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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 14 September 2020

                              Battle on to save Brazil's tropical wetlands from flames

                                                                      fires  in  the  first  12  days  of
                                                                      September  was  nearly  triple
                                                                      the  figure  for  the  same  pe-
                                                                      riod  last  year.  From  January
                                                                      through August, the number
                                                                      of  fires  more  than  tripled,
                                                                      topping 10,000.
                                                                      Fernando  Tortato,  who  has
                                                                      been working and living near
                                                                      the Encontro Das Aguas  re-
                                                                      serve  since  2008,  said  he's
                                                                      never seen the fires as bad as
                                                                      this  year.  “It  is  an  immense
                                                                      area that has been burned and
                                                                      consumed by the fire. And we
                                                                      still have another two, three
                                                                      or  four weeks  without  rain”
                                                                      ahead,  he  said.  Firefighters,   fires is the practice of burn-  already  have  been  injured,
                                                                      troops  and  volunteers  have   ing roots to smoke wild bees  killed  or  forced  from  their
                                                                      been scrambling to find and   from  their  hives  to  extract  territories  by  thew  fires,  ac-
                                                                      rescue jaguars and other ani-  honey.  The  Pantanal  holds  cording  to  Panthera,  an  in-
                                                                      mals  before  they  are  over-  thousands  of  plant  and  ani-  ternational wild cat conserva-
                                                                      taken  by  the  flames,  which   mal  species,  including  159  tion organization.
                                                                      have been exacerbated by the   mammals,  and  it  abounds  Firefighters  and  the  Mato
            (AP)  —  A  vast  swath  of  Pantanal region since the  worst  drought  in  47  years,   with jaguars, according to the  Grosso  environment  minis-
            a  vital  wetlands  is  burn-  start  of  August  —  an  ex-  strong  winds  and  tempera-  World  Wildlife  Fund.  Dur-  try have created a center for
            ing  in  Brazil,  sweeping  panse  comparable  to  the  tures  exceeding  40  degrees   ing  the  rainy  season,  rivers  rescued  animals.  “We  feel  a
            across  several  national  area consumed by the his-      centigrade (104 fahrenheit).  overflow  their  banks  flood  little discouraged, but we try
            parks  and  obscuring  the  toric blazes now afflicting  While  illegal  logging,  min-  the  land,  making  most  of  it  to  have  hope  to  rescue  the
            sun  behind  dense  smoke.   California.  It's  also  well  ing  and  faming  operations   accessible  only  by  boat  and  few  animals  we  can,”  said
            Preliminary  figures  from  beyond  the  previous  fire  have  been  blamed  for  most   plane.  In  the  dry  season,  veterinarian  Karen  Ribeiro,
            the  Federal  University  of  season record from 2005.    of  the  fires  in  the  Amazon   wildlife  enthusiasts  flock  to  26,  who  was  treating  an  in-
            Rio  de  Janeiro,  based  on                              region to the north, a spokes-  see the normally furtive jag-  jured bird on Friday.
            satellite  images,  indicate  Brazil's  National  Institute  man for Mato Grosso state's   uars lounging on riverbanks,  The  same  day,  Brazil's  navy
            that  nearly  5,800  square  for  Space  Research,  whose  firefighters,  Lt.  Col.  Sheila   along with macaws, caimans  used a helicopter to rescue a
            miles  (1.5  million  hect-  satellites  monitor  the  fires,  Sebalhos,said  one  of  the   and capybaras.         burned jaguar cub and take it
            ares)  have  burned  in  the  said the number of Panantal  causes of this year’s Pantanal   About 200 jaguars in the area  to a veterinary hospital.

