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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 14 September 2020

                               Miller hit batter, walk, wild pitch lifts Reds over Cards

            (AP)  —  Andrew  Miller                                                                first  win  since  he  was  ac-  a right mid-back strain. Gray
            loaded the bases with a hit                                                            quired from Arizona on Aug.  had allowed 11 runs in four
            batter, followed with a ty-                                                            31.  Raisel  Iglesias  pitched  innings over his previous two
            ing  four-pitch  walk,  then                                                           around a walk in two hitless  outings.
            threw  a  wild  pitch  that                                                            innings  for  his  seventh  save  Cardinals:  OF  Austin  Dean
            put Cincinnati ahead in a                                                              in nine chances. Tyler Mahle  was removed from the game
            three-run  seventh  inning                                                             allowed three runs, four hits  at the start of the fifth inning
            as the Reds kept up their                                                              and four walks, throwing 77  with right elbow discomfort.
            slim playoff hopes with a                                                              pitches in 2 2/3 innings. Car-  Tyler  O’Neill  replaced  him
            10-5 win over the St. Louis                                                            los  Martínez  allowed  three  in left field.
            Cardinals on Sunday.                                                                   runs and six hits in four in-  Up next:
            St. Louis, second in the NL                                                            nings  and  struck  out  eight  Reds: RHPs Trevor Bauer (4-
            Central at 20-19, dropped                                                              in  his  longest  outing  since  3,  1.74)  and  Anthony  DeS-
            three  games  behind  the                                                              pitching 4 2/3 innings against  clafani (1-2, 7.20) are to start
            division-leading  Chicago                                                              Colorado  on  July  30,  2018.  for  Cincinnati  in  a  double-
            Cubs  (27-20)  with  two  Brian      Goodwin,    athletic  lead. García followed with an  Brian  Goodwin  homered  in  header to open a four-game,
            weeks  left.  The  fourth-   trainer Adam Olsen came to  RBI groundout.                the second. Run-scoring sin-  three-day home series versus
            place  Reds  are  20-26  and  the mound, and Gant was re-  Eugenio Suárez hit his team-  gles  by  Matt  Carpenter  and  Pittsburgh.
            also  trail  Milwaukee  (20-  moved due to groin discom-  leading 13th home run in the  Harrison  Bader  built  a  5-3  Cardinals:   LHP   Kwang
            23) .                        fort.  Miller  hit  pinch-hitter  eighth  off  Jake  Woodford,  lead in the fifth.     Hyun  Kim  (2-0,  0.83)  faces
                                         Aristides  Aquino  with  a  1-2  and Aquino added a two-run                            Brewers RHP Corbin Burnes
            The Cardinals led 5-3 before  pitch,  then  walked  Freddy  homer  in  the  ninth  against  Glove gem               (3-0, 1.99) in game one of a
            Nick Castellanos' RBI single  Galvis on four pitches as the  Nabil  Crismatt,  Aquino's  Bader made a backhand div-  doubleheader  at  Milwaukee
            in the sixth off Alex Reyes.  tying run came home. Miller  first  home  run  since  he  hit  ing catch in left-center to rob  to start a 13-game,  nine-day
            Mike Moustakas drew a one-   started  José  García  with  an  his 19th of last season on Sept  Castellanos  of  an  extra-base  trip.  RHP  Daniel  Ponce  de
            out walk in the seventh, and  inside slider in the first that  29.                     hit leading off the eighth.  Leon  (0-3,  7.47)  will  be  re-
            John Gant (0-3) relieved and  got  by  Gold  Glove  catcher                            Trainer’s room               called  from  the  club’s  al-
            allowed  Tyler  Stephenson's  Yadier  Molina  as  Tyler  Ste-  Archie Bradley (2-0) pitched  Reds: RHP Sonny Gray was  ternate  training  site  to  start
            single.  With  a  1-0  count  to  phenson  scored  for  a  6-5  two  hitless  innings  for  his  placed on the 10-day IL with  game two.

