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                                                                                                        SUERTE Diamars 1 December 2020

                     Biden's win means some Guantanamo prisoners may be released

            (AP)  —  The  oldest  pris-  tegic  mistake  that  undercut
            oner  at  the  Guantanamo  what  had  been  a  bipartisan
            Bay detention center went  issue.
            to his latest review board
            hearing  with  a  degree  of  “I  think  it’s  more  likely  to
            hope,  something  that  has  close  if  it  doesn’t  become  a
            been scarce during his 16  huge  press  issue,”  said  An-
            years  locked  up  without  drea  Prasow,  deputy  Wash-
            charges at the U.S. base in  ington  director  at  Human
            Cuba.                        Rights Watch.

            Saifullah Paracha, a 73-year-  The detention center opened
            old  Pakistani  with  diabetes  in  2002.  President  George
            and  a  heart  condition,  had  W.  Bush's  administration
            two things going for him that  transformed  what  had  been
            he  didn't  have  at  previous  a  sleepy  Navy  outpost  on
            hearings: a favorable legal de-  Cuba's  southeastern  tip  into
            velopment  and  the  election  a place to interrogate and im-
            of Joe Biden.                prison  people  suspected  of
                                         links to al-Qaida and the Tal-
            President Donald Trump had  iban after the Sept. 11, 2001
            effectively ended the Obama  attacks.
            administration's  practice  of
            reviewing  the  cases  of  men  U.S.  authorities  maintain
            held at Guantanamo and re-   the men can be held as “law
            leasing them if imprisonment  of war” detainees, remaining
            was no longer deemed neces-  in  custody  for  the  duration
            sary.  Now  there's  hope  that  of hostilities, an open-ended
            will resume under Biden.     prospect.

            “I  am  more  hopeful  now  At  its  peak  in  2003  —  the
            simply  because  we  have  an  year Paracha was captured in
            administration  to  look  for-  Thailand because of suspect-
            ward to that isn’t dead set on  ed ties to al-Qaida — Guanta-
            ignoring  the  existing  review  namo held about 700 prison-
            process,"  Paracha's  attorney,  ers from nearly 50 countries.
            Shelby Sullivan-Bennis, said  Bush  announced  his  inten-
            by  phone  from  the  base  on  tion  to  close  it,  though  242
            Nov.  19  after  the  hearing.  were still held there when his  prisoners who were convict-  commission  and  is  awaiting  secure  teleconference  with
            “The simple existence of that  presidency ended.          ed by commission and three  sentencing.                   U.S.  security  and  defense
            on the horizon I think is hope                            facing  potential  prosecution                            agencies.
            for all of us."              The  Obama  administration,  for the 2002 Bali bombing.   The  remaining  detainees
                                         seeking to allay concerns that                            include  five  who  had  been  She also raised an important
            Guantanamo  was  once  a  some  of  those  released  had  Commission     proceedings,  cleared  for  release  before  legal  development.  Paracha,
            source of global outrage and  “returned to the fight,” set up  including death penalty cases  Trump  took  office  and  have  who  lived  in  the  U.S.  and
            a  symbol  of  U.S.  excess  in  a process to ensure those re-  related  to  the  Sept.  11  at-  languished  since.  Advocates  owned property in New York
            response to terrorism. But it  patriated or resettled in third  tacks,  have  bogged  down  as  want  the  Biden  administra-  City, was a wealthy business-
            largely faded from the head-  countries  no  longer  posed  a  the defense fights to exclude  tion to  review the rest, not-  man  in  Pakistan.  Authori-
            lines  after  President  Barack  threat. It also planned to try  evidence  that  resulted  from  ing that many, had they been  ties  say  he  was  an  al-Qaida
            Obama failed to close it, even  some  of  the  men  in  federal  torture. Trials are likely far in  convicted  in  federal  court,  “facilitator” who helped two
            as 40 men continue to be de-  court.                      the  future  and  would  inevi-  would have served their sen-  of  the  Sept.  11  conspirators
            tained there.                                             tably be followed by years of  tences  and  been  released  at  with  a  financial  transaction.
                                         But  his  closure  effort  was  appeals.                  this point.                  He says he didn't know they
            Those  pushing  for  its  clo-  thwarted  when  Congress                               “Whittle it down to the folks  were al-Qaida and denies any
            sure  now  see  a  window  of  barred the transfer of prison-  Defense attorneys say the in-  who  are  being  prosecuted  involvement in terrorism.
            opportunity,  hoping  Biden's  ers from Guantanamo to the  coming administration could  and either prosecute them or
            administration  will  find  a  U.S., including for prosecu-  authorize   more   military  don’t, but don’t just hang on  Uzair  Paracha,  his  son,  was
            way  to  prosecute  those  who  tion or medical care. Obama  commission plea deals. Some  to  them,”  said  Joseph  Mar-  convicted  in  2005  in  federal
            can be prosecuted and release  ended up releasing 197 pris-  have also suggested Guanta-  gulies, a Cornell Law School  court  in  New  York  of  pro-
            the rest, extricating the U.S.  oners, leaving 41 for Trump.  namo  detainees  could  plead  professor who has represent-  viding  support  to  terrorism,
            from a detention center that                              guilty in federal court by vid-  ed one prisoner. “At great ex-  based in part on the same wit-
            costs more than $445 million  Trump in his 2016 campaign  eo  and  serve  any  remaining  pense, we walk around with  nesses  held  at  Guantanamo
            per year.                    promised  to  “load”  Guanta-  sentence  in  other  countries,  this thing around our necks.  that the U.S. has relied on to
                                         namo with “some bad dudes,”  so  they  wouldn't  enter  the  It does no good. It has no role  justify holding his father. In
            Biden's  precise  intentions  but  largely  ignored  the  is-  United States.          for national security. It’s just  March,  after  a  judge  threw
            for Guantanamo remain un-    sue after rescinding Obama's                              a big black stain that provides  out  those  witness  accounts
            clear.  Transition  spokesman  policies.  His  administration  Detainee  advocates  also  say  no benefit whatsoever.”  and the government decided
            Ned Price said the president-  approved  a  single  release,  a  Biden  could  defy  Congress                       not to seek a new trial, Uzair
            elect supports closing it, but  Saudi who pleaded guilty be-  and  bring  prisoners  to  the  Over the years, nine prison-  Paracha was released and sent
            it would be inappropriate to  fore a military commission.  U.S.,  arguing  that  the  ban  ers have died at Guantanamo:  back to Pakistan.
            discuss his plans in detail be-                           wouldn't stand up in court.  seven from apparent suicide,
            fore he's in office.         Of those 40 remaining, seven                              one  from  cancer  and  one  Had his father been convict-
                                         men have cases pending be-   “It’s  either  do  something  from a heart attack.        ed in the U.S., his fate might
            His reticence is actually wel-  fore  a  military  commission.  about  it  or  they  die  there                     have been the same. Instead,
            come  to  those  who  have  They  include  five  men  ac-  without  charge,”  said  Wells  Paracha's  attorney  raised  his  it  will  likely  be  in  Biden's
            pressed  to  close  Guantana-  cused  of  planning  and  sup-  Dixon, a lawyer for two pris-  health  issues,  which  include  hands  and,  Sullivan-Bennis
            mo. Obama's early pledge to  porting  the  Sept.  11  attacks.  oners, including one who has  a heart attack in 2006, at his  said, time is of the essence. “It
            close it is now seen as a stra-  Additionally,  there  are  two  pleaded guilty in the military  review  board,  speaking  by  could be a death sentence.”
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