides  were  down  75%
                                                                                                                                compared  to  the  same  time
                                                                                                                                last  year,  and  the  company
                                                                                                                                said it was laying off 17% of
                                                                                                                                its workforce.

                                                                                                                                Grubhub’s   average   daily
                                                                                                                                orders  jumped  32%  in  the
                                                                                                                                second  quarter  as  diners  or-
                                                                                                                                dered  in,  but  it  lost  money
                                                                                                                                as it spent heavily to prop up
                                                                                                                                struggling  restaurants  and
                                                                                                                                protect drivers.
                                                                                                                                The  survey  also  weighed
                                                                                                                                concerns  for  gig  workers.
                                                                                                                                Democrats were more likely
                                                                                                                                than  Republicans  to  express
                                                                                                                                a  lack  confidence  in  safe
                                                                                                                                working conditions for ride-
                                                                                                                                hailing  and  delivery  drivers.
            (AP) — When ride-hailing  ing ride-hailing and delivery  grocery delivery services than  der in, and he prefers to pick  Overall,  35%  of  Americans
            heavyweights  Uber  and  services have changed. It also  those  in  households  earning  his own produce at the store.  favored  government  regula-
            Lyft  and  delivery  giants  highlights  a  wealth  divide,  less, the survey found. Over-  “I  did  a  lot  of  my  appoint-  tions  to  increase  wages  and
            Grubhub  and  Instacart  where Americans with higher  all, the percentage of people  ments  in  restaurants,  and  it  benefits for drivers. Support
            began making shared rides  incomes are able to utilize the  using  delivery  services  re-  was a treat, to go out and have  grew  somewhat  —  to  42%
            and meals available with a  services to help reduce their  mained about the same since  somebody  bring  me  coffee  — if the cost of services were
            few taps on a smartphone,  risk of infection. “People are  the  pandemic  began,  with  and  do  the  dishes,”  Hunter  to increase 5% to ensure bet-
            they transformed the way  worried. We know that," said  those  increasing  their  use  said.  “It’s  no  longer  a  treat.  ter  benefits  and  wages  for
            people  work,  travel  and  Dmitri  Koustas,  an  assistant  balanced out by those cutting  I’m  in  the  house.  It  doesn’t  gig  workers.  But  support
            get food delivered to their  professor  at  the  University  back,  in  some  cases  because  make sense to me.”    dropped  to  22%  if  it  would
            homes.                       of  Chicago  Harris  School.  of  cost.  In  Auburn,  New  A  majority  —  54%  —  said  lead to a 25% increase in the
                                         "They’re   worried   about  York, few grocery stores offer  they  feel  uncomfortable  us-  cost of such services.
            But  the  pandemic  shuffled  themselves  and  their  fami-  delivery, and those that do are  ing a ride-hailing service dur-
            the  deck  for  the  so-called  lies,  and  they’re  concerned  more expensive, said Patricia  ing the coronavirus outbreak,  Mazur, a stay-at-home mom
            gig economy as fear of con-  about  the  virus,  and  they’re  McAvaney,  49,  who  is  dis-  preferring their own cars for  who  says  her  household  in-
            tracting  the  coronavirus  led  also worried about workers.”  abled and living on a fixed in-  travel.  A  similar    percentage  come  is  around  $150,000,
            many  who  once  traveled  in  Among the people who used  come of $920 a month. She's  were  uncomfortable  with  said she would be willing to
            shared vehicles to stay home,  ride-hailing  before  the  cri-  not comfortable going to the  taxis,  public  transportation  pay  a  few  dollars  more.  “I
            and grocery delivery services  sis,  63%  said  they  have  not  grocery  store,  but  feels  she  and  air  travel,  suggesting  used  to  waitress  and  I  used
            struggled to keep up with de-  taken a ride since March. At  has no choice.            people are shying away from  to do these kinds of jobs, so
            mand from people who didn't  the  same  time,  people  with  “I'm on a budget, so it's really  all  forms  of  transportation  I definitely feel for the work-
            want  to  risk  stepping  into  a  higher  household  incomes  not feasible to get everything  where they share space with  ers,”  she  said.Hunter,  the
            store. A new survey from the  had more groceries delivered  delivered  from  that  store,”  others.                 conservative  antique  dealer
            University  of  Chicago  Har-  to their homes.            McAvaney said. Many Amer-    Thomas    Sorenson    ,   a  who makes about $60,000 to
            ris  School  of  Public  Policy                           icans  have  been  uncomfort-  63-year-old handyman, used  $70,000 a year, would not.“If
            and  The  Associated  Press-  Those  with  household  in-  able  with  delivery  services  ride-hailing  when  he  went  the  companies  don’t  pay
            NORC  Center  for  Public  comes  about  $100,00  a  year  during the pandemic. About  out  with  friends  before  the  enough  money,  people  will
            Affairs  Research  shows  how  were  roughly  twice  as  likely  6 in 10 say they are very com-  pandemic.  But  they  no  lon-  leave,"  Hunter  said.  "And  if
            consumer attitudes about us-  to have increased their use of  fortable picking up food from  ger get together, and he takes  you  keep  artificially  paying
                                                                      a  restaurant,  compared  with  care of his elderly mother, so  people higher wages, it shows
                                                                      about 3 in 10 using delivery.  wouldn't risk infection by us-  up in your economics.”
                                                                      Roughly another 3 in 10 said  ing ride-hailing services.
                                                                      they  are  uncomfortable  get-  Karena Mazur Israel, 52, said  The AP-NORC poll of 1,002
                                                                      ting food delivered.         she would be more comfort-   adults was conducted July 16-
                                                                                                   able  riding  in  long  vehicles  20 using a sample drawn from
                                                                      George  Hunter,  a  60-year-  such as buses, station wagons  NORC’s  probability-based
                                                                      old  antique  dealer  in  Kent,  or limousines. “On the bus,  AmeriSpeak  Panel,  which  is
                                                                      Washington, said he went out  if you’re feeling like you can’t  designed to be representative
                                                                      to  restaurants  three  or  four  socially distance, you can get  of the U.S. population. The
                                                                      times  per  week  before  the  off  of  the  bus  and  transfer,  margin of sampling error for
                                                                      pandemic.  But  he’d  rather  and  wait  until  the  next  bus  all respondents is plus or mi-
                                                                      cook  his  own  food  than  or-  to  come  around,”  she  said.  nus 4.3 percentage points.
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