                        Miguel Angel Jimenez wins Champions event in South Dakota

            (AP)  —  Miguel  Angel  Ji-  der 65 at Minehaha Country  par-5  holes  in  4  under  with  defense last year. He was only  to fall into a tie for 25th at 6
            menez completed a wire-      Club  to  beat  Steve  Flesch  birdies on Nos. 4 and 16. He  player at Minehaha set to play  under.
            to-wire victory Sunday in  by a stroke. The 56-year-old  parred the final two holes to  next week in the U.S. Open
            the Sanford International,  Spanish star won for the sec-  finish at 14-under 196.     at  Winged  Foot,Scott  Parel  Country  singer  Colt  Ford
            the PGA Tour Champions'  ond time this season and 10th  Flesch eagled the 16th in a 63.  was 11 under after a 62. Jerry  was  last  in the 81-man  field
            first event with fans since  on  the  50-and  -over  tour.                             Kelly  (66)  and  David  Toms  in PGA Tour Champions de-
            returning  from  a  break  Tied  for  the  second-round  Stricker  shot  a  67  to  tie  for  (67) followed at 10 under.  but. Playing on a sponsor ex-
            for  the  coronavirus  pan-  lead  with  Steve  Stricker,  Ji-  third  with  Bernhard  Langer                       emption, he shot 74-78-72 to
            demic.                       menez eagled the par-5 12th  (65)  at  12  under.  Stricker  Fred  Couples,  a  stroke  back  finish at 14 over — a stroke
                                         for the second time in three  won  the  inaugural  event  in  entering the round, followed  better  than  fellow  sponsor
            Jimenez closed with a 5-un-  days  and  played  the  four  2018,  then  skipped  his  title  a second-round 64 with a 72  exemption Gary Nicklaus.

                              D’Antoni tells Rockets he’s not coming back to Houston

            (AP) — Mike D’Antoni has                                                               what happens, but I couldn’t  The  Rockets’  winning  per-
            told the Houston Rockets                                                               ask  for  a  better  situation.  I  centage  this  season  —  .611
            that he will not be back as                                                            had  four  years  and  hope-  — was the worst of his four-
            coach with them next sea-                                                              fully it keeps going. You just  year  tenure.  He  went  28-23
            son,  essentially  choosing                                                            never  know.”  But  sometime  in the playoffs with Houston
            free agency over a return                                                              between  late  Saturday  night  and was the NBA’s coach of
            to the club with whom he                                                               and  early  Sunday  afternoon,  the year in 2016-17, his first
            has spent the last four sea-                                                           he  knew  that  it  was  time  to  season with the Rockets.
            sons.                                                                                  move on.
                                                                                                   Houston becomes the eighth  “Mike has done some unbe-
            D’Antoni  told  the  Rockets                                                           team  that  will  be  going  lievable  things  here,”  Rock-
            on Sunday — not even a full                                                            through  a  coaching  change  ets  star  James  Harden  said
            day  after  the  team’s  season                                                        since  the  end  of  the  regular  Saturday night, making clear
            ended  with  a  playoff  loss  to                                                      season — March 11 for eight  that  he  would  have  liked  to
            the  Los  Angeles  Lakers  —                                                           clubs  that  didn’t  qualify  for  have  seen  D’Antoni  come
            that he would seek coaching  is a winner, and we have been  Houston.  D’Antoni  had  al-  the NBA’s restart bubble, and  back.  Houston’s  other  star,
            options  elsewhere  for  next  blessed to have such an out-  ready  been  mentioned  as  a  mid-August  for  the  league’s  guard  Russell  Westbrook,
            season  and  not  return  to  standing coach and leader to  potential candidate for vacan-  22 other franchises. In recent  also  raved  about  the  type  of
            Houston.  Team  owner  Til-  work with the past four sea-  cies in Indiana and Philadel-  weeks,  Brooklyn  has  hired  person  D’Antoni  is  and  said
            man  Fertitta  confirmed  the  sons.”                     phia,  but  when  the  season  Steve  Nash  and  New  York  he  enjoyed  his  lone  season
            move later Sunday. “I would  ESPN  first  reported  the  ended  Saturday  night  there  hired  Tom  Thibodeau.  Chi-  playing under him. D’Antoni
            like to thank Mike D’Antoni  69-year-old coach’s decision.  appeared to be at least some  cago, Indiana, New Orleans,  has  coached  1,199  regular-
            and his wife, Laurel, for their                           hope  of  his  remaining  in  Oklahoma City, Philadelphia  season  games  with  five  dif-
            incredible  contributions  to  It was not totally unexpected;  Houston. “We’ve got a great  and now Houston are vacant.  ferent franchises, going 672-
            the Houston Rockets organi-  the  Rockets  and  D’Antoni  organization, great city, great  D’Antoni was with the Rock-  527.  He’s  a  two-time  coach
            zation and the Houston com-  couldn’t  agree  on  an  exten-  fans, team’s great,” D’Antoni  ets for four seasons. Houston  of the year, having also won
            munity,” Fertitta said. “Mike  sion  last  year,  meaning  he  said after the Game 5 loss to  went 217-101 in his regular-  the  award  in  2004-05  after
            is a true professional and an  was coaching this season with  the  Lakers.  “I  mean,  every-  season  contests,  a  .682  win-  guiding  Phoenix  to  a  62-20
            amazing basketball mind. He  no guarantee of his future in  thing’s  good  here.  We’ll  see  ning percentage.      record.
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