Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200525
P. 28

                       Monday 25 May 2020
            Israel’s Netanyahu attacks justice system as trial begins

            By ARON HELLER                                                                                                      Netanyahu  faces  charges
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of  fraud,  breach  of  trust
            JERUSALEM  (AP)  —  To  the                                                                                         and  accepting  bribes  in
            sounds  of  his  impassioned                                                                                        a  series  of  corruption  cas-
            supporters  chanting  out-                                                                                          es  stemming  from  ties  to
            side, a defiant Israeli Prime                                                                                       wealthy  friends.  He  is  ac-
            Minister  Benjamin  Netan-                                                                                          cused  of  accepting  lavish
            yahu  strode  into  a  Jerusa-                                                                                      gifts  and  offering  to  grant
            lem  courtroom  Sunday  to                                                                                          favors  to  powerful  media
            face  corruption  charges                                                                                           moguls in exchange for fa-
            in a long-awaited trial that                                                                                        vorable  coverage  of  him
            has  overshadowed  three                                                                                            and  his  family.  He  denies
            inconclusive  elections  and                                                                                        the  charges,  which  come
            deeply  divided  the  coun-                                                                                         after  years  of  scandals
            try.                                                                                                                swirling around the family.
            As  he  entered  the  court-                                                                                        During  the  proceedings,
            house  to  become  the                                                                                              the lawyers and judges also
            country's  first  sitting  prime                                                                                    wore masks, with the three-
            minister  to  go  on  trial,  Ne-                                                                                   judge  panel  sitting  behind
            tanyahu  launched  into  a                                                                                          a glass divider. In a hint of
            lengthy  tirade  against  the                                                                                       what  could  lie  ahead,  his
            nation's  justice  system  in                                                                                       lawyer  said  the  defense
            which  he  accused  police,                                                                                         would need several months
            prosecutors,  judges  and    People protest against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hold banners outside his residence in   to  study  the  hundreds  of
            the media of a deep state-   Jerusalem, Sunday, May 24, 2020.                                     Associated Press.  reams of evidence and to
            type  conspiracy  aimed  to                                                                                         build its legal team.
            oust him against the will of  from  the  leadership  of  the  tacks  on  the  legal  system  ecution  seeking  to  topple  Netanyahu  did  not  speak
            the people.                  country for many years."     risk  irreversible  damage  to  a leader of historic propor-  during the one-hour session,
            "I  stand  before  you  with  a  The  standoff,  and  Netan-  citizens' faith in state institu-  tion. Others gathered at his  rising  just  once  to  confirm
            straight  back  and  head  yahu's  own  fiery  rhetoric,  tions.                       official  residence  to  dem-  he  understood  the  charg-
            raised  high,"  he  said,  sur-  looked  to  worsen  the  na-  Outside  the  courthouse,  onstrate against what they  es. He will not be required
            rounded  by  leading  Cabi-  tion's  deep  divisions  just  hundreds of supporters ral-  called  a  "crime  minister"  to  attend  future  hearings
            net  ministers  of  his  Likud  after  Netanyahu  swore  in  lied  in  his  defense,  pack-  and  carried  posters  call-  during  a  case  that  legal
            party.  "The  objective  is  to  what  he  called  a  "unity"  ing  a  narrow  street  while  ing for his resignation. They  analysts  expect  to  stretch
            depose a strong, right-wing  government  with  a  former  waving  Israeli  flags  and  faced  off  across  police  over several years. The next
            prime minister, and thus re-  rival.  Critics  have  said  Ne-  banners  denouncing  what  barricades with more of the  hearing was scheduled for
            move the nationalist camp  tanyahu's     repeated    at-  they called a corrupt pros-  prime minister's backers.    July 19.q

              Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water cannon at protesters

              Continued from Page 27      national  legislative  session  Hong Kong residents. And  crying the proposed legis-  delegate  to  the  National
                                          on Friday. It would bypass  it does not affect the legiti-  lation. In a statement, the  People's  Congress  in  Bei-
              At  least  180  people  were  Hong  Kong's  legislature  mate rights and interests of  coalition  called  it  a  "fla-  jing,  defended  the  na-
              arrested, mostly on charg-  and could allow mainland  foreign  investors  in  Hong  grant breach" of the Sino-   tional  security  legislation
              es  of  unlawful  assembly,  agencies  to  be  set  up  in  Kong," he said.          British  Joint  Declaration,  a  pushed  by  China,  saying
              police said.                the city, sparking concern  U.S.  Secretary  of  State  1984  treaty  that  promised  it  was  written  into  Hong
              They also said that some of  that Chinese agents could  Mike  Pompeo  has  called  Hong Kong a high degree  Kong's  Basic  Law  —  the
              the protesters threw bricks  arbitrarily arrest people for  the proposal "a death knell  of  autonomy  even  after  city's  mini-constitution  —
              and  splashed  unidentified  activities  deemed  to  be  for the high degree of au-  the  handover  of  Hong  but never enacted.
              liquid at officers, injuring at  pro-democracy.         tonomy" that Beijing prom-   Kong to China in 1997.      Chan  expressed  concern
              least four members of the  Speaking  at  an  annual  ised the former British colo-   President  Donald  Trump's  that Hong Kong would in-
              police media liaison team.  news    conference    dur-  ny when it was returned to  national  security  adviser,  evitably  face  economic
              They warned that such be-   ing  the  legislative  session,  China in 1997.          Robert  O'Brien,  said  it  ap-  hardship  given  trade  fric-
              havior  is  against  the  law  Chinese  Foreign  Minister  Chris  Patten,  the  last  Brit-  peared  that  China  was  tions between the U.S. and
              and that police would pur-  Wang Yi said Sunday that  ish governor of Hong Kong  violating the 1984 treaty.      China.
              sue the matter.             Hong Kong affairs were an  prior  to  its  handover  to  "And I can't see how Hong  "I think we are definitely the
              Earlier  in  the  afternoon,  internal  matter  for  China,  China, lamented what he  Kong  remains  the  Asian  collateral  damage  being
              prominent  activist  Tam  and that "no external inter-  called "a new Chinese dic-   financial center if the Chi-  dragged into this thing. But
              Tak-chi  was  arrested  dur-  ference will be tolerated."  tatorship." "I think the Hong  nese   Communist   Party  then,  I  don't  think  there's
              ing  the  protest  for  what  "Excessive unlawful foreign  Kong  people  have  been  goes  through  and  imple-  any alternatives," he said.
              police  said  was  unauthor-  meddling  in  Hong  Kong  betrayed by China, which  ments this national security  "But  with  or  without  this
              ized assembly. Tam said he  affairs  has  placed  China's  has  proved  once  again  law  and  takes  over  Hong  law, honestly, the U.S. and
              was  giving  a  "health  talk"  national  security  in  seri-  that  you  can't  trust  it  fur-  Kong," O'Brien said Sunday  China  are  always  going
              and  was  exempt  from  so-  ous jeopardy," Wang said,  ther than you can throw it,"  on CBS's "Face the Nation."  to  be  continuing  this  log-
              cial-distancing  measures  adding that the proposed  Patten said in an interview  "That would be a tragedy  gerhead  for  quite  some
              that prohibit gatherings of  legislation "does not affect  with The Times of London.   for  the  people  of  Hong  time to come," Chan said.
              more than eight people.     the high degree of auton-   Patten  is  leading  a  coali-  Kong, but it will also be very  "China  will  remain  as  a
              The bill that triggered Sun-  omy in Hong Kong."        tion  of  at  least  204  inter-  bad for China," he said.  threat  to  the  U.S.  in  terms
              day's  rally  was  submitted  "It does not affect the rights  national  lawmakers  and  Bernard Chan, a top-level  of  the  ...  world  economic
              at  the  opening  of  China's  and freedoms enjoyed by  policymakers who are de-     Hong  Kong  politician  and  dominance."q
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