Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20200525
P. 30

a30    feature
                       Monday 25 May 2020
            Holiday amid pandemic: Americans divided on how to respond

            By  DAVID  CRARY,  AMY                                                                                              try to contain infections at
            FORLITI and GEIR MOULSON                                                                                            a  time  usually  marked  by
            Associated Press                                                                                                    multigenerational  feasting
            NEW YORK (AP) — President                                                                                           and collective prayer.
            Donald  Trump  played  golf                                                                                         In  Germany,  which  has
            at  one  of  his  courses  Sat-                                                                                     drawn  praise  for  its  han-
            urday during the Memorial                                                                                           dling  of  the  virus,  seven
            Day weekend as he urged                                                                                             people  appear  to  have
            U.S.  states  to  reopen  after                                                                                     been infected at a restau-
            coronavirus-related   lock-                                                                                         rant in the northwest of the
            downs.  Yet  many  Ameri-                                                                                           country. It would be the first
            cans remained cautious as                                                                                           such known case since res-
            the  number  of  confirmed                                                                                          taurants started reopening
            cases  nationwide  passed                                                                                           two weeks ago.
            1.6 million.                                                                                                        And in Frankfurt, more than
            In  California,  where  many                                                                                        40  people  tested  positive
            businesses and recreational                                                                                         after  a  church  service  of
            activities are reopening, of-                                                                                       the  Evangelical  Christian
            ficials in Los Angeles Coun-                                                                                        Baptist  congregation  May
            ty said they would maintain                                                                                         10.  A  church  leader  said
            tight restrictions until July 4.                                                                                    the congregation has can-
            Some religious leaders took                                                                                         celed  gatherings  and  is
            issue with Trump’s declara-                                                                                         now  holding  services  on-
            tion that houses of worship                                                                                         line.  Authorities  in  nearby
            are  “essential”  and  should   Cocoa Beach, Fla., is packed with Memorial Day beachgoers on Saturday, May 23, 2020.   Hanau  called  off  Muslim
                                                                                                              Associated Press.
            resume  in-person  services                                                                                         prayers  planned  for  a  sta-
            this weekend.                northeastern  U.S.,  where  cially in the French Quarter,  “It was a lot of fun,” Young  dium  Sunday  as  a  pre-
            “Being at the epicenter of  newly  reopened  beaches  which relies largely on tour-    said. “Finally going, having  caution.  Religious  events
            this  pandemic  and  in  or-  were  expected  to  attract  ist dollars.                some  feeling  of  normalcy.  helped  spread  the  virus
                                                                      At least a few out-of-town-  ... We had a very enjoyable  early  in  the  pandemic;  re-
                                                                      ers  trickled  in.  Greer  Falls  morning.”  Overseas, there  suming  such  gatherings  is
                                                                      of Augusta, Georgia, wore  was  mixed  news.  New  an especially thorny issue.
                                                                      a  mask  as  he  entered  the  coronavirus cases reported  Mindful   of   evangelical
                                                                      Royal  House  restaurant  for  in  China  were  zero  Satur-  Christians  who  are  key  to
                                                                      lunch. After weeks at home,  day  for  the  first  time  since  his base ahead of Novem-
                                                                      he  said  he  was  ready  the  outbreak  began  but  ber’s election, Trump on Fri-
                                                                      for  a  change  of  scenery  surged  in  India  and  over-  day  called  houses  of  wor-
                                                                      and  didn’t  want  to  miss  a  whelmed  hospitals  across  ship  “essential”  and  urged
                                                                      birthday  celebration  with  Latin America.               governors  to  let  them  re-
                                                                      friends  he’s  known  for  de-  Many  governments  are  open  this  weekend.  How-
                                                                      cades.  Some  amusement  easing  restrictions  as  they  ever,  leaders  of  many  de-
                                                                      parks,  such  as  Mt.  Olym-  face  a  political  backlash  nominations said they plan
                                                                      pus  in  the  Wisconsin  Dells  and   historic   economic  to  move  gradually  and
                                                                      and  Lagoon  amusement  recessions.  In  just  a  few  cautiously.
