Page 32 - bon-dia-aruba-20200525
P. 32

a32    local
                       Monday 25 May 2020

            Aruba Food & Beverage Association conducts survey among restaurants:

            “Many restaurants will not survive without the wage subsidy or any

            sort of financial aid”

            ORANJESTAD  —  The  Aruba                                                                                           tify  100  restaurants  to  be
            Food & Beverage Associa-                                                                                            open  which  will  force  our
            tion (AF&BA) recently con-                                                                                          sector in a regretful survival
            ducted  a  survey  among                                                                                            of the fittest with 200 restau-
            restaurants  centering  on                                                                                          rants opening.
            convid-19 and how this af-                                                                                          On  the  last  question  “Do
            fected  the  restaurant  sec-                                                                                       you  consider  closing  your
            tor.  Thirty-six  (12%)  restau-                                                                                    restaurant?” 8.33% respond
            rants responded to the sur-                                                                                         to  close  their  restaurant
            vey.                                                                                                                while  83.3%  responds  to
                                                                                                                                remain  operational  while
            The  first  question  “Did  you                                                                                     8.33% is not sure yet. In gen-
            apply  for  wage  subsidy  *?                                                                                       eral, great satisfaction was
            61.1%  responded  having                                                                                            expressed on wage subsidy
            applied  for  wage  subsidy                                                                                         was  administered  by  SVB
            while  38.8%  responded  of  outside  terrace  on  May  hope this subsidy will carry  their staff at 100% based on  and management of same
            not  having  applied.  Con-  25?”, was question number  the  sector  through  includ-  few tourists is reduced with  by GOA.
            clusions may be drawn that  three and 36.1% responded  ing the month of July 2020.  15%  from  61.1%  to  47.2%.  AF&BA  plans  to  conduct
            restaurants  may  not  have  to open with a terrace and  Based  on  this  question  it  is  This also implies that many  another survey next month
            applied  for  the  wage  sub-  63.89%  responded  not  to  estimated,  however,  that  restaurants will not be able  with  questions  pertaining
            sidy because of mixed feel-  open with a terrace.         1000  employees  will  lose  to survive without the wage  to the opening of terraces,
            ings of being able to open                                their  job  in  the  restaurant  subsidy or any sort of finan-  the  Aruba  Health  &  Hap-
            and prefer the FASE subsidy  Question  number  4,  “How  sector.                       cial aid.                    piness Code and a repeat
            **.                          much of your staff you think                                                           of  some  questions  as  op-
                                         you  can  retain  3  months  The  fifth  question  “How  “When  do  you  think  it  erators reflect on the future
            On  the  second  question  from  now?  61.1%  respond-    much of your staff you think  would be safe and sustain-  re-opening  of  their  restau-
            “How  would  you  describe  ed  to  be  able  to  retain  you  can  retain  6  months  able  to  open  your  restau-  rants.
            your  business?  83.3%  re-  100%  of  the  staff  trough  from  now?  47.2%  respond-  rant”  is  question  number  6  Considering   the   many
            sponded  to  be  closed  for  the  month  of  July;  16.67%  ed  being  able  to  retain  and  13.89%  answers  to  be  challenges  ahead  AF&BA
            business – ZERO SALES – 11.  responded  being  able  to  100%  of  their  staff  through  able to open the restaurant  recommends   restaurant
            %  responded  to  have  25%  retain  staff  for  75%;  11.1%  the month of October; 25%  in June; 5.56% is thinking to  operators to reach consen-
            sales; and 5.56% responded  responded  being  able  to  responded  being  able  to  open  in  July;  8.33%  thinks  sus on shorter working hours
            to have 50% sales. From the  retain 50% of the staff and  retain  staff  for  75%;  22.2%  of  opening  in  August  and  and  days  with  their  staff
            above it may be conclud-     11.1%  responded  to  be  responded  being  able  to  13.89%  is  thinking  to  open  now  that  hotel  occupan-
            ed  that  the  F&B  sector  re-  able  to  retain  25%  of  the  retain 50% of the staff and  somewhere  in  September  cies  will  proof  very  com-
            ceived a tremendous blow  staff.  The  response  reflects  5.56%  responded  to  be  and 13.89% respond in 5 – 6  plex to sustain hotel occu-
            due  to  Convid-19  and  the  optimism  possibly  based  able  to  retain  25%  of  the  months; 27.7% thinks about  pancies  30  –  40%  at  100%
            corresponding lock down.     on  the  recently  received  staff. Three months later the  opening when the Govern-   staff. Flexibilization of labor
            “Would  you  open  with  an  wage  subsidy  and  the  restaurants that can retain  ment authorizes restaurants  laws will be key for our res-
                                                                                                   to  open  while  the  major-  taurant  sector  to  service
                                                                                                   ity 30.56% is not sure. Some  according  to  AF&BA  and
                                                                                                   analysis here may guide us  urges  the  Government  of
                                                                                                   to  a  projection  of  200  res-  Aruba (GOA) to start think-
                                                                                                   taurants  that  consider  to  ing  in  this  direction.  Ques-
                                                                                                   open  6  months  from  now.  tions to AF&BA can be sent
                                                                                                   An  AHATA  projection  of  to  our
                                                                                                   30% occupancy would jus-     email address.q

                                                                                                   *The salary subsidy is financial support for local businesses that
                                                                                                   have been financially affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in
                                                                                                   the form of revenue loss of more than 25%. The main objective
                                                                                                   of this support is to keep as many people employed as pos-
                                                                                                   sible despite partial or complete loss of economic activity and
                                                                                                   to guarantee payments of partial salaries.
                                                                                                   **FASE  is  a  compensation  from  the  Emergency  Social  Assis-
                                                                                                   tance Funds FASE to help cover the loss of income of employees
                                                                                                   due to the reduction of working hours, causing them to earn less
                                                                                                   than AWG. 950, 00 ($ 543) monthly.
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