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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 26 March 2020
            Some U.S. leaders take ‘do as I say, not as I do’ virus stance

            Continued from Front                                                                   separating  a  bit  more  on  Paul  said  he  thought  it
                                                                                                   those press conferences.”    “highly unlikely” he was sick
            Even  as  the  country  has                                                            Several  senators,  scolded  before  getting  the  test  re-
            largely  hunkered  down,                                                               Paul,  R-Ky.,  for  refusing  to  sults and had no symptoms
            heeding  the  guidance  of                                                             self-quarantine  after  he’d  of  the  illness.  He  said  he
            health  experts  and  the  di-                                                         been  tested.  The  doctor  did not have contact with
            rectives  of  state  leaders,                                                          overseeing  the  govern-     anyone  who  tested  posi-
            some  powerful  people  in                                                             ment’s coronavirus respon-   tive for the virus or was sick.
            Washington  have  defied                                                               se  suggested  that  Paul’s  He was at the Senate gym
            preventative  measures  ai-                                                            actions  fell  short  of  model  Sunday  morning,  though
            med at curbing the spread.                                                             “personal    responsibility.”  Paul’s staff says he left the
            Their  business-as-usual  ac-                                                          More than two dozen sena-    Senate  once  he  received
            tions  are  at  odds  with  the                                                        tors are in their 70s and 80s,  the results.
            restrictions  everyday  Ame-                                                           putting  them  at  high  risk  if  Asked  about  Paul,  Debo-
            ricans  find  themselves  un-                                                          exposed.                     rah Birx, the coordinator of
            der,  and  with  the  govern-  In this March 23, 2020, file photo Nebraska Senators Tony Vargas   Still, despite risk to senators  the White House coronavi-
            ment’s own messaging.        of Omaha, left, and Mark Kolterman of Seward, bump elbows at   and  the  fact  that  gyms  rus task force, said people
            Some human behavior ex-      the State Capitol in Lincoln, Neb.                        across  the  country  have  can  spread  the  virus  while
            perts  say  the  “do  as  I  say,                                     Associated Press  been  closed  as  a  precau-  being  asymptomatic,  so
            not  as  I  do”’  ethos  see-  nounced  trip  —  coming  because  Pompeo’s  move-      tion,  Paul  and  other  sena-  social  distancing  is  impe-
            mingly  on  display  is  com-  amid  a  near-global  travel  ments on the trip were con-  tors were able to continue  rative.  She  noted  that  she
            mon  among  powerful  offi-  shutdown — was necessary  trolled.                        going  to  the  Senate  gym,  herself  stayed  home  over
            cials, who may be inclined  and urgent because of po-     For  most  people,  the  new  using a keypad for access.  the weekend when she felt
            to think they don’t have to  litical turmoil in Afghanistan  coronavirus  causes  mild  or  Paul  went  into  quarantine  ill.  She  took  a  coronavirus
            follow rules for the general  that U.S. officials fear could  moderate  symptoms,  such  Sunday  after  learning  his  test that came back nega-
            public  in  the same  way  or  threaten  a  recent  U.S.-  as  fever  and  cough  that  results.  His  announcement  tive. “These are the kinds of
            who  can  easily  dissociate  Taliban  peace  deal  that  clear  up  in  two  to  three  led  Utah’s  two  GOP  se-  things that we have to do
            their own actions from what  calls  for  American  troop  weeks. For some, especially  nators,  Mike  Lee  and  Mitt  for one another. This is the
            they say is best for others.  withdrawals.  Pompeo  left  older  adults  and  people  Romney, to place themsel-     personal  responsibility  that
            “When  we  have  high  po-   Kabul  on  Monday  without  with  existing  health  pro-  ves into quarantine.         I’m  talking  about  that  we
            wer,  we  think  of  ourselves  being able to secure a po-  blems,  it  can  cause  more  Sen.  Sherrod  Brown,  D-  all  have  to  practice,”  Birx
            as  exceptional  as  if  the  wer-sharing deal.           severe   illness,   including  Ohio,  said  in  an  interview  said.
            rules  don’t  apply  to  us,”  People traveling with Pom-  pneumonia and death.        with Newsy, an online and  Trump     raised   eyebrows
            said Maurice Schweitzer, a  peo  had  their  tempera-     Some  of  the  behavior  by  streaming  news  site,  that  among  public  health  spe-
            professor  at  the  Wharton  tures  taken  and  were  gi-  other officials has drawn re-  Paul’s  actions  were  “irres-  cialists  when  he  shook  the
            School  of  the  University  of  ven  bags  containing  a  bukes.                      ponsible”  and  that  sena-  hands  of  retail  and  health
            Pennsylvania  who  has  re-  face  mask,  hand  sanitizer,  Asked in a Science Maga-   tors  in  general  have  been  industry specialists at a Rose
            searched  behavior  and  bleach wipes and mini-dis-       zine interview about Trump  acting  as  if  they  were  so-  Garden  news  conference
            decision-making.    “We’re  posable  thermometers.  A  shaking hands, Dr. Anthony  mehow immune to getting  two  weeks  ago.  He  ac-
            much  more  prone  to  do  State Department medical  Fauci,  the  director  of  the  sick.  Brown  cited  what  he  knowledged  Monday  that
            what we want because we  official  told  reporters  Pom-  National Institute of Allergy  said  was  a  “photo  opp”  shaking  hands  has  been
            don’t  feel  constrained  in  peo and his staff would not  and  Infectious  Diseases,  for  senators  held  over  the  a hard habit to break, ha-
            the  way  that  less  powerful  be  quarantining  themsel-  said  he  tells  White  House  weekend.                 ving become accustomed
            people do.”                  ves  because  Afghanistan  staff  that  “we  should  not  “I  think  that  senators  must  as  president  to  doing  so
            In Pompeo’s case, the State  is not considered a high-risk  be doing that. Not only that  think  that  they’re  invinci-  with  “literally  thousands  of
            Department says the unan-    country  for  the  virus  and  — we should be physically  ble,” Brown said.            people a week.” q

