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sports Diahuebs 14 OctOber 2021
Going the distance: Giants-Dodgers headed to Game 5 Thursday
(AP) — It is only fitting ries. Game 1 will be Saturday cisco for the seventh time
that 70 years after Bobby night in either Atlanta or San this year. The left-hander al-
Thomson’s “Shot Heard Francisco. lowed one run on three hits
’Round the World” that in five innings in the Dodg-
the Giants and Dodgers Kapler said that Logan ers’ 9-2 victory in Game 2 last
will play in another all-or- Webb will get the start. The Saturday.
nothing game. 24-year-old right-hander will
be the youngest Giants pitch- The Giants, who won 107
Los Angeles’ 7-2 win over er to start a deciding game. games during the regular sea-
San Francisco on Tuesday Webb will make his fifth start son, took 10 of the 19 regu-
night in Game 4 of the NL this season against the Dodg- lar-season meetings. That
Division Series evened the ers. He threw 7 2/3 shutout one-win edge ended up giv-
series and sent the first Ma- innings, struck out 10 and ing San Francisco its first NL
jor League Baseball playoff allowed only five hits in San West title since 2012 over the
matchup between teams with Francisco’s 4-0 victory last wild-card Dodgers, who won
at least 105 wins to Game 5 Friday in Game 1. 106.
Thursday night at San Fran- from what they have done all lifted the New York Giants
cisco’s Oracle Park. “I don’t think we’re going Thursday night will be this season. over Jackie Robinson and the
to spend a lot of time dis- season’s 24th and final meet- Brooklyn Dodgers 5-4 at the
“This is what baseball wants. secting as a team this game. ing. “I’ve said this throughout Polo Grounds in 1951.
I mean, I think, as I under- I think we’re going to get on the year, but the lineup that
stand, all the series are done the plane, have an off day, a “ I think the playbook is kind we throw out there against The longtime rivalry had
and so we’re going to be the real off day,” Giants man- of we know each other’s lefties, the lineup that we moved from the East Coast
only show in town. So if you ager Gabe Kapler said. “We’ll playbook, so now it just goes throughout there last time to the West Coast when they
have a pulse or you’re a sports schedule our workout for a to old school, we’re going to against Julio, I feel really good met again in 1962 in a best-
fan, you better be watching little bit later. We’ll start get- run the ball to the right and about,” Kapler said. “It’s a lot of-three matchup for the NL
Dodgers-Giants,” Los An- ting ready for Game 5. you’re going to have to stop of high-quality hitters, guys pennant. San Francisco beat
geles manager Dave Roberts us and it’s the Vince Lombar- that see pitches, that can hit Sandy Koufax in the opener,
said. “I’m sure it will be a lively di,” Roberts said. “So it’s like home runs against left-hand- then lost to Los Angeles to set
atmosphere. It’s going to be we’re going to play, we know ed pitching, and their track up another Game 3. Giants
This will be the third time nice to get back to Oracle and what we do, they know what record suggests that.” great Willie Mays delivered
that two heated rivals will have the support of our fans. we do, we know who they a key hit during a four-run
meet in a deciding game to And, yeah, we’re looking for- want to have the baseball in These two franchises that be- rally in the ninth inning in a
see who advances. The 1951 ward to it,” he said. Game 5, they know who we gan meeting up in 1884 share 6-4 win at Dodger Stadium.
and 1962 National League want and the matchups that a bond in these deciding
tiebreaker series both went to Roberts said before Tuesday’s we’re trying to get, now it’s games -- much to the Giants’ At this point, they’ve each
third games, with the Giants game that Julio Urías will get about going out there and delight. won 109 times this season.
winning both to advance to the call in the deciding game. executing and the best team Now, it’s down to one game
the World Series. Urías, who led the majors in wins.” Thomson connected for one once more.
victories and was the Dodg- of the most famous home
This time the winner gets a ers’ first 20-game winner Kapler also echoed Roberts’ runs in baseball history, a “I think it’s only fitting,”
date with the Atlanta Braves since Clayton Kershaw in sentiments and added that three-run drive in the bot- Dodgers pitcher Walker Bue-
in the NL Championship Se- 2014, will be facing San Fran- they aren’t about to deviate tom of the ninth inning hler said.
Kyrie Irving skips COVID jab and benches himself - for now
(AP) - It’s hard to know So maybe it wasn’t much of playing road games only, the ence. “I’m sure that this is the pandemic began raging in
where Kyrie Irving is get- a surprise Tuesday when sci- Brooklyn Nets gave him an not a decision that they like. March 2020, just hours after
ting his vaccination infor- ence tripped up the seven- ultimatum: a.) get the shot or … But again, this is a choice Commissioner Adam Silver
mation. Hope it’s not the time All-Star again. Hemmed b.) take the 2021-22 season that Kyrie had, and he was got word that Utah Jazz star
same sources that had him in by a New York City CO- off. well aware of that.” Rudy Gobert had tested posi-
convinced for a while the VID-19 vaccine mandate tive for COVID-19. It was
Earth was flat. that covers pro athletes and The argument for a.) is pretty Irving has ducked questions also the only league to devise
would have limited Irving to straightforward. The Nets about whether he was vacci- a single “bubble” to resume
are paying Irving $34 million nated, saying three weeks ago games and among the first
per year to blend with Kevin in a Zoom interview with re- to let some fans back in the
Durant and James Harden — porters, “I think I just would stands. The people in charge
two of the best players in the love to just keep that private, aren’t likely to start bending
game — and maybe deliver handle it the right way with the rules now.
an NBA title to Brooklyn. my team and go forward to-
But b.) is not bad, either. gether with the plan.” Irving is an engaging, curious
29-year-old who does a lot
Irving can stay glued to his Whatever that plan is, Marks of charity work behind the
couch and still collect a cool made clear that Irving, a vice scenes, but he’s got a con-
$16 million or so. That’s be- president of the NBA Players trarian’s streak a mile long.
cause Nets general manager Association, was not among He fought the league over
Sean Marks and owner Joe the 96% of players the union the bubble setup and then
Tsai, who together decided said had taken the jab. “If he skipped out on the Nets a
the “half-a-loaf” approach was vaccinated,” Marks said, few times last season, citing
wasn’t worth the disruption, “we wouldn’t be having this “personal reasons” only to be
said Irving would be paid for discussion.” caught partying. He’s dab-
road games where he would bled in conspiracy theories
have been eligible to play. How much more they talk before, too, most famously
remains to be seen. It’s worth with his “earth is flat” pro-
“Will there be pushback noting the NBA was the first nouncement during a 2017
from Kyrie and his camp?” major sports league to pull podcast interview.
Marks said at a news confer- the plug on its season when