            Hazel Roberts walks in a field of flags ahead of Memorial Day,   park  in  Farmington,  Utah,  months,   the   pandemic  In  Minnesota,  Gov.  Tim
            Saturday, May 23, 2020, in Cohasset, Mass.                opened  for  the  first  time  has  killed  at  least  340,000  Walz said he is scrapping a
                                                     Associated Press  in  months.  The  Facebook  people  worldwide  and  in-  10-person  limit  on  gather-
                                                                      sites  for  both  parks  were  fected  about  5.3  million,  ings  and  letting  houses  of
            der to protect our flock, we  throngs of people and test  flooded  with  comments  according  to  a  tally  kept  worship open at 25% occu-
            advise  that  congregations  the  effectiveness  of  social  from visitors excited to ride  by Johns Hopkins University.  pancy  if  safety  guidelines
            remain  closed  until  more  distancing rules. At Orchard  go-karts  or  roller  coasters,  As the United States closed  are met.
            accurate  and  uniform  in-  Beach  in  the  Bronx,  which  though  some  complained  in  on  100,000  confirmed  Archbishop  Bernard  Heb-
            formation is provided,” said  was  crowded  a  weekend  about  Lagoon’s  policy  of  COVID-19 deaths, the New  da of the Roman Catholic
            Bishop  Paul  Egensteiner,  earlier,  parking  lots  were  requiring masks.            York  Times  devoted  Sun-   Archdiocese of St. Paul and
            who  oversees  the  Evan-    mostly  empty  except  for  Andrew Young, 29, said La-    day’s   entire,   photo-less  Minneapolis welcomed the
            gelical  Lutheran  Church  in  large puddles.             goon  has  been  a  lifelong  front page to a list of nearly  change  but  said  priests
            America’s  congregations  To the south, Trump played  summer  staple  and  when  1,000  names  of  pandemic  should  not  reopen  their
            in  the  hard-hit  New  York  golf  at  one  of  his  private  he learned the park would  victims with a few words in  churches if they can’t com-
            City region.                 clubs  for  the  first  time  dur-  be  open  Saturday,  he  memorial  for  each,  culled  ply with safety measures.
            Statewide,  New  York  re-   ing  the  pandemic  —  the  went  online  immediately  from  obituaries  published  France  allowed  in-person
            ported its lowest number of  Trump  National  Golf  Club  to  make  a  reservation  for  around the country. “Con-  services  to  resume  Satur-
            daily coronavirus deaths —  in  Virginia.  He  has  been  himself, his wife and 2-year-  tinued on Page 12,” it read  day after a legal challenge
            84 — in many weeks in what  pushing for state and local  old  daughter.  Because  a  at bottom right.               to  a  ban  on  gatherings  in
            Gov.  Andrew  Cuomo  de-     leaders  to  fully  reopen  af-  limited  number  of  people  Turkey,  which  has  record-  places of worship.
            scribed as a critical bench-  ter months of closures and  were  allowed  entry,  they  ed over 155,000 infections,  One  of  the  world’s  major
            mark. The daily death tally  tight restrictions.          found short lines and there  imposed  its  toughest  lock-  pilgrimage  sites  is  reopen-
            peaked at 799 on April 8.    Parts of New Orleans stirred  always  seemed  to  be  just  down measures yet for the  ing Sunday: the Church of
            “For  me,  it’s  a  sign  that  to back life, with some res-  one  other  family  on  each  Eid  al-Fitr  holiday  marking  the  Holy  Sepulcher  in  Je-
            we’re  making  real  prog-   taurants  and  businesses  ride.  There  were  also  sani-  the  end  of  Ramadan.  Ye-  rusalem,  built  on  the  site
            ress,” Cuomo said.           opening  for  the  first  time  tation  stations  and  other  men’s  Houthi  rebels  urged  where  Christians  believe
            Rain dampened the start of  in  over  two  months.  Some  measures  to  keep  people  believers to use masks and  Jesus was crucified, buried
            the holiday weekend in the  remained  closed,  espe-      distanced and feeling safe.  stay  inside,  as  authorities  and resurrected. q
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