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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 23 May 2020

            Pakistan jet with 98 aboard crashes in crowded neighborhood

            By ADIL JAWAD                                                                                                       health  department,  revis-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing  an  earlier  statement
            KARACHI,  Pakistan  (AP)                                                                                            that three were alive.
            —  A  jetliner  carrying  98                                                                                        Local  TV  stations  showed
            people  crashed  Friday  in                                                                                         video  of  a  man  on  a
            a  crowded  neighborhood                                                                                            stretcher they identified as
            near  the  airport  in  Paki-                                                                                       Zafar  Masood,  the  head
            stan's  port  city  of  Karachi                                                                                     of  the  Bank  of  Punjab.
            after  an  apparent  engine                                                                                         Malik  later  confirmed  that
            failure  during  landing.  Of-                                                                                      Masood survived the crash.
            ficials  said  there  were  two                                                                                     At  least  three  people  on
            survivors from the plane but                                                                                        the ground were injured.
            also found at least 57 bod-                                                                                         Malik  announced  an  in-
            ies in the wreckage.                                                                                                vestigation  into  the  crash,
            It was unknown how many                                                                                             adding  that  the  aircraft
            people on the ground were                                                                                           was in good working order.
            hurt as the Pakistan Interna-                                                                                       Pakistan  had  resumed  do-
            tional Airlines jet, an Airbus                                                                                      mestic  flights  earlier  this
            A320, plowed into an alley                                                                                          week  ahead  of  Eid-al  Fitr,
            and destroyed at least five                                                                                         which  marks  the  end  of
            houses.                                                                                                             the  holy  month  of  Rama-
            The  pilot  was  heard  trans-                                                                                      dan.  Pakistan  has  been  in
            mitting  a  mayday  to  the                                                                                         a  countrywide  lockdown
            tower  shortly  before  the   Volunteers look for survivors of a plane that crashed in a residential area of Karachi, Pakistan, May   since  mid-March  because
            crash  of  Flight  8303,  which   22, 2020.                                                        Associated Press   of the coronavirus, and the
            was  flying  from  Lahore  to                                                                                       airline  has  been  using  so-
            Karachi and carrying many  port  in  the  poor  and  con-  the crash site.             three days.                  cial  distancing  guidelines
            traveling for the Muslim hol-  gested   residential   area  As  darkness  fell,  crews  Pakistan's civil aviation au-  on its flights by leaving ev-
            iday of Eid al-Fitr.         known  as  Model  Colony  worked  under  floodlights,  thority  said  the  plane  had  ery other seat vacant.
            Video on social media ap-    between houses that were  and  a  portable  morgue  91 passengers and a crew  Southern Sindh province, of
            peared to show the jet fly-  smashed  by  its  wings.  Po-  was set up. The Sindh pro-  of  seven.  The  A320  can  which  Karachi  is  the  capi-
            ing  low  with  flames  shoot-  lice  in  protective  masks  vincial  health  department  carry up to 180 passengers,  tal,  is  the  epicenter  of  the
            ing from one of its engines.  struggled  to  clear  away  said  it  had  recovered  57  depending on how its cab-   virus  infections  in  Pakistan.
            The  plane  went  down  crowds  amid  the  smoke  bodies, while PIA chairman  in is configured.                     The  province  has  nearly
            about  2:39  p.m.  northeast  and  dust  so  ambulances  Arshad Malik said finding all  At least two people aboard  20,000  of  the  country's
            of  Jinnah  International  Air-  and  firetrucks  could  reach  the dead could take two to  survived,  according  to  the  more than 50,000 cases.q

            Pandemic halts vaccination for nearly 80 million children

            LONDON (AP) — The coro-      programs  from  the  CO-     low cargo and emergency
            navirus  pandemic  is  in-   VID-19  pandemic  threat-    transport.
            terrupting    immunization  ens to unwind decades of  Officials also noted that 46
            against  diseases  including  progress  against  vaccine-  campaigns  to  vaccinate
            measles, polio and cholera  preventable  diseases  like  children against polio have
            that  could  put  the  lives  of  measles,"  said  WHO  di-  been  suspended  in  38
            nearly  80  million  children  rector-general  Tedros  Ad-  countries,  mostly  in  Africa,
            under the age of 1 at risk,  hanom  Ghebreyesus  in  a  as  a  result  of  the  corona-
            according to a new analy-    statement.  The  report  was  virus  pandemic.  Measles
            sis  from  the  World  Health  also  produced  by  UNICEF,  campaigns have been sus-
            Organization and partners.   the Sabin Vaccine Institute  pended in 27 countries.
            In  a  new  report  issued  and GAVI.                     Experts  say  children  need
            on  Friday,  health  officials  UNICEF  reported  a  sig-  routine  immunizations  be-
            warned  that  more  than  nificant  delay  in  planned  fore the age of 2.
            half of 129 countries where  vaccine  deliveries  due  to  In April, WHO and partners
            immunization  data  were  lockdown measures and a  reluctantly  recommended            In  this  Sunday,  Aug.  28,  2016  file  photo,  a  health  official
            available reported moder-    dramatic  reduction  in  the  a  temporary  halt  to  mass   administers a polio vaccine to children at a camp for people
            ate, severe or total suspen-  number of available flights.  polio  immunization  cam-  displaced by Islamist Extremist in Maiduguri, Nigeria.
            sions of vaccination servic-  More than 40 of Africa's 54  paigns aimed at eradicat-                                            Associated Press
            es during March and April.   nations  have  closed  their  ing  the  paralytic  disease,  would lead to a resurgence  ter-borne disease.
            "Disruption to immunization  borders,  though  some  al-  recognizing   the    move  of the highly infectious, wa-
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