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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Dialuna 22 november 2021

                                                                              Checkup finds Biden ‘vigorous’;

                                                                                      Harris briefly in power

                                                              (AP) — President Joe Biden
                                                              remains  “healthy”  and  “vig-
             “Señor ta mi wardador, mi n’tin falta            orous”  and  fit  for  duty,  but
             di nada”, recordami semper den boso              is showing some signs of ag-
             oracion. Mi no t’ey mas pero mi cariño           ing,  his  doctor  said  Friday
             no a muri Lo mi stima boso den Cielo
             manera mi a stima boso ariba mundo.              after the oldest president in
                                                              American history underwent
                                                              his  first  routine  physical  in
                                                              office  and  —  in  a  history-
             Cu honda pena pero conforme cu boluntad di Dios,   making  moment  —  briefly
             nos ta participa fayecimente cristianamente di:  transferred  power  to  Vice
                                                              President  Kamala  Harris
                   Sebastiana Croes-Kock                      while  he  underwent  a  colo-
                        Mihor conoci como “Chana”             noscopy.
                         *08-06-1934 - †16-11-2021
                                                              Harris,  the  first  woman,  first
             Na nomber di:                                    Black person and first person of
             Su Casa: †Bertran Croes
                                                              South  Asian  descent  to  be  vice
             Yiunan:                                          president, was — for one hour  common  cause  of  the  condi-  Harris was working from her of-
             Edita Croes y famia                              and 25 minutes — acting presi-  tion is diabetes, but Biden is not  fice in the West Wing, Psaki said.
             Lucia y †Miguel Croes                            dent while Biden was under an-  diabetic.  Biden,  he  said,  would  She later traveled to Ohio once
             Pina y Oscar Boekhoudt                           esthesia.                      soon try custom orthotics to im-  Biden  awoke  from  the  proce-
             †Tico y Leng Croes                                                              prove his gait.                 dure.
             Aurita y Victor Thiel                            Over more than five hours Fri-
                                                              day  at  Walter  Reed  National  During  the  course  of  Biden’s  Biden  was  keenly  aware  of  the
             Nieto y nietonan:
             Joselito y Eileen Croes y yiunan                 Military  Medical  Center,  the  colonoscopy  a  “benign-appear-  history he was making when he
             Ghislaine Croes y yiunan                         president  underwent  a  bat-  ing polyp” of about 3 millime-  selected Harris to be his running
             Hose Croes y Jenimar Falcon y yiunan             tery  of  blood,  physical,  gastro-  ters was identified and removed  mate, Psaki said, adding that she
             Osmayra Boekhoudt                                intestinal,  dental,  vision  and  and  would  be  studied  over  the  made “history every day” in the
             Crispina Boekhoudt y yiunan                      neurological  examinations.  Dr.  coming  week.  O’Connor  said  job.
             Gilbert y Gina Croes y yiunan                    Kevin O’Connor, who has been  Biden has never had colon can-
             Albert y Yamell Croes y yiunan
             †Stanley Thiel y yiu Zinady                      Biden’s  primary  care  physician  cer.                        “Today  was  certainly  another
             Brendon Thiel                                    since 2009, wrote in a six-page                                chapter  in  that  history  I  think
             Stacey Thiel                                     memo  released  by  the  White  Biden’s reported body mass in-  that  will  be  noted  for  women,
             Bisanieta y bisanietonan y tataranieta.          House that Biden, who turns 79  dex  classified  him  as  slightly  young girls across the country,”
                                                              on Saturday, “remains a healthy,  overweight,  but  his  choles-  she added.
             Rumannan:                                        vigorous, 78-year-old male, who  terol was under control. Biden,
             †Isenia Kock y famia                             is fit to successfully execute the  O’Connor said, is prescribed the  During  Biden’s  last  physical
             †Marcela y †Epifanio Geerman y famia
             †Rosa y †Tanzi Willems y famia                   duties of the Presidency.”     anticoagulant Eliquis, the statin  exam, doctors found the former
             †Ana Kock y famia                                                               Crestor and the seasonal allergy  vice  president  to  be  “healthy,
             Venancio y †Beatrix Kock y famia                 O’Connor,  however,  revealed  spray  Dymista,  and  regularly  vigorous”  and  “fit  to  success-
             †Maria Kock y famia                              that  he  investigated  Biden  for  takes  the  over-the-counter  al-  fully  execute  the  duties  of  the
             Margo y †Patricio Todman y famia                 increased  instances  of  “throat  lergy pill Allegra and the antacid  Presidency,” according to a doc-
             †Nadi Kock                                       clearing” during public remarks  Pepcid.                       tor’s report at the time.
             †Jacenta Kock y famia                            and  a  stiffening  of  his  gait.
             †Carmen Kock
             Sua y cuñanan:                                   O’Connor reported that Biden’s  O’Connor  reported  that  Biden  In  that  report,  O’Connor  said
             †Lee Croes y famia                               coughing was the result of gas-  does not use tobacco products or  that  since  2003,  Biden  has  had
             †Wishi Croes y famia                             trointestinal reflux and that the  drink alcohol and that he exer-  episodes  of  atrial  fibrillation,  a
             †Antonia Lampe y famia                           stiffened gait was the result of a  cises at least five days per week.  type of irregular heartbeat that’s
             †Yonca Croes                                     new diagnosis of “mild periph-                                 potentially serious but treatable.
             †Chinto Croes y famia                            eral neuropathy,” spinal arthritis  Press secretary Jen Psaki said he  At  the  time,  O’Connor  cited  a
             †Ida Croes
             †Teresita Boekhoudt y famia                      and compensation for a broken  resumed his duties after speak-  list of tests that showed Biden’s
             Ina Croes y famia                                foot sustained a year ago.     ing  with  Harris  and  White  heart was functioning normally
             †Buchito Croes y famia                                                          House chief of staff Ron Klain  and  his  only  needed  care  was
             Binchi Croes y famia                             Interest  in  Biden’s  health  has  at approximately 11:35 a.m.  a  blood  thinner  to  prevent  the
             Sabina Croes y famia                             been high ever since he declared                               most  worrisome  risk,  blood
             Iha: Chila Geerman                               his  candidacy  for  the  White  As Biden left the medical center  clots or stroke.
             Tina Giraldo-Loepstop                            House  in  2019  and  remains  in the afternoon, he said he was

