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                  Thursday 26 March 2020
            Rural America watches pandemic erupt in cities as fear grows

            By GILLIAN FLACCUS                                                                                                  stands  at  ninety,"  the  let-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ter  states.  "Not  nine  hun-
            DUFUR,  Ore.  (AP)  —  The                                                                                          dred,  not  nine  thousand,
            social  distancing  rules  re-                                                                                      not  ninety  thousand.  Nine-
            peated  like  a  mantra  in                                                                                         ty.  This  number  is  sure  to
            America's  urban  centers,                                                                                          rise  in  the  near  future  but
            where    the   coronavirus                                                                                          we  need  to  keep  our  wits
            is   spreading   exponen-                                                                                           about us."
            tially,  might  seem  silly  in                                                                                     Others worry about outsid-
            wide-open  places  where                                                                                            ers  bringing  the  disease
            neighbors  live  miles  apart                                                                                       to  truly  remote  areas  that
            and  "working  from  home"                                                                                          aren't  equipped  to  deal
            means  another  day  spent                                                                                          with  it.  Across  the  nation,
            branding  calves  or  driving                                                                                       there are over 51,000 gen-
            a  tractor  alone  through  a                                                                                       eral intensive care beds in
            field.                                                                                                              urban counties, compared
            But  as  the  pandemic                                                                                              with just 5,600 in rural coun-
            spreads  through  the  U.S.,                                                                                        ties,  according  to  data
            those  living  in  rural  areas,                                                                                    compiled  by  The  Associ-
                                                                                                                                ated Press.
                                                                                                                                Those beds serve a smaller
                                                                                                                                population  than  in  urban
                                                                                                                                areas, but it would still take
                                         In this photo taken March 20, 2020, cattle rancher Mike Filbin stands on his property in Dufur, Ore.,   fewer people in rural areas
                                         after herding some cows and talks about the impact the new coronavirus is having on his rural   to overwhelm a typical hos-
                                                                                                               Associated Press   pital. In fiscal year 2018, the
                                                                                                                                average rural hospital had
                                         too, are increasingly threat-  school  and  work  closures,  home haven for dozens of  eight ICU beds, compared
                                         ened.  Tiny  towns  tucked  and it eliminates the possi-  celebrities.                 with 20 for a typical hospital
                                         into  Oregon's  windswept  bility of the FaceTime card  It's  also  become  the  epi-  in an urban area.
                                         plains  and  cattle  ranches  games and virtual cocktail  center of Idaho's caseload,  In Georgiana, a small town
                                         miles  from  anywhere  in  hours that urban Americans  with at least 35 cases and  in  southern  Alabama,  the
                                         South  Dakota  might  not  have turned to in droves to  known  community  spread  only  hospital  closed  last
                                         have had a single case of  stay connected.                of the virus. At least 14 of the  year  and  residents  have
                                         the  new  coronavirus,  but  The routine ways that rural  cases  are  among  health  now  been  forced  to  flock
                                         their  main  streets  are  also  Americans  connect  —  a  care  workers,  forcing  the  to the health clinic instead
                                         empty  and  their  medical  bingo night, stopping in at  town's small medical work-    when a person in a town 5
                                         clinics overwhelmed by the  a  local  diner  or  attending  ers to bring in replacement  miles  (8  kilometers)  away
                                         worried.  Residents  from  ru-  a  potluck  —  are  suddenly  staffers from nearby cities.   was  diagnosed  with  CO-
                                         ral Alabama to the woods  taboo.                          "Our  town  thrives  on  peo-  VID-19.  More  than  30%  of
                                         of  Vermont  to  the  frozen  "Rural people are reliant on  ple  coming  to  town,  and  Georgiana's 1,600 residents
                                         reaches of Alaska fear the  their  neighbors  and  have  for  the  first  time  in  our  his-  are  over  age  60,  putting
                                         spread of the disease from  more confidence and trust  tory  we  are  discouraging  them  at  higher  risk  with
                                         outsiders,  the  social  isola-  in  their  neighbors,"  said  visitors,"  said  Bradshaw,  of  limited medical facilities to
                                         tion  that  comes  when  the  Ken  Johnson,  a  senior  de-  the  town  of  2,700  people.  serve them, said Mayor Je-
                                         town's  only  diner  closes,  mographer  at  the  Carsey  "Initially  people  had  differ-  rome Antone.
                                         and  economic  collapse  in  School  of  Public  Policy  ent levels of adoption, but  The  town's  older  residents,
                                         places where jobs were al-   and  professor  of  sociology  there's  tremendous  com-  he  said,  are  "aggressively
                                         ready tough to come by.      at  the  University  of  New  munity  pressure  that  we're  upset" even though no one
                                         "Nobody knows what to do  Hampshire. "Now you have  all  in  this  together.  We've  there has been diagnosed
                                         and  they're  just  running  in  people who are supposed  gone from being a vibrant  yet.
                                         circles,  so  stay  away  from  to  self-isolate  themselves.  town to a ghost town."  In  Alaska's  Point  Hope,  an
                                         me is what I'm saying," said  What  does  that  mean  The town's coffers rely on a  Inupiat     whaling    village
                                         Mike  Filbin,  a  70-year-old  when people you depend  local option tax, and if that  at  the  edge  of  the  Arctic
                                         cattle  rancher  in  Wasco  on, in order to help you, are  drops  by  half  the  city  will  Ocean  nearly  700  miles
                                         County,  Oregon,  one  of  going  to  put  themselves  have  lost  $700,000  in  rev-  (1,130  kilometers)  north  of
                                         the  few  parts  of  the  state  and  their  families  at  risk?  I  enue, he said.    Anchorage,  tribal  leaders
                                         that has yet to see a case  don't  know  what  that  will  Some  communities  have  have  been  preparing  and
                                         of COVID-19.                 do in rural America."        pushed back on shutdowns  discussing  potential  issues
                                         "Right  now,  we're  pretty  Neil  Bradshaw,  the  mayor  that  have  brought  daily  such as air travel into town.
                                         clean over here, but we're  of Ketchum, Idaho, is start-  life  to  a  standstill.  Leaders  The  state's  limited  road
                                         not  immune  to  nothin'  —  ing to see the answer in his  from  seven  Utah  counties,  system  doesn't  reach  the
                                         and if they start bringing it  own community.             for  example,  sent  a  letter  community  of  900  people,
                                         over, it'll explode here."   The  rural  resort  town  has  earlier  this  week  to  Gov.  which  relies  on  planes  for
                                         To  make  matters  worse,  struggled  since  the  arrival  Gary  Herbert  urging  a  "re-  much  of  its  connection  to
                                         some  of  the  most  remote  of COVID-19, and he fears  turn to normalcy," and said  the outside world.
                                         communities  have  limited  if the virus lingers too long,  the closure of schools and  This  week,  one  of  the  two
                                         or  no  internet  access  and  it  could  devastate  it.  The  business was causing panic  airlines  that  serve  Point
                                         spotty  cellphone  service.  town  is  nestled  next  door  and hurting the economy.   Hope  will  begin  restricting
                                         That makes telecommuting  to  the  tony  skiing  destina-  "As  of  (Monday),  the  total  flights  to  cargo  and  pas-
                                         and  online  learning  chal-  tion  Sun  Valley  Resort  and  deaths  attributed  to  the  sengers  with  medical  or
                                         lenging in an era of blanket  is  known  as  the  second-  virus  in  the  United  States  other essential needs.q
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