Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200525
P. 31

locAl           Monday 25 May 2020



               hotel staff

               ORANJESTAD  —  We  are
               far away from each other
               but  still  connected!  We
               know many of you as our
               loyal  readers  and  friends
               and we know you just love
               Aruba’s  hospitality.  The
               most  striking  is  that  all  of
               you mention the great ser-
               vice and the bond with the  us a picture of that favor-  We will also do our utmost  when they will restart their  picture  to:  news@aruba-
               waiter,  the  receptionist  or  ite waiter or housekeeper  to  find  this  person  and  work.  They  without  doubt
               other staff members in the  or  any  other  hotel  staff  make  sure  she  or  he  will  miss  you  and  that  is  why
               hotels and restaurants.     together  with  a  personal  get  this  message.  Many  we would like to reach out  You may also send us a PM
                                           message for them to pub-   of them have lost their job  to you to make a connec-   on Facebook but pictures
               We welcome you to send  lish this in our newspaper.  and  do  not  know  if  and  tion.  Send  your  text  and  are best sent by email. q

            The Caribbean’s Healthiest vacation experience  at Bucuti & Tara Aruba

            EAGLE BEACH — The management  implemented employee-screening
            team at the Bucuti & Tara Beach Re-  measures to assess signs and symp-
            sort in Aruba continue their efforts  toms of infection and whether the
            to  be  the  Caribbean’s  healthiest  employee  could  have  been  in
            vacation experience by perfecting  contact  with  the  virus.  Employees
            the  Corona  virus  safeguards  and  are  currently  and  will  continue  to
            protocols,  with  a  visit  to  Aruba’s  go  through  temperature  checks
            Horacio E. Oduber hospital.         before entering the resort.

            Resort Manager, Rik van der Berg  Practice, Practice…Practice
            and Assistant Manager, Ignacio Or-  Bucuti  &  Tara  Associates  have  all
            tiz met with Sinead Geerman, MSC  been ServSafe certified and have
            and Marjolyn Maduro, the hospital  been  thoroughly  trained  for  all
            infection and prevention practitio-  new COVID-19 protocols including
            ners, to review our resort protocol  physical distancing.   With the hotel
            and to learn the best approach to  operation  having  remained  open
            ensure health for the protection of  with new guests, including hospital
            our associates and guests alike.    front-line  and  ICU  personnel  and
                                                a  KLM  Airline  crew,  providing  the
            Every  associate  to  be  tested  for  valuable  opportunity  to  train  and   nology  and  Industrial  Ionization  •  Step 3.  Sanidyne® Premium UV
            COVID-19 and screened daily         implement the new protocols.        equipment  recently  announced,         Portable Air and Surface Sani-
            Every  associate  will  be  tested  for                                 electrostatic  devices  will  precisely   tizer treatment
            COVID  and  Bucuti  &  Tara  have  In  addition  to  the  new  UV  tech-  apply disinfectants and will sanitize  •  Step  4.  HEPA  air-cleaners,
                                                                                    public  areas  with  enhanced  pro-     which  have  always  been  in
                                                                                    tocols  for  the  fitness  and  wellness   each  room,  continue  to  pro-
                                                                                    areas.                                  vide the purest air on the island.
                                                                                                                        •  Step 5. Rooms are sealed with
                                                                                    Extensive protocols include:            a sticker to ensure no entry of
                                                                                    •  Step  1.  Environmentally  safe,     the  room  prior  to  guest’s  re-
                                                                                        hospital-grade  hydrogen  per-      moval of the sticker.
                                                                                        oxide cleaning solution contin-  •  Sept  6.  Electrostatic  applica-
                                                                                        ues  being  used,  which  is  both   tion  of  disinfectants  with  spe-
                                                                                        EPA and LEED approved.              cial  attention  to  Fitness  and
                                                                                    •  Step  2.  An  AtmosAir  Rainier      Wellness areas
                                                                                        Summit  ionizer  treatment  re-  COVID-19 policies are easily to be
                                                                                        moves  any  mold,  mildew  and  found  on  Bucuti  &  Tara  website
                                                                                        bacteria or viruses             homepage: q
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