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A30     world news
                  Diamars 1 December 2020

                             Iran says Israel killed military nuclear scientist remotely

                                                                      diately offered evidence sup-  on the ground to set up the  Fakhrizadeh’s  killing  and
                                                                      porting  their  claims,  which  weapon.                   warned:  “This  will  catch  up
                                                                      also give authorities a way to                            with you someday.”
                                                                      explain  why  no  one  was  re-  Shamkhani blamed the Irani-
                                                                      portedly arrested at the scene.  an exile group Mujahedeen-  Overnight,  the  United  Arab
                                                                                                   e-Khalq as well for “having a  Emirates, which just reached
                                                                      “Unfortunately,  the  opera-  role  in  this,”  without  elabo-  a normalization deal with Is-
                                                                      tion  was  a  very  complicated  rating. The MEK, as the ex-  rael, issued a statement con-
                                                                      operation and was carried out  ile group is known, has been  demning “the heinous assas-
                                                                      by using electronic devices,”  suspected  of  assisting  Israeli  sination.”  The  UAE,  home
                                                                      Shamkhani  told  state  TV.  operations in Iran in the past.  to  Abu  Dhabi  and  Dubai,
                                                                      “No  individual  was  present  Shahin  Gobadi,  an  MEK  warned  the  killing  “could
                                                                      at the site."                spokesman, dismissed Sham-   further  fuel  conflict  in  the
                                                                                                   khani's remarks as “rage, ran-  region.”
                                                                      Satellite  control  of  weapons  cor and lies” sparked by the
            (AP) — A top Iranian se-                                  is nothing new. Armed, long-  group's  earlier  exposes  over  Last  year,  the  UAE  found
            curity official on Monday  Israel  insists  Iran  still  main-  range  drones,  for  instance,  Iran's nuclear program.  itself in the middle of an es-
            accused  Israel  of  using  tains  the  ambition  of  de-  rely  on  satellite  connections                         calating  series  of  incidents
            “electronic devices” to re-  veloping  nuclear  weapons,  to be controlled by their re-  Monday’s   service    for  between  Iran  and  the  U.S.
            motely kill a scientist who  pointing to Tehran’s ballistic  mote  pilots.  Remote-con-  Fakhrizadeh  took  place  at  Though  long  suspicious  of
            founded  the  Islamic  Re-   missile program and research  trolled gun turrets also exist,  an outdoor portion of Iran’s  Iran’s  nuclear  program,  the
            public's  military  nuclear  into other technologies. Iran  but typically see their opera-  Defense Ministry in Tehran,  Emirates has said it wants to
            program in the 2000s.        long  has  maintained  that  its  tor connected by a hard line  with officials including Rev-  de-escalate  the  crisis.  The
                                         nuclear program is for peace-  to cut down on the delay in  olutionary Guard chief Gen.  UAE  just  started  passenger
            Ali Shamkhani, the secretary  ful purposes.               commands  being  relayed.  Hossein Salami, the Guard’s  air service to Israel and Israe-
            of  the  country’s  Supreme                               Israel  uses  such  hard-wired  Quds Force leader Gen. Es-  lis are expected to vacation in
            National  Security  Council,  Shamkhani's  remarks  dras-  systems  along  the  border  mail Ghaani, civilian nuclear  the  country  over  Hanukkah
            made the comment at the fu-  tically  change  the  story  of  with  the  Hamas-controlled  program chief Ali Akbar Sa-  in the coming days.
            neral  for  Mohsen  Fakhriza-  Fakhrizadeh's  killing,  which  Gaza Strip.             hei  and  Intelligence  Minis-
            deh,  where  Iran's  defense  took place Friday. Authorities                           ter Mamoud Alavi. They sat  Bahrain,  an  island  kingdom
            minister  separately  vowed  initially said a truck exploded  While  technically  feasible,  it  apart  from  each  other  and  off  Saudi  Arabia  in  the  Per-
            to  continue  the  man’s  work  and  then  gunmen  opened  wasn't  immediately  clear  if  wore masks due to the coro-  sian  Gulf  that  also  recently
            “with more speed and more  fire  on  the  scientist,  killing  such a system had been used  navirus  pandemic  as  reciters  normalized  relations  with
            power.”                      him  and  a  bodyguard.  State  before,  said  Jeremy  Binnie,  melodically read parts of the  Israel,  similarly  condemned
                                         TV  even  interviewed  a  man  the  Mideast  editor  of  Jane's  Quran and religious texts.  Fakhrizadeh’s killing.
            Israel, long suspected of kill-  the  night  of  the  attack  who  Defence Weekly.                                  “In light of the current situ-
            ing Iranian nuclear scientists  described  seeing  gunmen  “Could you set up a weapon  Defense Minister Gen. Amir  ation in the region, the king-
            over the last decade, has re-  open fire.                 with  a  camera  which  then  Hatami  gave  a  speech  after  dom  of  Bahrain  calls  on  all
            peatedly  declined  to  com-                              has a feed that uses an open  kissing  Fakhrizadeh’s  cas-  parties to exercise maximum
            ment on the attack.          State  TV’s  English-language  satellite   communications  ket and putting his forehead  restraint to avoid new levels
                                         broadcaster  Press  TV  re-  line  back  to  the  controller?”  against  it.  He  said  Fakhriza-  of instability,” Bahrain's For-
            Fakhrizadeh  headed  Iran’s  ported earlier Monday that a  Binnie said. “I can't see why  deh’s  killing  would  make  eign Affairs Ministry said.
            so-called  AMAD  program,  weapon  recovered  from  the  that's not possible.”         Iranians “more united, more
            which  Israel  and  the  West  scene of the attack bore “the                           determined.”                 Meanwhile,  Israeli  Foreign
            have  alleged  was  a  military  logo  and  specifications  of  It  also  raised  the  question                     Ministry   Director-General
            operation looking at the fea-  the Israeli military industry.”  whether  the  truck  that  ex-  “For  the  continuation  of  Alon Ushpiz has sent a cable
            sibility of building a nuclear  State  TV’s  Arabic-language  ploded  during  the  attack  your  path,  we  will  continue  to  all  Israeli  diplomatic  del-
            weapon.  The  International  channel,  Al-Alam,  claimed  detonated afterward to try to  with  more  speed  and  more  egations  around  the  globe
            Atomic  Energy  Agency  says  the weapons used were “con-  destroy  a  satellite-controlled  power,” Hatami said in com-  urging diplomats to maintain
            that  “structured  program”  trolled  by  satellite,”  a  claim  machine  gun  that  was  hid-  ments aired live by state tele-  “the highest level of readiness
            ended  in  2003.  U.S.  intel-  also  made  Sunday  by  the  den  inside  the  vehicle.  Ira-  vision.              and awareness of any irregu-
            ligence  agencies  concurred  semiofficial Fars news agency.  nian officials did not imme-                          lar activity” around missions
            with  that  assessment  in  a                             diately  acknowledge  that.  It  Hatami also criticized coun-  and Jewish community cen-
            2007 report.                 None  of  the  outlets  imme-  also would require someone  tries  that  hadn’t  condemned  ters.

