Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200523
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locAl           Saturday 23 May 2020

            Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA):

            Conservative and gradual recovery expected with 40 %

            occupancy in December

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Aruba  COVID-19  crisis  AHATA’s
            Hotel  &  Tourism  Associa-  projection  for  the  rest  of
            tion  has  published  the  lat-  2020  has  become  more
            est hotel performance data  conservative.  The  situation
            showing the crisis’ effect on  is  still  unprecedented  with
            2020 tourism so far.  ‘      very  little  confirmed  infor-
                                         mation  to  count  on.  How-
            April’s 0 occupancy has af-  ever,  considering  the  cur-
            fected the average for the  rent view of the situation in
            first 4 months of the year as  the  United  States,  the  fact
            follows:                     that fewer people will trav-
            Occupancy: At 34.8 points  el prior to introduction of a  During the recovery period  at the low levels of income  It  is  impossible  to  escape
            lower than the same period  vaccine, immense financial  most  companies  shall  ex-    that will be experienced for  importation  of  new  cases;
            in  2019,  the  2020  year-to-  effects  on  individuals,  and  perience  higher  cost  than  the  months  ahead.  Some  however,   a   substantial
            date  average  occupancy  the turmoil in the airline in-  income levels. The govern-   will  need  to  restructure  to  limitation  would  help  mini-
            rate is 53.6%.               dustry, AHATA has updated  ment’s  salary  subsidy  pro-  survive and some will need  mize  the  size  of  a  second
            ADR:  The  average  daily  its forecast.                  gram  offers  relief  as  long  to close their doors perma-  wave  and  consequently
            rate (for occupied rooms) is  At  this  point,  AHATA  ex-  as  it  is  available.  Reality  nently.                its  impact  on  our  health-
            6.5% higher than the same  pects  the  following  tra-    remains that the crisis does                              care  infrastructure.  AHATA
            period last year, at $359.14.  jectory  for  Aruba’s  hotel  not  end  when  the  lock-  For  the  reopening  of  Aru-  is of the opinion that Aruba
            RevPAR:  The  revenue  per  occupancy  recovery  (if  down ends. Many compa-           ba’s  borders,  AHATA  has  must do its utmost to avoid
            available  room  is  $192.38  the  border  opens  on  June  nies are not able to survive  recommended  strict  entry  a second lockdown, which
            year-to-date,  a  35.4%  re-  15th):                                                   requirements  to  help  re-  would  cause  more  eco-
            duction.                                                                               duce  the  number  of  im-   nomic  damage  than  the
            A  month  further  into  the                                                           ported  COVID-19  cases.  first one. q

              Do not eat the parrotfish

              ORANJESTAD     —    Aruba  weekly  grocery  shopping  in her Facebook post. Car-
              Reef  Care  Foundation’s  when  she  suddenly  saw  lotta  then  continued  why
              goal  is  to  create  aware-  the last thing she expected  it is best not to eat parrot
              ness  and  to  preserve  our  to see in the fresh seafood  fish  although  it  is  a  gas-
              marine life. There is a great  section.  In  a  Facebook  tronomic  delight  in  some
              lack  of  awareness  and  post which has since gone  parts  of  the  world.  “There
              knowledge  about  many  viral, user Reg O. Carlotta  are       important   reasons
              ‘ocean  issues’  but  today  wrote  how  disappointed  why  we  should  not  eat
              we focus on one only: the  she was to see a stall sell-  them and we should edu-
              parrotfish.                 ing  parrot  fish  among  the  cate the fishermen to stop  this:  They  poop  fine  white  ter.  And  when  they  are
              Aruba  Reef  Care:  “As  an  fresh  fish  and  seafood  on  catching  these  beautiful  sand – lots of it! Each par-  left to chomp away, they
              NGO  we  try  to  help,  but  display.                   fish!” she added. Accord-   rotfish produces up to 320  do  a  brilliant  job.  A  mas-
              there  is  a  lot  more  going  “This morning I went to the  ing to Carlotta, parrot fish  kilograms  (700  pounds)  of  sive new report concludes
              on and it should be done  market  (Alabang  market)  help  save  the  coral  reefs  sand each year,” Carlotta  that  reefs,  where  parrot-
              with  utmost  care  and  un-  to buy meat and seafood  from  algae  invasion.  They  continued.  “Their  num-    fish were abundant in the
              derstanding  of  local  situ-  for  the  whole  week  since  also  help  to  eat  dead  bers are so depleted, and  1980s,  are  the  reefs  that
              ations  and  stakeholders.”  it  is  holy  week.  I  enjoyed  corals and spend most of  algae  levels  are  so  high,  are healthy now.” Accord-
              They  shared  the  following  my usual chit chat with the  their  days  nibbling  algae  that they cannot be fished  ing to, as many
              story  on  their  Facebook  vendors  and  buying  from  from  coral  reefs.  In  other  sustainably right now any-  coral  reefs  are  dying  and
              page.                       my sukis. On my way out of  words,  parrot  fish  help  where  in  the  Caribbean.  algae  levels  are  so  high,
                                          the fish section I passed a  clean coral reefs from be-  These  flamboyant,  algae-  parrot fish is not exactly a
              One  woman  was  at  the  stall  that  was  selling  PAR-  ing  smothered  by  algae.  eating,  sand-pooping  fish  sustainable  catch  of  the
              market  in  Manila  for  the  ROT FISH!!!” Carlotta wrote  “After  all  that  eating,  get  need to be left in the wa-  day at the moment.q
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