Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200523
P. 28
Saturday 23 May 2020
U.S. sanctions top Nicaraguan officials over rights abuses
By GABRIELA SELSER silence pro-democracy
Associated Press voices in Nicaragua."
MANAGUA, Nicaragua Juan Sebastián Chamor-
(AP) — The U.S. Treasury an- ro, director of the opposi-
nounced sanctions Friday tion group Civic Alliance,
against two high-ranking praised the move. He said
Nicaraguan officials for the alliance had demand-
their support of govern- ed that Avilés disarm the
ment crackdowns on pro- paramilitary groups during
testers. The Treasury said talks with the government
in a statement that the in 2018 and 2019.
measures target Gen. Julio He said sanctioning Acosta
César Avilés Castillo, com- was extremely important
mander of Nicaragua's because "he is the principle
army, and Finance Minister financial official in Nicara-
Iván Acosta. Their desig- gua" and represents the
nation by Treasury's Office country before the World
of Foreign Assets Control Bank, the Inter-American
blocks all the property and Development Bank and
interests they might have in other regional bodies.
the United States. "Today a strong blow was
Avilés Castillo was includ- dealt to the regimen of
ed for his refusal "to order Daniel Ortega," Félix Mara-
the disbarment and dis- diaga, leader of the oppo-
mantling of paramilitary or sition Blue and White Na-
'parapolice' forces during In this Dec 5, 2012 file photo, Nicaragua's President Daniel Ortega, left, and Nicaragua's Army tional Unity coalition said
and after the political up- Commander Gen. Julio Cesar Aviles Castillo speak during the closing ceremony of an annual via Twitter. Since 2017, the
defense course at the "Casa de los Pueblos" in Managua, Nicaragua.
risings that began on April Associated Press Trump administration has
18, 2018," the statement sanctioned 20 some high-
said. "The military provided who wore no uniform. Trav- "personally threatened was responding to a coup ranking government offi-
weapons to the parapolice eling in pickup trucks, they banks not to participate in attempt. It has come under cials, relatives and allies of
who carried out acts of vio- led coordinated attacks on a strike organized by op- more recent criticism for Ortega, including his wife
lence against the Nicara- street protests and dem- position leaders in March doing nothing to confront and two of their children.
guan people." In April 2018, onstrators' roadblocks and 2019." Vice President Ro- the novel coronavirus pan- Earlier this month, Deputy
students took to the streets detained government op- sario Murrillo, Ortega's wife demic. Assistant Secretary Jon
after senior citizens protest- ponents, delivering them to and the government's U.S. Secretary of State Mike Piechowski, in the U.S. State
ing changes to the social police stations. Due to their spokeswoman, responded Pompeo said in a state- Department's Bureau of
security system were met weaponry and impunity, to a request for comment ment, "This new action fur- Western Hemisphere Af-
with violence by police and they were suspected to simply with a quote from thers United States policy fairs, said that the U.S. was
government allies. Protests have the military's support. Nicaraguan revolution- to hold accountable those "open to increasing the
continued for months and Acosta was included be- ary Augusto Sandino who individuals and entities pressure" on Ortega's gov-
more than 300 people were cause he has organized fought U.S. intervention: who are key enablers of ernment and applauded
killed. Much of the violence financial support for Orte- "We won't sell out or sur- Ortega's misrule and who sanctions announced by
was blamed on masked ga's government. He was render, never." The govern- perpetrate serious human the European Union against
men armed with rifles, but also accused of having ment has maintained that it rights abuse and seek to six government officials.q
Venezuelan high court orders DirecTV property seized
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) legally bound to uphold its shouted amid chants
— Venezuela's high court programming. against Maduro.
ordered the immediate "DirecTV unilaterally and "Because it is impossible
seizure of all DirecTV prop- illegally suspended the for AT&T's DIRECTV unit to
erty on Friday, days after right to freedom of expres- comply with the legal re-
the U.S. firm abandoned sion and communication quirements of both coun-
its services in the South for almost 10 million Vene- tries, AT&T was forced to
American nation, citing zuelans," Díaz said outside close its pay TV operations
U.S. sanctions. the court. "It is not true to in Venezuela, a decision
The Supreme Court ruling say that DirecTV could not that was made by the
told the nation's telecom- comply with internal regu- company's U.S. leadership
munications agency to lations." team without any involve-
seize satellite dishes and The abrupt move cut- ment or prior knowledge
office space at transmis- ting off entertainment, of the DIRECTV Venezuela
sion centers. It also said In this Jan. 9, 2020 file photo, a DirectTV dish stands on home in news and sports channels, team," the statement said.
DirecTV programming the Catia neighborhood of Caracas, Venezuela. sparked widespread pro- AT&T has a 44% share of
Associated Press
should immediately return tests at least two nights in a the pay TV market and
to the airwaves, in an or- services in Venezuela, say- by the administration of row, with residents leaning its departure is likely to hit
der that was not likely to ing U.S. sanctions prohibit President Nicolás Maduro. from their windows across larger cities and the interi-
be heeded. its DirecTV platform from However, pro-Maduro the capital of Caracas or that depend on DirecTV
Dallas-based AT&T on broadcasting channels lawmaker María Alejandra banging pots and pans. for access to information
Tuesday cut off pay TV that it is required to carry Díaz said the company is "I want my DirecTV," some and entertainment. q