                          Greece: Critics warn virus test price caps may slash testing

              (AP) — Greece’s largest medical  would force many independent labs  of all fatalities occurring in Novem-  infections were falling faster in the
              association on Monday criticized  to  stop  providing  COVID-19  tests  ber.                              major cities of Athens and Thessa-
              a decision by the country’s gov-   because they would be too costly for                                   loniki than in the rest of the country,
              ernment to impose price caps on  them, putting additional pressure on  But  health  officials  said  the  num-  but said the number of infections in
              coronavirus tests at private labs,  the state-run health service.      ber of new infections was waning in  the two cities still remains high.
              warning that the measure could                                         most parts of the country, which has
              disrupt testing during a spike in  There  was  no  immediate  response  been in lockdown for three weeks.  Greece’s  lockdown,  which  initially
              infections.                        from Greece's Development Minis-                                       had  been  set  to  end  Monday,  has
                                                 try to the complaint.               A total 1,044 new confirmed infec-  been extended for another week.
              The  center-right  government  last                                    tions were recorded Monday – down
              week set the price limits at 40 euros  Greece  suffered  its  highest  daily  from  a  record  high  of  more  than  Separately Monday, the government
              ($48) for regular swab tests and 10  death toll due to the pandemic at the  3,000 earlier in November – which  said it was looking for ways to help
              euros  ($12)  for  rapid  tests,  cutting  weekend, with 121 deaths reported  brought the total in the country of  commercialize  a  state-supervised
              current  rates  at  most  labs  by  more  Saturday.                    about 11 million to 105,271.       research  project  involving  several
              than half.                                                                                                Greek universities and research labs
                                                 Another  85  deaths  were  recorded  Vana Papaevangelou, from the gov-  that  has  produced  a  new  rapid  test
              In response, the Panhellenic Medi-  Monday,  raising  the  overall  toll  to  ernment’s   COVID-19   advisory  method for the coronavirus.
              cal Association said that the measure  2,406 — with more than two-thirds  board, told a daily briefing that new
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