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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 25 May 2020
            Europeans soak up the sun but virus travel rules a mishmash

            By GEIR MOULSON                                                                                                     workers  and  family  visitors
            Associated Press                                                                                                    from other European coun-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Europeans                                                                                          tries. But is calling for a vol-
            soaked  up  the  sun  where                                                                                         untary  14-day  quarantine
            they  could,  taking  advan-                                                                                        for  people  arriving  from
            tage  of  the  first  holiday                                                                                       Britain and Spain, because
            weekend  since  coronavi-                                                                                           those  countries  imposed  a
            rus restrictions were eased,                                                                                        similar  requirement  on  the
            while  governments  grap-                                                                                           French.
            pled with how and when to                                                                                           Italy,  which  plans  to  open
            safely let in foreign travelers                                                                                     regional  and  international
            to salvage the vital summer                                                                                         borders on June 3 in a bid
            tourist season.                                                                                                     to boost tourism, is only now
            Overjoyed  French  fami-                                                                                            allowing  residents  back  to
            lies  flocked  to  the  Grande                                                                                      beaches  in  their  own  re-
            Motte beach on the Medi-                                                                                            gions — with restrictions.
            terranean  shore  Sunday,                                                                                           In  the  northwestern  Liguria
            swimming  and  sunbathing                                                                                           region,  people  were  al-
            in  areas  specially  marked                                                                                        lowed a dip in the sea and
            to  keep  a  distance  from                                                                                         a walk along the shore, but
            others.  Cordons  of  ropes                                                                                         no  sunbathing.  In  Savona,
            and  wooden  stakes  were                                                                                           a dozen people were fined
            neatly  spaced  out  across                                                                                         for  violating  sunbathing
            the  sand,  giving  each     People take a walk and relax at the Naviglio Grande canal, in Milan, Italy, Sunday, May 24, 2020.   bans. Rimini, on Italy's east
            visitor  or  group  an  eight-                                                                    Associated Press.  coast,  attracted  beach-
            square-meter  (85-square-    mishmash  of  travel  restric-  conditions,"  Prime  Minister  require a new approach.   goers  beginning  at  dawn,
            foot) space of their own.    tions appears to be on the  Pedro  Sánchez  said.  "We  "We  don't  think  people  and  many  sat  in  widely
            Online   reservations   are  horizon,  often  depending  will  guarantee  that  tour-  want  closely  packed  big-  spaced  groups.  Still,  au-
            required  though  free  of  on where travelers live and  ists  aren't  at  risk  and  that  city bustle at the moment,"  thorities  had  to  work  at
            charge,  and  there  is  al-  what  passports  they  car-  they  don't  represent  a  risk  Burkhard  Kieker,  the  chief  enforcing  distancing  on  a
            ready a two-day waiting list.  ry.  Germany,  France  and  (to Spain)." For now, travel  of  visitBerlin,  told  RBB  In-  popular beach in Palermo.
            Those lucky enough to get  other  European  countries  between  Spain's  provinces  foradio.  His  agency  has  ''We can't forget that the vi-
            a spot for a four-day week-  aim  to  open  their  borders  isn't  allowed  and  many  launched    a   campaign  rus exists and is circulating,"
            end  relished  the  opportu-  for European travel in mid-  other  restrictions  remain  showing "how much green  deputy health minister Pier-
            nity,  frolicking  beneath  a  June, but it isn't clear when  —  although  on  Monday,  space and how much wa-      paolo  Sileri  told  Sky  TG24.
            summer-like sun. Elsewhere  intercontinental  travel  will  residents in worst-hit Madrid  ter there is" in Berlin.  "Even if the numbers of new
            in  France,  beaches  have  resume.  Spain,  one  of  the  and Barcelona will be able  In Paris, where all city parks  cases are low, we must re-
            also reopened, but only for  worst-hit  countries  in  the  to join the rest of the coun-  remain  closed,  residents  spect the rules."
            individual  sports  or  walks,  pandemic  and  also  one  try  in  dining  outdoors  at  soaked  up  the  sun  along  For the first time in months,
            and visitors weren't allowed  of  the  world's  top  destina-  bars and restaurants, which  the  embankments  of  the  well-spaced  faithful  gath-
            to sit or lie down.          tions  for  international  trav-  can offer only 50% of their  Seine River and lounged on  ered  in  the  Vatican's  St.
            Yet even as social distanc-  elers,  says  it  won't  reopen  usual tables.            ledges outside the Tuileries  Peter's Square for the tradi-
            ing  rules  spread  families  for foreign tourists until July.  In Germany, domestic tour-  Gardens.  In  some  spots,  tional  Sunday  papal  bless-
            and  friends  out  Sunday  To  boost  the  economy,  ists will be allowed to return  people  sat  safely  spaced  ing.  About  2,000  Muslims
            across beaches and parks,  the  country's  leader  has  Monday  to  Mecklenburg-       apart.  Elsewhere,  groups  gathered  for  for  Eid  al-Fitr
            the  virus  remained  a  con-  encouraged  Spaniards  to  Western  Pomerania  state  of maskless teens crowded  prayers  at  a  sports  com-
            stant  threat.  Europe  has  "start  planning  their  vaca-  in  the  northeast  —  home  together,  shrugging  off  so-  plex  in  the  Paris  suburb  of
            seen  over  169,000  dead,  tions"  for  late  June  inside  to  the  country's  Baltic  Sea  cial distancing rules.  Levallois-Perret,   carefully
            according  to  a  tally  by  Spain.  "Come  July,  we  will  coast  —  and  to  hotels  in  Beginning Monday, France  spaced  a  meter  (about
            Johns Hopkins University.    allow  the  arrival  of  foreign  Berlin, the popular capital.  is relaxing its border restric-  three feet) apart and wear-
            Across  the  continent,  a  tourists to Spain under safe  But  tourism  campaigns  will  tions,  allowing  in  migrant  ing masks.q

            Hong Kong police fire tear gas, water

            cannon at protesters

            By ZEN SOO                   by  China's  rubber-stamp  in  the  Causeway  Bay  dis-
            Associated Press             parliament  this  week,  that  trict  on  Sunday,  chant-
            HONG KONG (AP) — Hong  would ban secessionist and  ing slogans such as "Stand
            Kong  police  fired  tear  gas  subversive  activity,  as  well  with Hong Kong," "Liberate
            and  a  water  cannon  at  as  foreign  interference,  Hong  Kong"  and  "Revolu-
            protesters  in  a  popular  in  the  semi-autonomous  tion of our times."
            shopping  district  Sunday,  Chinese  territory.The  pro-  The protest was a continu-
            as  thousands  took  to  the  democracy camp says the  ation of a monthslong pro-
            streets  to  march  against  proposal  goes  against  the  democracy      movement     A  protester  is  detained  by  riot  police  during  a  demonstration
            China's  move  to  impose  "one country, two systems"  in  Hong  Kong  that  began     against Beijing's national security legislation in Causeway Bay
            national  security  legisla-  framework  that  promises  last  year  and  has  at  times   in Hong Kong, Sunday, May 24, 2020.   Associated Press.
            tion  on  the  city.  Pro-de-  Hong  Kong  freedoms  not  descended  into  violence
            mocracy  supporters  have  found in mainland China.       between  police  and  pro-   disperse, before firing multi-  at the demonstrators.
            sharply  criticized  a  pro-  Crowds  of  demonstrators  testers.  Police  raised  blue  ple rounds of tear gas. They
            posal,  set  to  be  approved  dressed  in  black  gathered  flags, warning protesters to  later fired a water cannon      Continued on Page 28
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