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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 25 May 2020
              Trump’s pitch to voters: Trust me, economy will soar in 2021

              Continued from Front        House  economist  Kevin  Economists,         however,  lines.  While  a  majority  of  monthly  say  they’d  do  so
                                          Hassett  and  Eric  Roseng-  warn that the “snap back”  Americans  in  households  in  the  next  few  weeks  if
              Trump     had     already  ren, president of the Fede-  Trump’s    advisers   have  that lost a job do think it’s  they could.
              pledged  to  finally  release  ral Reserve Bank of Boston  been talking up is unlikely,  at least probable that the  Still, the poll shows that 66%
              a  Republican  health  care  said in television interviews  given the severity of the re-  job  will  return,  70%  now  of  Americans  continue  to
              plan after the polls closed  Sunday.  “Unfortunately,  I  cession. It will take years for  describe  the  state  of  the  say  that  their  personal  fi-
              —  despite  having  served  think it’s likely to be double-  the  economy  to  recover,  nation’s economy as poor,  nancial  situation  is  good
              more  than  three  years  digit unemployment throu-     according to the Congres-    versus just 29% who say it’s  —  a  number  that  has  re-
              in  office  —  along  with  a  gh  the  end  of  this  year,”  sional Budget Office.  good — down from 67% in  mained  steady  since  be-
              postelection tax cut and a  Rosengren told CBS’ “Face  Polling    data    suggests  January.                     fore  the  outbreak  began.
              “Phase 2” trade deal with  the Nation.” To bring back  Trump  has  some  work  to  Trump has been encoura-       Americans  are  also  more
              China.                      the low jobless levels seen  do to persuade Americans  ging states to begin easing  likely  to  expect  their  per-
              Now, Trump is making the  at the end of last February,  that  all  will  be  well  next  restrictions  and  reopening  sonal  finances  to  improve
              case  to  voters  that  if  he  he  said  it  would  probably  year.                 their  economies.  But  that  than  worsen  in  the  next
              helped  bolster  the  eco-  take  a  vaccine  or  “other  Americans  are  split  on  doesn’t  necessarily  mean  year, 37% to 17%.
              nomy  once,  he  can  do  it  medical  innovations  that  whether  they  think  the  jobs will return. While most  In  the  end,  that’s  what  is
              again.                      make  it  much  less  risky  to  economy   will   improve  of those who say they got  going to matter most, said
              “We built the greatest eco-  go out.”                   (41%) or worsen (40%) over  a haircut at least monthly  Michael  Steel,  a  Republi-
              nomy in the world,” Trump  Still,  Trump  and  his  cam-  the  coming  year,  accor-  before  the  outbreak  or  can political strategist.
              says frequently. “I’ll do it a  paign  are  hoping  they  ding to a poll by The Asso-  shopped  regularly  in  per-  “This  election  will  turn  on
              second time.”               can  convince  the  public  ciated Press-NORC Center  son  for  nonessential  items  facts  more  than  messa-
              It’s  not  just  next  year  that  that Trump, not Democrat  for Public Affairs Research.   would definitely or proba-  ges,”  he  said.  “The  presi-
              will be a mystery to voters  Joe  Biden,  is  the  candi-  Their opinions differ based  bly  do  so  in  the  next  few  dent  is  placing  a  bet  by
              on  Election  Day.  Trump  date  who  can  turn  things  on  their  politics.  A  majo-  weeks  if  they  were  allo-  reopening  the  economy
              and  his  team  have  been  around, even as they push  rity  of  Republicans  (62%)  wed,  Americans  may  be  before  public  health  offi-
              talking up the fourth quar-  the  recovery  timeline  into  think the economy will get  wary to return to life as nor-  cials believe it is safe. If the
              ter  —  October  through  next year.                    better in the coming year,  mal.                         economy recovers sharply
              December  —  but  econo-    “The president has a clear  while a majority of Demo-    Only  about  half  of  those  and infection rates remain
              mic reports on that period  record  of  building  the  crats (56%) think it will get  who did so at least monthly  steady  or  go  down,  then
              won’t  be  released  until  economy to unpreceden-      worse.                       before  the  outbreak  say  voters will reward his bold-
              2021.  Preliminary  figures  ted  heights  before  it  was  The poll finds that only 49%  they’d  travel,  go  to  bars  ness,  but  if  we  continue
              for the third quarter will be  artificially  interrupted  by  of  Americans  now  appro-  and restaurants, use public  to see massive unemploy-
              released Oct. 29, days be-  the  coronavirus,  and  they  ve  of  how  Trump  is  hand-  transportation,  or  exercise  ment  and  a  spike  in  new
              fore  the  Nov.  3  election.  know  he  will  build  it  a  se-  ling  the  economy,  com-  at a gym or studio. Just 42%  infections  and  deaths,  all
              And unemployment could  cond  time,”  said  Trump  pared  with  56%  in  March,  of those who went to con-       the  political  wordsmithery
              still be in double-digit terri-  campaign  communicati-  though  the  numbers  re-   certs,  movies,  or  theater  the  world  will  offer  won’t
              tory by Election Day, White  ons director Tim Murtaugh.   main split largely on party  or sporting events at least  help him.”q

