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                                                                                         world news Diamars 1 December 2020

                           Turkey toughens curfew measures amid coronavirus surge

            (AP) — Turkey’s president  With  strong  pressure  from  The  new  curfews  begin
            on  Monday  announced  the medical community and  Tuesday.  Sectors  including
            the  country's  most  wide-  the public, Turkey last week  production,  logistics,  health
            spread  lockdown  so  far  resumed  reporting  all  posi-  care, agriculture and forestry
            amid a surge in COVID-19  tive  tests  for  the  virus,  after  would  be  exempt  from  the
            infections, extending cur-   releasing only the number of  curfews, while grocery stores
            fews  to  weeknights  and  symptomatic  cases  for  four  and  food  delivery  services
            putting a full lockdown in  months.  That  caused  daily  would be allowed to operate
            place over the weekends.     cases  to  shoot  up  to  around  within  certain  hours  during
                                         30,000 and put Turkey among  the weekend lockdowns.
            Speaking  after  a  Cabinet  the hardest-hit nations in Eu-
            meeting  Monday,  Turkish  rope during the pandemic.      In the spring, Turkey institut-
            President  Recep  Tayyip  Er-  Health Ministry statistics on  ed  temporary  weekend  and
            dogan said a curfew would be  Monday showed 31,219 con-   holiday  lockdowns  to  fight
            implemented  on  weekdays  firmed  new  infections  and  the  spread  of  COVID-19,  with Turkish media showing  transparency  since  March,
            between  9:00  pm  and  5:00  188 new deaths. Daily fatali-  but  current  infections  and  packed public spaces.   said  20  health  care  workers
            am.  He  also  announced  to-  ties in Turkey have hit record  deaths  have  surged  beyond                         died in one week from CO-
            tal weekend lockdowns from  numbers  for  eight  consecu-  the  spring  numbers.  Week-  The  Turkish  Medical  Asso-  VID-19  complications.  ICU
            9:00 pm on Friday to 5:00 am  tive days, bringing the coun-  end night curfews for the past  ciation, which has been criti-  bed  occupation  was  around
            on Monday.                   try's  acknowledged  virus  two weeks have done little to  cal of the government’s poli-  71%, according to the health
                                         death toll to 13,746.        curb  people’s  movements,  cies and has called for more  ministry.

                          French lawmakers to rewrite proposed bill on filming police

            (AP)  —  Lawmakers  from  of police officers with in-                                  on special operations “are not  up to a year in jail and fined
            French  President  Em-       tent to cause them harm.     In an apparent effort to quell  protected enough ... We must  45,000 euros ($53,000).
            manuel  Macron’s  party                                   criticism,  the  head  of  Ma-  absolutely keep it."
            will rewrite the most criti-  The  move  comes  after  tens  cron's  party  at  the  National                       The bill, championed by Ma-
            cized article of a proposed  of  thousands  of  protesters  Assembly,  Christophe  Cas-  For him, the controversial ar-  cron’s  party,  was  first  voted
            security  law,  involving  a  marched  Saturday  in  Paris  taner, said Monday “there is a  ticle isn't a hindrance to the  on at the National Assembly
            measure aimed at banning  and across the country to re-   need to clarify the measure.”  media.                     last week. It is expected to be
            the publication of images  ject the draft law.            “We  are  going  to  propose  a                           debated  in  the  Senate  early
                                                                      new, complete rewrite of the  “Protecting  the  police  and  next year.
                                                                      article 24,” he added.       protecting the press are not in
                                                                                                   competition,”  said  the  inte-  The  government  said  the
                                                                      Meanwhile,  Interior  Minis-  rior minister, who is respon-  measure  is  needed  to  better
                                                                      ter Gerald Darmanin refused  sible for the measure. “There  protect  police  officers  from
                                                                      to simply withdraw the con-  is no victory of one without  online calls from violence.
                                                                      troversial  Article  24,  saying  the other.”
                                                                      that  events  haven't  changed                            Critics  fear  that  if  enacted,
                                                                      his position.                In  its  current  version,  the  the  law  would  impinge  on
                                                                                                   article  of  the  proposed  law  freedom  of  information  and
                                                                      “I  don't  have  a  fetish  for  criminalizes  the  publishing  media  rights.  They  also  say
                                                                      numbers  ...  but  I  do  have  a  of  images  of  police  officers  that it could restrict the pub-
                                                                      fetish  for  protecting  police  with  the  intent  of  harming  lic from filming police in cas-
                                                                      and  gendarmes,”  Darmanin  their “physical or psychologi-  es  that  could  be  considered
                                                                      said Monday before a parlia-  cal  integrity.”  Anyone  found  abuse or police brutality.
                                                                      mentary  commission.  Police  guilty could be sentenced to

                          Scottish leader says she could seek 2021 independence vote

            (AP)  —  Scotland’s  leader  said  “That  inalienable  right  of  self-de-  But  Sturgeon’s  SNP,  which  leads  lowed  broadly  similar  public  health
            Monday  that  she  hopes  to  hold  termination cannot, and will not, be  the  government  in  Edinburgh,  says  policies, and both countries have seen
            an  independence  referendum  subject  to  a  Westminster  veto,”  she  Brexit has transformed the situation  high death tolls.
            as soon as next year, setting up a  said,  referring  to  the  U.K.  govern-  by dragging Scotland out of the Eu-
            political  showdown  with  a  U.K.  ment in London.                     ropean Union against its will. A nar-  The whole of the U.K. has recorded
            government that refuses to coun-                                        row majority of U.K. voters opted to  more than 58,000 coronavirus-relat-
            tenance another secession vote.     Scotland  voted  to  remain  in  the  leave the EU in a 2016 referendum,  ed deaths, the highest toll in Europe.
                                                U.K.  by  a  margin  of  55%-45%  in  a  but a large majority in Scotland voted  Sturgeon has not said what she will
            First  Minister  Nicola  Sturgeon  said  2014 independence referendum that  to stay.                         do  if  the  U.K.  government  refuses
            she would campaign in the May 2021  was billed as a once-in-a-generation                                     to grant a referendum, though some
            Scottish  Parliament  election  for  a  event.                          Recent opinion polls suggest a major-  pro-independence campaigners have
            mandate to hold a vote on indepen-                                      ity of Scots now favor independence  suggested  she  could  seek  a  ruling
            dence  “in  the  early  part  of  the  new  A new binding referendum requires  from  the  U.K.,  with  Brexit  and  the  from the U.K. Supreme Court.
            parliament,”  which  will  run  from  the U.K. government’s approval, and  coronavirus pandemic boosting sup-
            2021 to 2025.                       Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists  port for Scotland going its own way.  In  an  apparent  reference  to  Presi-
                                                he’ll say no.                                                            dent Donald Trump’s fruitless efforts
            In  a  speech  to  a  conference  of  her                               Sturgeon’s  calm,  clear  communica-  to  overturn  the  result  of  the  U.S.
            Scottish National Party — held virtu-  “The  people  of  Scotland  had  a  vote  tion  style  during  the  pandemic  has  presidential  election.  Sturgeon  said
            ally because of the coronavirus pan-  on this (in 2014), and they voted to  been widely praised, with many con-  that “we are seeing across the Atlan-
            demic — Sturgeon said Scotland had  remain part of the United Kingdom,”  trasting  it  to  Johnson’s  more  ram-  tic what happens to those who try to
            a right to choose independence, “if a  Johnson  spokesman  Jamie  Davies  shackle approach — though the U.K.  hold back the tide of democracy."
            majority of us want it.”            said Monday.                        and  Scottish  governments  have  fol-  “They get swept away,” she said.
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