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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 23 May 2020
            As Memorial Day tempts people outdoors, virus rebound feared

            Continued from Front                                                                                                was  called  off  for  this  Me-
                                                                                                                                morial Day.
            Tens  of  millions  of  people                                                                                      “We  saw  what  happened
            have  been  thrown  out  of                                                                                         in  early  March  with  spring
            work since the virus hit hard                                                                                       break    crowds,”   Miami
            in  March  and  forced  busi-                                                                                       Beach  Mayor  Dan  Gelber
            nesses, including many po-                                                                                          said,  recalling  the  raucous
            pular  summer  destinations,                                                                                        scenes  of  young  people
            to shut down at least tem-                                                                                          partying  in  close  quarters
            porarily.   Unemployment                                                                                            despite  the  burgeoning
            has  reached  its  highest                                                                                          pandemic.  “We  will  do
            level  since  the  Great  De-                                                                                       what we need to if there’s
            pression,  and  on  Thursday,                                                                                       crowds.  It’s  not  a  good
            Federal  Reserve  Chair  Je-                                                                                        thing  to  have  in  a  pande-
            rome  Powell  warned  that                                                                                          mic.”
            prospects  for  a  recovery                                                                                         But  up  the  coast  in  Palm
            will remain unclear until the                                                                                       Beach  County,  which  is
            health crisis is solved.                                                                                            home  to  President  Donald
            Many  long-running  Memo-                                                                                           Trump’s  Mar-a-Lago  resort,
            rial  Day  commemorations                                                                                           officials were preparing for
            of the nation’s fallen milita-                                                                                      beachgoers to hit the sand
            ry  heroes  have  been  can-                                                                                        over Memorial Day.
            celed  or  downsized,  inclu-                                                                                       “Our ocean lifeguards and
            ding concerts and fireworks   Beachgoers relax on the shore at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester, Mass., Friday, May 22, 2020.    other parks staff will be mo-
            shows.   Parks,   beaches,                                                                         Associated Press  nitoring  the  beaches  and
            campgrounds  and  swim-      the rules.                   day can lead some people  “The  unfortunate  thing  is  reminding  park  users  to
            ming  pools  remain  closed  In the absence of clear fe-  to  drop  their  guard  and  that  all  the  out-of-town  practice social distancing,”
            in much of the country.      deral guidance, it’s largely  “just relax into their pre-CO-  people have been cooped  said  Chris  Korbelak,  public
            But plenty of popular public  been left to state and local  VID behaviors.”            up  the  same  amount  of  engagement  manager  for
            spaces will be open — with  officials to figure out how to  “They forget to wear masks”  time  that  the  locals  have  the  county  parks  depart-
            restrictions.                celebrate the holiday safe-  Schaffner said. “They’re not  been  here,”  said  Christine  ment.
            In  Virginia  Beach,  Virginia,  ly.  Social-distancing  rules  so  keen  on  6-foot  distan-  Barthelme  of  Point  Plea-  For  a  tourism  and  hospita-
            the famed 40-block board-    and  bans  on  mass  gathe-  cing.”                       sant, New Jersey. “My fami-  lity industry hit hard by the
            walk and sandy shoreline is  rings remain in place throu-  On  the  Jersey  Shore,  bea-  ly will do mostly what we do  pandemic, there is modest
            open beginning Friday, but  ghout much of the country.    ches will be open but with  on every holiday weekend  hope  that  Memorial  Day
            people must stay 6 feet (2  Keeping  holidays  safe  is  a  social  distancing  manda-  here: relax in our backyard,  will  mark  the  start  of  a  re-
            meters)  from  non-family  quandary is faced by aut-      tory.  There  will  be  no  fire-  have a barbecue and light  turn  to  something  resem-
            members, with groups limi-   horities  around  the  globe.  works,  Ferris  wheel  rides,  the fire pit.”           bling recovery.
            ted  to  10  or  fewer.  Group  On  the  same  weekend  as  roller  coasters,  go-karts  or  Beaches,  hotels  and  res-  “This  weekend  is  an  early
            sports  such  as  volleyball  Memorial  Day,  the  Muslim  boardwalk arcade games.  taurants     remain    largely  indicator  as  to  how  con-
            will  be  prohibited,  along  world  will  mark  the  fast-  Atlantic  City’s  casinos  re-  shut down in South Florida,  sumers  feel  about  coming
            with tents and alcohol con-  breaking  festival  Eid  al-Fitr.  main closed.           another  popular  holiday  back  and  partaking  in
            sumption.                    On  Monday,  U.K.  residents  Some locals plan to sit this  destination.  The  annual  normal  social  behavior,”
            Mayor  Bobby  Dyer  said  get a bank holiday.             summer  out,  fearful  that  Urban  Beach  Week  festi-   said Jason Guggenheim of
            about 150 “beach ambas-      Dr.  William  Schaffner,  an  visitors  from  harder-hit  are-  val,  which  typically  draws  Boston  Consulting  Group,
            sadors”  in  red  shirts  will  be  infectious  diseases  expert  as  such  as  New  York  City  tens of thousands to Miami  which has surveyed consu-
            deployed  to  “diplomati-    at  Vanderbilt  University,  might  bring  the  virus  with  Beach  for  a  series  of  hip-  mers and sees pent-up de-
            cally” ask people to follow  warned that being on holi-   them.                        hop  and  reggae  shows,  mand for travel.q

               Judge grants sanctions against DOJ over citizenship question

              Associated Press            larly for the Department of  year, Furman ruled against
              A  federal  judge  on  Thurs-  Justice." The judge in New  an  effort  by  the  Trump
              day  agreed  to  impose  fi-  York ordered the adminis-  administration  to  add  a
              nancial  sanctions  against  tration to pay some of the  citizenship question to the
              the  Trump  administration  costs and fees of nonprofit  2020  census.  That  deci-
              for failing to produce hun-  advocacy  groups  that  sion  was  upheld  by  the
              dreds  of  documents  dur-  had sought the sanctions.   U.S. Supreme Court which
              ing  litigation  over  wheth-  "To  be  sure,  this  was  not  said  U.S.  Commerce  Sec-
              er  a  citizenship  question  DOJ's finest hour," Furman  retary  Wilbur  Ross'  ratio-
              could  be  added  to  the  wrote, referring to the De-  nale  for  the  citizenship
              2020  census.  U.S.  District  partment  of  Justice.  "At  question  —  to  help  en-
              Judge  Jesse  Furman  said  best,  DOJ  failed  to  pro-  force  voting  rights  —  ap-
              in  a  ruling  that  the  Trump  duce  more  than  ten  per-  peared  to  be  contrived.  In this April 5, 2020 file photo, shows An envelope containing a
              administration's  failure  to  cent  of  the  documents  Nonprofit groups that had   2020 census letter mailed to a U.S. resident in Detroit.
              produce  the  documents  that      Defendants    were  sued  to  block  the  citizen-                                      Associated Press
              "may  well  have  been  in-  required  to  produce  as  ship  question  demand-
              advertent,  but  is  never-  part  of  this  litigation."  The  ed  sanctions  after  new  motive  in  adding  the  citi-  that could benefit Repub-
              theless  unacceptable  for  Department of Justice de-   documents  surfaced  that  zenship  question  was  for  licans  and  non-Hispanic
              any  litigant,  and  particu-  clined  to  comment.  Last  they  say  suggested  Ross'  aiding  redistricting  efforts  whites.q
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