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P. 29
world news Diahuebs 14 OctOber 2021
Neo-fascists exploit ‘no-vax’ rage, posing dilemma for Italy
(AP) — An extreme-right to reach the offices of Italy’s police force took down Forza
party’s violent exploita- premier and the seat of Par- Nuova’s website for alleged
tion of anger over Italy’s liament. criminal instigation.
coronavirus restrictions
is forcing authorities to The protesters smashed Hours after the CGIL attack,
wrestle with the country’s union computers, ripped out scores of anti-vaccine pro-
fascist legacy and fueling phone lines and trashed of- testers also invaded a hospi-
fears there could be a re- fices after first trying to use tal emergency room where a
play of last week’s mobs metal bars to batter their way demonstrator, feeling ill, had
trying to force their way in through CGIL’s front door, been taken, frightening pa-
to Parliament. then breaking in through a tients and leaving two nurses
window. Unions have backed and three police officers in-
Starting Friday, anyone enter- the Green Pass as a way to jured.
ing workplaces in Italy must make Italy’s workplaces safer.
have received at least one vac- In response, Rome will see
cine dose, or recovered from CGIL leader Maurizio Lan- two more marches this Sat- Dureghello described the her party from Forza Nuova
COVID-19 recently or tested dini immediately drew paral- urday: one by opponents of “thuggery” in Rome as a while criticizing the Green
negative within two days, us- lels to attacks a century ago the Green Pass and another “grave, painful phenomenon, Pass workplace rule.
ing the country’s Green Pass by Benito Mussolini’s newly to show solidarity for CGIL organized by those who want
to prove their status. Italians minted Fascists against labor and provide what Landini to create disorder on one “We are light years distant
already use the pass to enter organizers as he consolidat- describes as an “antidote to hand and orient consensus” from any kind of subver-
restaurants, theaters, gyms ed his dictatorship’s grip on violence.” by drawing on prejudice in sive movement, in particular
and other indoor entertain- Italy. Italian society. In a tweet, she Forza Nuova,″ she said. She
ment, or to take long-dis- Police and intelligence offi- called for an urgent investiga- then accused Draghi’s broad
tance buses, trains or domes- To some watching the vio- cials huddled Wednesday on tion into “neo-fascist move- coalition, assembled earlier
tic flights. lence unfold, the attack also how to handle possible vio- ments and the network that this year to lead the country
evoked images of the Jan. 6 lence due to the start of the supports them.” through the pandemic, of
But 10,000 opponents of that assault by angry mob of the workplace virus mandate and “pretending not to see that
government decree turned U.S. Capitol as part of pro- the twin demonstrations. Also upsetting Italy’s tiny Saturday in the street there
out in Rome’s vast Piazza tests over President Donald Jewish community have were people demonstrating
del Popolo last Saturday in a Trump’s failed reelection bid. Sunday will also see a runoff been antisemitic comments their dissent about not hav-
protest that degenerated into mayoral election in Rome be- by a Rome mayoral candidate ing a government (Green)
alarming violence. “What we witnessed in the tween a center-left candidate selected by Giorgia Meloni, pass and not recognizing
last days was something truly and a right-wing candidate leader of the far-right Broth- their right to work.”
It’s the mixing and overlap of shocking,” said Ruth Du- chosen by the leader of a fast- ers of Italy, Parliament’s main
the extreme right and those reghello, president of the growing national opposition opposition party. It recently Prevalent in much of Italian
against Italy’s vaccine man- Jewish Community of Rome. party with neo-fascist roots. emerged that Enrico Mi- society is the idea “that Mus-
dates that are causing wor- chetti in 2020 wrote that the solini did good things,” such
ries, even though those op- Premier Mario Draghi told Among the dozen people ar- Holocaust receives so much as the common “myth” that
posed to vaccines are still a reporters that his govern- rested in Saturday’s violence attention because Jews “pos- he made the trains run on
distinct minority in a country ment is “reflecting” on par- are a co-founder of Forza sess banks.” He has since time and eradicated malaria,
where 80% of people 12 and liamentary motions lodged Nuova (New Force) and its apologized for “having hurt said Parisella, who directs
older are fully vaccinated. or backed by leftist, popu- Rome leader. Also jailed are a the feelings” of Jews. Rome’s Liberation Museum.
list and centrist parties this founder of the now-defunct
Incited by the political ex- week urging the government extreme-right militant group In the first round of mu- “The hostility toward the
treme right at the rally, thou- to outlaw Forza Nuova, the Armed Revolutionaries Nu- nicipal balloting in Rome, (Green) pass, the aversion to
sands marched through the extreme-right party whose clei, which terrorized Italy Rachele Mussolini, a grand- the vaccine” are something
Italian capital on Saturday leaders encouraged the attack in the 1980s, and a restaura- daughter of the dictator, won that “the post-fascist right
and hundreds rampaged on the union office. teur from northern Italy who the highest number of votes well knows how to utilize,″
their way through the head- defied a national lockdown for a council post. Donatella Di Cesare, a Rome
quarters of the left-leaning On Monday, upon the or- early in the COVID-19 pan- university philosophy profes-
CGIL labor union. Police ders of Rome prosecutors, demic. On Wednesday, speaking in sor, wrote on the front page
foiled their repeated attempts Italy’s telecommunications Parliament, Meloni distanced of the La Stampa newspaper.
Spain evacuates 160 more Afghans via Pakistan
(AP) — Spain’s defense Spain launched the mission operation in August when it month to ask for their assis-
ministry has completed to evacuate workers who pulled out about 2,200 Span- Spanish Foreign Affairs Min- tance in extracting more Af-
the evacuation of another hadn’t been able to leave Af- iards and Afghans via Kabul’s ister José Albares visited ghan workers.
160 Afghans who had ini- ghanistan during the airlift airport. both Pakistan and Qatar last
tially been left behind fol-
lowing the Taliban take-
over of Afghanistan.
The new group joins the 83
people Spain flew into an air
base near Madrid on Mon-
The defense ministry said
that the mission was able to
extract the Afghan work-
ers and families via Pakistan
before they were flown to