Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20201201
P. 32

A32    sports
                  Diamars 1 December 2020

                       Real Madrid's injured Hazard out of Champions League match

                                                                                                                          (AP)  —  Eden  Hazard  is  out
                                                                                                                          of  Real  Madrid's  Champions
                                                                                                                          League match against Shakhtar
                                                                                                                          Donetsk because of a right thigh

                                                                                                                          The club did not say following ex-
                                                                                                                          ams on Monday how long he will
                                                                                                                          be  sidelined,  but  similar  injuries
                                                                                                                          usually require a few weeks of re-
                                                                                                                          covery time.

                                                                                                                          The Belgium player was hurt in the
                                                                                                                          home loss to Alavés in the Spanish
                                                                                                                          league on Saturday. He was making
                                                                                                                          only his fifth start of the season af-
                                                                                                                          ter other injury problems.

                                                                                                                          Coach Zinedine Zidane also won't
                                                                                                                          be able to count on injured captain
                                                                                                                          Sergio Ramos.

                                                                                                                          The  13-time  European  champion
                                                                                                                          needs to beat Shakhtar in Ukraine
                                                                                                                          to secure its spot in the round of 16.

                         UN: Skiing may not spread coronavirus but slopes still risky

            (AP)  —  As  several  Euro-                               Ryan  said  that  rather  than  come news,” but said the de-
            pean  countries  have  sus-  Ryan said the danger of coro-  targeting  any  specific  sport  crease should be "interpreted  “Being  with  family  and
            pended  access  to  the  ski  navirus spread from skiing is  like skiing or hiking, govern-  with extreme caution.”  friends  is  not  worth  putting
            slopes  to  stop  the  spread  from  many  of  the  other  ac-  ments  should  consider  how                        them  all  (and)  yourself  at
            of  the  coronavirus  pan-   tivities linked to the sport.  best  to  reduce  contact  be-  Tedros said that the upcom-  risk,” he said. "We all need to
            demic,  the  World  Health                                tween people to prevent the  ing  holiday  season  should  consider whose life we might
            Organization’s  emergen-     “The real issues are going to  spread of COVID-19.        prompt people to think twice  be gambling with in the deci-
            cies  chief  said  the  risk  of  come  at  airports,  tour  buses                     about  how  they  might  cel-  sions we make.”
            catching COVID-19 while  taking people to and from ski  “The issue is any activity that  ebrate during the pandemic.
            skiing is likely minimal.    resorts, ski lifts ... and places  involves  large  numbers  of
                                         where  people  come  togeth-  people moving into a concen-
            “I suspect many people won’t  er,” Ryan said. "We would ad-  trated  space  and  then  using
            be  infected  barreling  down  vise that all countries look at  public and other transport to
            the  slopes  on  their  skis,”  the their ski season and other  get  there  and  back  needs  to
            said  Dr.  Michael  Ryan  said  reasons  for  mass  gathering,”  be managed carefully,” Ryan
            at a WHO news briefing on  he said, warning that indoor  said.
            Monday.  The  U.N.  health  socializing after skiing might
            agency  has  previously  said  be particularly risky.     WHO  noted  that  last  week
            the  coronavirus  transmits                               marked  the  first  time  global
            much less easily outside be-  Earlier this year, ski resorts in  cases  of  COVID-19  have
            cause  it  is  dispersed  in  the  France, Italy and Austria were  dropped  since  September,
            fresh air. Restrictions to slow  the  sites  of  several  super-  citing  the  effectiveness  of
            the  spread  of  COVID-19  spreading events that helped  recent  lockdown  measures
            have  kept  ski  lifts  closed  in  seed  COVID-19  outbreaks  across Europe. WHO's direc-
            Italy, France, Germany, Aus-  across the continent.       tor-general, Tedros Adhanom
            tria and elsewhere.                                       Ghebreyesus,  called  it  “wel-

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