              U.S. Justice Department: Don’t treat trans athletes as girls

              By PAT EATON-ROBB           the  gender  with  which                                                             those women of the single-
              AP Sports Writer            they  identify,  arguing  it  is                                                     sex  athletic  competitions
              HARTFORD,  Conn.  (AP)  —  following  a  state  law  that                                                        that  are  one  of  the  mar-
              The  U.S.  Justice  Depart-  requires  high  school  stu-                                                        quee accomplishments of
              ment is getting involved in  dents  be  treated  accord-                                                         Title IX."
              a federal civil rights lawsuit  ing to their gender identity.                                                    The  lawsuit  was  filed  in
              that  seeks  to  block  trans-  It also argues the policy is                                                     February by runners Selina
              gender  athletes  in  Con-  in accordance with Title IX,                                                         Soule, a senior at Glaston-
              necticut  from  competing  the federal law that allows                                                           bury High School; Chelsea
              as  girls  in  interscholastic  girls  equal  educational                                                        Mitchell,  a  senior  at  Can-
              sports.Attorney   General  opportunities,  including  in                                                         ton  High  School;  and  Al-
              William Barr signed what is  athletics.                                                                          anna Smith, a sophomore
              known  as  a  statement  of  The Justice Department, in                                                          at  Danbury  High  School,
              interest  Tuesday,  arguing  its filing, disagrees.                                                              against  the  conference
              against  the  policy  of  the  "Under  CIAC's  interpreta-  In this Feb. 7, 2019 file photo, Bloomfield High School transgender   and  several  local  boards
                                                                      athlete  Terry  Miller,  second  from  left,  wins  the  final  of  the
              Connecticut  Interscholas-  tion  of  Title  IX,  however,   55-meter dash over transgender athlete Andraya Yearwood,   of education.
              tic  Athletic  Conference,  schools  may  not  account   far left, and other runners in the Connecticut girls Class S indoor   They  argue  they  have
              the  board  that  oversees  for  the  real  physiologi-  track meet at Hillhouse High School in New Haven, Conn.   been  deprived  of  wins,
              the state's high school ath-  cal  differences  between                                         Associated Press  state titles and athletic op-
              letic competitions.         men and women. Instead,  ly,  those  who  publicly  males," Barr and the other  portunities by being forced
              The  conference  allows  schools must have certain  identify as female — com-        department officials write.  to compete against trans-
              athletes  to  compete  as  biological males — name-     pete against biological fe-  "In so doing, CIAC deprives  gender athletes.q
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