Page 17 - AB
P. 17
Friday 3 February 2023
The royal visit culminated on the Plaza Padu with a magnificent
cultural event
ORANJESTAD - January 31,
2023, marked the second
and last day of the Royal
visit to Aruba by King Wil-
lem Alexander, Queen
Maxima, and Princess
The morning initiated early
with a visit to the National
Park Arikok and culminated
with a magnificent cultural
celebration on Plaza Padu
dedicated to the Royal
On the second day of the
visit to Aruba, the Royal
family walked through the
Arikok Natural Park accom-
panied by the Park Rang-
ers. During their walk, they
learned about Aruba's flora
and fauna, particularly the
protected species.
Since this was Princess
Amalia's first visit to Aruba,
they went to the Royal
Aruba Aloe factory, where
they toured the facility and
got information about the University professors about
products made locally with education in Aruba, job
locally grown Aloe. The opportunities, and sustain-
Royal Family had the op- ability.
portunity to speak to the
employees and also make After the University of Aru-
a product themselves. ba, t the King and Princess
went to the Frans Figaroa
In the afternoon, the Uni- Stadium for a football pre-
versity of Aruba organized sentation by talented fe-
a lecture and special quiz male and male football
created by the law faculty players. Queen Maxima vis-
about "Caribbean Rights". ited an agricultural project
The King, Queen, and Prin- financed by Qredits of the
cess participated in said Koolman family.
lecture and quiz. They
talked with students and The Royal visit culminated
in the evening with a cul-
tural event held on the
Plaza Padu and Bon Bini
Festival at Fort Zoutman.
At this event, the King,
Queen, and Princess were
introduced to local prod-
ucts and were delighted
with song and dance. It
was a pleasant evening
full of joy and with young
and old sharing the beauti-
ful moment with the Royal