                      Brazil Indigenous group celebrates 6 months without COVID-19

            (AP) — A group of Tembé  ment. The hundreds of Tem-       es  formed  councils  and  vis-
            men armed with bows and  bé  people  of  the  Cajueiro,  ited residents at their board-
            shotguns  arrived  on  mo-   Tekohaw  and  Canindé  vil-  and-batten homes to educate
            torcycles  at  the  wooden  lages  locked  their  gate  and  them about the peril of CO-
            gate  blocking  access  to  allowed  people  out  only  in  VID-19 and how it is trans-
            their  villages  in  Brazil’s  case of emergency, while re-  mitted. “We decided to create
            Amazon. One of them re-      stricting entry to agents from  the group to give more orien-
            moved  the  padlock  and  the federal Indigenous health  tation to the families because,
            slipped  the  chain  off  the  care  provider,  SESAI.  Now,  even  with  the  speech  from
            gate.                        after  the  number  of  daily  the health technicians, people
                                         COVID-19 cases and deaths  continued  leaving,”  Sandra
            “You  are  invited,”  33-year-  in  Para  has  finally  plunged,  Tembé, a 48-year-old teacher
            old Regis Tufo Moreira Tem-  the  Tembé  have  begun  be-  of  the  native  language,  said
            bé said to a visitor. “What we  lieving they will emerge from  in an interview. “At the start,
            are doing is for everyone, and  the pandemic unscathed.   it  was  very  difficult  for  us  to  the  Socio-Environmental  Eventually, other members of
            for our good.” The gate has  “We didn’t go to the city, we  because  there  were  families  Institute,  an  Indigenous  ad-  the village joined in the sing-
            seldom  swung  open  since  didn’t  go  to  other  villages.  who we arrived to orient who  vocacy group.           ing,  with  others  dancing.  A
            March,  which  helps  to  ex-  We  remained  in  quarantine.  didn’t want to agree, and said,  The  Tembé  also  relied  on  line of children paraded with
            plain  why  the  Tembé  have  We got through, we are still  ‘Why  are  you  saying  that?  a  traditional  herbal  brew  to  their  hands  on  each  others’
            gone  six  months  without  a  getting through,” said Sérgio  Why stay in isolation?’ That  shore  up  the  health  of  the  shoulders.
            single confirmed coronavirus  Muxi  Tembé,  the  leader  of  moment was very critical.”  weak  and  elderly,  according
            infection.  To  celebrate  that  the Tekohow village. “We are                          to  Paulo  Sergio  Tembé,  50.  The next morning, the peo-
            milestone, they were prepar-  doing  a  small  commemora-  She is thankful they listened,  Inside his home, he withdrew  ple awoke and began donning
            ing  a  festival  and  invited  an  tion because of that, and it’s  and  that  her  people  haven’t  from a handmade basket the  traditional feather headdress-
            Associated  Press  photogra-  because of that we are happy  suffered  like  other  ethnici-  ingredients  for  the  concoc-  es and painting their bodies.
            pher to observe. The Tembé  that today we do not have any  ties.  The  tally  from  Indig-  tion and displayed them one  Two  marching  groups  con-
            are the western branch of the  cases.”                    enous  organization  APIB,  by one.                       verged at the site of the prior
            Tenetehara  ethnicity,  located                           which  includes  health  min-  As the sun went down, Teko-  night’s  bonfire,  where  they
            in the Alto Rio Guama Indig-  Late afternoon on Sept. 9, the  istry figures and information  haw’s  leader,  Sérgio  Muxi,  danced to the rhythm of tra-
            enous territory on the west-  women of Tekohow gathered  from  local  leaders,  shows  stood chanting with an elder  ditional  maracas  played  by
            ern edge of Para state. The vi-  inside the communal kitchen  there have been 31,306 con-  by  two  bonfires  in  front  of  the village’s leader and elders.
            rus has infiltrated the lands of  to  prepare  a  feast  with  gi-  firmed  coronavirus  infec-  the  thatch-roofed  meeting  The  celebration  continued
            dozens of Indigenous groups  ant pots of manioc and rice,  tions and 793 deaths among  house; they cheered the Tem-  for  two  hours  before  finally
            after they came to nearby cit-  plus  roasted  tucunare  fish  Indigenous  people.  It  has  bé  resilience  in  the  face  of  quieting, and the villagers re-
            ies  to  trade,  buy  staples  and  wrapped in banana leaves. At  infected  members  from  158  COVID-19 and offered their  turned to their homes, fields
            collect  emergency  welfare  the very start of the epidemic,  ethnicities,  60%  of  those  thanks in the native language,  and  forest  to  resume  their
            payments  from  the  govern-  women from the three villag-  found  in  Brazil,  according  Sérgio  Muxi  explained  later.  daily lives.
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