Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20211122
P. 30
A30 world news
Dialuna 22 november 2021
Sudan military leaders reinstate deposed prime minister
(AP) — Sudan’s deposed ment. transition to democracy. The
prime minister signed a The deal expects the military agreement comes just days
deal with the military on to release government offi- after doctors said at least 15
Sunday that will see him cials and politicians arrested people were killed by live fire
reinstated, almost a month since the Oct. 25 coup. during anti-coup demonstra-
after a military coup put The coup, more than two- tions. Hamdok has been held
him under house arrest. A years after a popular uprising under house arrest by mili-
key pro-democracy group forced the removal of long- tary leaders for weeks.
that has mobilized dozens time autocrat Omar al-Bashir
of protests had dismissed and his Islamist government, The deal also stipulates that
the deal as “a form of be- has drawn international criti- an investigation shall be
trayal.” cism. conducted to identify those
“The signing of this deal responsible for the killing
The deal, announced in a opens the door wide enough and injuring of civilians and
ceremony broadcast live on to address all the challenges troops that marred protests
Sudan state TV, envisages of the transitional period,” following the coup.
an independent technocratic said Hamdok, speaking at the
Cabinet to be led by Ham- signing ceremony. Hamdok thanked Sudan’s
dok until elections can be Sudanese have been taking “regional and global friends”
held. It remains unclear how remain under military over- whether any political parties to the streets in masses since who helped in reaching this
much power the government sight. or pro-democracy groups the military takeover, which agreement but he did not
would hold. It would still It also remains unclear have signed off on the agree- upended the country’s fragile name the countries.
UN peacekeepers face greater threats from complex conflicts
(AP) — The more than information on conflicts, and He called an upcoming min-
87,000 personnel in U.N. “armed groups using increas- isterial meeting on U.N.
peacekeeping missions ingly sophisticated means to peacekeeping in Seoul, South
are confronting greater undermine our actions.” Korea on Dec. 7-8 an impor-
threats today because con- tant opportunity to improve
flicts have become more The U.N. currently has 12 the performance and impact
complex and are driven by far-flung peacekeeping oper- of peacekeepers and “the ef-
an increasing number of ations — six in Africa, four in fectiveness of our tools,” and
factors ranging from eth- the Middle East, one in Eu- to mobilize international
nic tensions and the im- rope and one in Asia — with support for these efforts.
pact of organized crime to the more than 66,000 military
illegal exploitation of re- personnel from 121 countries Lacroix said “a significant
sources and terrorism, the joined by over 7,000 interna- number” of ministers and
U.N. peacekeeping chief tional police and 14,000 civil- senior officials from all U.N.
said Friday. ians. member states are expected
in Seoul, stressing that high-
Jean-Pierre Lacroix said in an Lacroix said peacekeepers level participation is “criti- “because we know for a fact U.N. can better collect and
interview with The Associat- continue to make “a huge dif- cally important” as an ex- that more women in peace- process information “in a
ed Press that even compared ference” in countries where pression of support for U.N. keeping means more effec- way that can enable effective
to two or three years ago, they oversee cease-fires like peacekeeping, which is fund- tive peacekeeping.” action,” he said.
“most of our peacekeeping Cyprus and south Lebanon ed by a separate U.N. budget
missions have a political and in terms of preventing con- amounting to $6.38 billion He said it will be “tremen- But Lacroix said if peacekeep-
security environment that flict, and “they also make a for the year ending June 30, dously important” to have ing is to succeed — “which
has deteriorated.” huge difference in terms of 2022, as well as voluntary governments support the is to create the conditions
protection of civilians, even contributions. department’s “strategy for where peacekeeping missions
In addition and “equally im- though we would like to be the digital transformation can leave” — it is “critically
portant,” he said, is that the able to do more.” He said the peacekeeping of peacekeeping because we important” that governments
conflicts are “multi-layered” department has circulated a strongly believe that if we support political efforts to
and very often local and na- But the undersecretary- list to U.N. member nations make the best possible use of achieve this goal.
tional, but also regional and general for peace operations of what it needs to improve these new technologies, then
global. He pointed to Africa’s said the drivers of conflict the protection of peacekeep- it can be a game changer for He said there must also be
impoverished Sahel region, “are massively impacting the ers against ambushes, impro- peacekeeping.” a recognition that more and
which is seeing increasing conflicts in which we’re in- vised explosive devices and more peacekeeping opera-
terrorist activity, as an exam- volved.” attacks, and to protect their To do that, he said, the U.N. tions are part of broader ef-
ple. camps. The list also includes has to improve what he called forts and partnerships that
“They pose increasingly im- improved medical support “the digital literacy of peace- can build different capacities,
What is causing this change portant threats to countries and equipment to make keeping and our peacekeep- including security, or help
in how U.N. peacekeepers in which our missions are peacekeepers more nimble, ers,” which means more provide humanitarian assis-
have to operate are a num- deployed, and frankly to the mobile and reactive, especial- training. tance in places like Congo,
ber of factors starting with region where we are operat- ly more helicopters, he said. South Sudan or Mali.
increased political divisions ing,” he said. If the peacekeeping depart-
among the U.N.’s 193 mem- Lacroix said there are two ment and peacekeepers are “We have to make sure that
ber nations, he said. “Are we equipped enough as other very important areas: better at using digital tech- we are playing a role where
a multilateral system to ad- improving the missions’ abil- nology, the men and women you can make the best pos-
The drivers of conflict are dress these threats?” Lacroix ity to collect and process in- in the field can be better pro- sible difference, and other
increasing, Lacroix said, and asked rhetorically. “I’m not formation to better prevent tected, Lacroix said. partners have to have that
there are also what he called sure. I think there’s probably threats instead of having to same approach, and we need
“conflict enhancers,” includ- more that should be done in react to them, and increas- “We can probably better to be complementary to each
ing digital technologies, the those areas.” ing the number of women communicate and also coun- other,” Lacroix said.
impact of fake news and mis- in peacekeeping operations ter misinformation,” and the