             Sobrino  y  sobrinanan,  primo  y  primanan,  comer  y   intense  as  speculation  about  a  feeling “Great!”   Biden had a brush with death in
             compernan.                                       2024 reelection bid swirls. The                                1988,  requiring  surgery  to  re-
             Amigonan  di  cas:  Manito  Ignacio,  Martin,  Frenk  Lampe,   visit to the medical center in the  “Great  physical  and  a  great  pair two brain aneurysms, weak
             Ivan Croes, Rubia, Theo, Chila Geerman, Alwin Boekhoudt,   Washington suburbs was for his  House of Representatives vote,”  bulges  in  arteries,  one  of  them
             Glenda Rosario                                   first  routine  physical  exam  as  he said, referring to the House  leaking.  Biden  has  never  had  a
                                                              president  —  and  his  first  since  passage  of  his  roughly  $2  tril-  recurrence, his doctor said, cit-
             Famia:  Croes,  Kock,  Boekhoudt,  Thiel,  Falcon,  Kelly,   December 2019.     lion  social  and  environmental  ing a test in 2014 that examined
             Flanegin,  Monart, Baez, Soekander, Piar, van der Biezen,
             Curiel,  Geerman,  Winterdal,  Willems,  Loefstop,  Baarh,                      agenda.                         his arteries.
             Jacapuchi, Pieternella, Todman, Gornelio, Ignacio, van der   As part of the screening, Biden
             Linde, Lampe, Paesch, Werleman, Loopstok, Paula, Rijke,   underwent  an  “extremely  de-  After arriving back at the White  Dr. Jeffrey Linder, chief of gen-
             Valdez, Schwengle, Tromp y demas famia           tailed  neurological  exam”  that  House,  he  said  “Nothing’s  eral internal medicine and geri-
                                                              ruled out stroke, multiple scle-  changed”  with  his  health,  jok-  atrics at Northwestern Univer-
             Acto  di  entiero  lo  tuma  lugar  na  Misa  sta  Filomena  na   rosis,  Parkinson’s  and  amyo-  ing,  “We’re  in  great  shape,  and  sity’s Feinberg School of Medi-
             Paradera diahuebs 25 di November 2021 di 2’or pa 4’or di   trophic  lateral  sclerosis,  but  I’m looking forward to celebrat-  cine,  read  the  White  House
             atardi. Despues lo sali pa Santana Catolico na Paradera.
                                                              caught the neuropathy, which is  ing my 58th birthday.”        report  and  said  it  contained
             Disculpa nos si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida algun famia   nerve damage in the hands and                   nothing that’s particularly wor-
             of conocir.                                      feet.  O’Connor  said  the  most  While serving as acting president  risome.
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