            Seniors get diplomas on racetracks, chairlifts amid virus

            By M.L. PRICE/L. RATHKE                                                                                             parents  demanding  tradi-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tional   commencements
            LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  Im-                                                                                            be  held  later  in  the  year
            mediately  after  giving  his                                                                                       if  social  distancing  rules
            valedictorian speech, high                                                                                          are  eased.  Some  of  those
            school senior Philip Root, still                                                                                    virtual  events  have  at-
            clad in his cap and gown,                                                                                           tracted  famous  speakers,
            climbed  into  a  borrowed                                                                                          including  President  Barack
            race  car  and  drove  up  to                                                                                       Obama who gave a com-
            the finish line at the Las Ve-                                                                                      mencement  address  ear-
            gas Motor Speedway.                                                                                                 lier  this  month.  The  televi-
            With the yellow tassel of his                                                                                       sion special featured other
            graduation cap flapping in                                                                                          celebrities,  including  NBA
            the wind, Root leaned out                                                                                           star  LeBron  James,  actress
            the window and posed for                                                                                            Yara  Shahidi  and  actor
            a  photo  as  he  accepted                                                                                          and  singer  Ben  Platt.    But
            his  diploma  —  and  then                                                                                          for schools pressing ahead
            took  off  on  a  celebratory                                                                                       with in-person graduations,
            lap around the track.        Graduates flip their tassels near their cars during a drive-thru graduation for Faith Lutheran High   that has meant coming up
            Root gave his speech over    School at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Friday, May 22, 2020, in Las Vegas.            with creative ways to hold-
            the  radio  from  the  broad-                                                                      Associated Press  ing  events  while  adher-
            casting  booth,  which  the  navirus,  Root  led  his  class-  The  ceremony  was  part  which  many  haven't  seen  ing to limitations on crowd
            graduating class of Faith Lu-  mates  as  they  pulled  up  of a growing push by high  classmates for months and  sizes  and  social  distancing
            theran High School listened  one-by-one  to  the  waving  schools  across  the  country  missed out on traditional se-  guidelines.  They  are  spac-
            to as they sat with family in  checkered flag to get their  to  find  a  way  to  hold  in-  nior activities such as proms  ing  students  apart  in  big
            individual cars decked out  certificate from administra-  person graduations and of-   and end-of-school parties.   auditoriums  with  limited
            with signs, banners and bal-  tors  wearing  face  masks.  fer up some added pomp  There are still many schools  guests,  or  in  one  town  in
            loons.  Then,  in  front  of  the  To mark the milestone, the  amid the coronavirus pan-  that have settled on virtual  New  Hampshire,  sending
            empty  grandstands  of  the  students  and  their  families  demic. The graduation cer-  graduations  —  something  seniors off with a mountain-
            racetrack that's been idled  whooped  and  cheered  emony is seen by many as  that's  drawn  online  peti-          top graduation, accessible
            for months due to the coro-  and then hit the gas pedal.  salvaging  a  school  year  in  tions  from  students  and  by chairlift. q
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