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a30    people & arts
                     Saturday 23 May 2020
            The Who's Roger Daltrey concerned about teens with cancer

            By JOHN CARUCCI                                                                                                     ity  comes  from  live  perfor-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    mances,  would  you  con-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Roger                                                                                           sider  a  streaming  concert,
            Daltrey  worries  that  the                                                                                         say like other benefits?
            coronavirus  pandemic  will                                                                                         Daltrey:  I've  got  to  say
            have  a  devastating  effect                                                                                        about  streaming:  There's
            on a special group of peo-                                                                                          no  money.  (laughs)  Ask
            ple  in  need  —  teens  with                                                                                       any  musician,  man.  The
            cancer                                                                                                              only  ones  making  money
            The  Who  frontman,  along                                                                                          are the streaming compa-
            with    bandmate      Pete                                                                                          nies. You can have a billion
            Townsend, started the Teen                                                                                          streams and you'll get paid
            Cancer  America    founda-                                                                                          $5,000.  Oh,  man.  It's  cruel.
            tion  in  2012  to  deal  with                                                                                      It's  crucifying.  I  don't  know
            the specific needs of teen-                                                                                         whether  it  would  work  for
            age  cancer  patients.  The                                                                                         us,  though.  I  mean,  that
            organization  has  funded                                                                                           music's very different.
            specialized  hospital  wings                                                                                        AP:  What  are  you  doing
            and services for teens and                                                                                          about  your  voice  in  your
            their  families.  But  heading                                                                                      down time?
            into June, which is National                                                                                        Daltrey: I'm singing for my-
            Cancer  Survivors  Month,                                                                                           self  just  to  keep  my  voice
            the  situation  is  looking                                                                                         up. Who knows when we'll
            bleak. Teen Cancer Ameri-    In this Aug. 13, 2017 file photo, Roger Daltrey of The Who performs at the 2017 Outside Lands Music   go back? I mean, and I'm
            ca funding depends in part   Festival at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco.                        Associated Press   76 now. If we are let back
            on  live  performances,  but                                                                                        next  spring,  I'll  be  77  years
            with  venues  closed  and  that  are  suited  to  this  age  AP:  Is  it  important  to  keep  an  instinct  for  putting  a  old. I don't want to go back
            touring  postponed,  the  or-  group.                     teens  together  for  moral  show  together  that  takes  and  be  half  as  good  as  I
            ganization  faces  a  poten-  AP: What does the organi-   support?                     a crowd on a journey. I've  was last year. I want to be
            tial shortfall in donations.  zation do?                  Daltrey:  Yes.  This  group  seen too many rock shows  as good as I was last year
            AP:  How  dire  is  the  situa-  Daltrey:  We  pay  for  that  was  suffering  in  silence.  where you get two or three  because The Who was bet-
            tion  during  the  pandemic  space  in  the  hospital.  We  You  know,  a  15-year  old  songs  played  in  the  same  ter than ever last year.
            for young people with can-   equip  it.  We  maintain  it.  boy  could  wake  up  in  a  key…  I  try  and  design  the  AP: How much longer can
            cer?                         And  we  provide  special-   bed  next  to  a  2-year-old  show like a three-act play,  you do this?
            Daltrey: It's devastating for  ist  nursing.  That's  what  we  kid  screaming  after  losing  so go through an emotion-  Daltrey: I think music is the
            them because every treat-    do.  And  you  have  to  re-  their  leg.  Adolescents  and  al roller coaster. Pete's writ-  thing  that  should  go  on
            ment  that  they  have  for  member that a lot of these  young  adults  are  psycho-   ing  —  there's  no  one  that  as long as you can still do
            cancer  compromises  their  youngsters who get cancer  logically and socially com-     writes  songs  like  he  writes  it. But once it does start to
            immune system.               don't  live  near  a  big  city.  pletely and utterly different.  out  there.  There  all  from  a  slide and lose any of its vi-
            AP:  Tell  me  about  Teen  They might be miles out in  That affects their spirit.     special  place.  But  it  can  vacity  —  any  of  that  pas-
            Cancer America.              the  sticks.  So  we  are  start-  AP:  As  for  the  band,  it  only  be  based  on  a  deep  sion and ability to move an
            Daltrey: We don't do medi-   ing   outreach   programs  seems you and Pete found  respect for each other and  audience — then you have
            cine.  But  what  we  do  is  where we send specialized  a way to make it work. You  an  appreciation  of  what  to say, 'We can't do it any-
            provide social and psycho-   nursing, setting up web links  curate the show, he writes  we both bring to the table.   more.' But I'm going to con-
            logical  care  and  special-  so  that  they  can  link  pa-  the songs.               AP:  Since  a  big  part  of  tinue.  I  don't  know  what
            ized  care  and  programs  tients up.                     Daltrey:  I  seem  to  have  the  money  for  the  char-  else I would do, man.q

              Kelly Clarkson, Alex Trebek among Daytime Emmy nominees

                                                                      nominations  for  best  en-  Bold  and  the  Beautiful"  who  has  continued  to
                                                                      tertainment talk show and  with 13. "Days of Our Lives"  host  "Jeopardy!"  as  he
                                                                      host,  while  "Jeopardy!"  star  Susan  Seaforth  Hayes  battles  pancreatic  can-
                                                                      veteran Alex Trebek's nod  was  nominated  for  best  cer,  has  won  six  Daytime
                                                                      for  best  game  show  host  supporting drama actress.  Emmys for his work on the
                                                                      could  give  him  a  second  Hayes, 76, is the only cast  show and received a life-
                                                                      consecutive  win  in  the  member to appear in the  time  achievement  Emmy
                                                                      category.                   series in all of the nearly 55  award in 2011.
                                                                      "General Hospital" earned  years  that  it  has  been  on  His  fellow  game  show
                                                                      a  leading  23  nominations  the air.                   host nominees are Wayne
                                                                      Thursday,  including  best  "The  Kelly  Clarkson  Show"  Brady, "Let's Make a Deal";
                                                                      daytime    drama,     lead  will  compete  with  "The  El-  Steve   Harvey,   "Fam-
                                                                      actress  nods  for  Finola  len   DeGeneres     Show";  ily  Feud";  Alfonso  Ribeiro,
                                                                      Hughes  and  Maura  West,  "GMA3";  "Live  with  Kelly  "Catch 21" and Pat Sajak,"
                                                                      and  lead  actor  nods  for  and  Ryan"  and  "The  Talk."  Wheel of Fortune."
              This May 5, 2019 file photo shows Alex Trebek presenting an   Steve Burton and Jon Lind-  The  hosts  of  those  shows  The  47th  annual  Daytime
              award at the 46th annual Daytime Emmy Awards in Pasadena,   strom.                  —  with  the  exception  of  Emmys,  airing  June  26  on
              Calif.                                                  Other  top  nominees  are  DeGeneres — were nomi-       CBS,  are  skipping  a  the-
                                                     Associated Press   "Days of Our Lives" with 22  nated  alongside  Clark-  ater  ceremony  because
              LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  The  Clarkson  Show"  received  bids,  "The  Young  and  the  son,  along  with  Maury  of the coronavirus and will
              first  season  of  "The  Kelly  Daytime  Emmy  Awards  Restless"  with  21  and  "The  Povich for "Maury."Trebek,  be presented virtually.q
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